Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Carmen Rezendes’s Spring Break: Is This a True Story?
Is this a true story? The passage I read called â€Å"Spring Break†by Carmen Resends states a lot of dramatic events in the story in detail. This could be a true story because of how detailed and on point the author is when she describes her experience. Resends tells the exact date of when the experience happened, â€Å"March 21, 2007†she stated. She is pretty much telling the reader that she will never forget this date cause of the events that happened In the canyon.When the she knew she was not on the correct trail anymore I could only Imagine what she felt like because that feeling when you know you messed up Is one of the worst feelings In the world. When your staring death In the face, I feel Like you need to find some way to survive as any means necessary. Resends stated in the ninth paragraph that if she kept shivering she knew she was going to be okay even though hypothermia plays a big factor. I love how she did not give up on herself. When you set your mind to omitting, in this case which is â€Å"survive†and reach the road.Once that registers in your mind you will be fine and she was. Nominal 2 In conclusion, people could look at her experience as a fiction or real. I feel like It Is real because of how detailed she is making the canyon and all the events sound Like she was actually there even If there Is a chance she was not. I believe she was because she out on exact date and how she handled herself during the experience. Carmen Responder's Spring Break: Is This a True Story? By salvageable cause of the events that happened in the canyon.When the she knew she was not on the correct trail anymore I could only imagine what she felt like because that feeling when you know you messed up is one of the worst feelings in the world. When your staring death in the face, I feel like you need to find some way to In conclusion, people could look at her experience as a fiction or real. I feel like it is real because of how detailed she i s making the canyon and all the events sound like she was actually there even if there is a chance she was not. I believe she was
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Bookish Knowledge Vs Knowledge By Experience
Writing an essay on the topic †Not everything that is learned is contained in books.†Compare and Contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important.? And Why? Explain with some real examples.By Payal Gupta (blog: is an old cliche that experience is a good teacher as compared to books. I agree with it. It can be a question of dilemma whether to prefer books or experience as a good source of knowledge. No doubt books explain us the concepts about any new theory. It introduces us to the new things and enhances our knowledge but in real world, things are different.Our surroundings is an external environment on which we have no control. Working in changing environments gives us experience, an another kind of knowledge which helps us to face real world scenarios. Both books and experience are two channels of knowledge and in my point of view, knowledge gained from real w orld experience is far more important than pedantic knowledge.Firstly, I want to quote my own personal experience to prove my perspective. During my MBA training, I took NCFM Financial Markets module. I had no deep prior knowledge about financial markets. I considered NSE booklet a source for gaining knowledge about markets different terminology and the whole process. But when I had undergone three days training in a Max Growth brokerage firm during training period, the real world came in front of me.Persons working there have only practical knowledge with them and they have no concern with what is written in books. My bookish knowledge proved wrong there. For instance, I asked them whether they give 2.5% commission to agents, they replied to me, in reality, it does not exceed 0.5%. There are many other things which I learnt there and they are nowhere in books. Means my certificate do not provide me the skill to work in any brokerage firm unless I have practical exposure to stock ex change working.This is my own case and it is reality. We cannot ignore this. This is the reason why recruiters prefer experienced persons for their company. The significance of experience attaches to us at a very young age. We start experiencing success and failure while playing in the playground with friends. This victory and failure makes the child mentally stiff and gives her power to face failure and to handle victory. Further, playing in a playground unconsciously checks child ability to make strategies to ensure her success. The child also learns to be socialized there by making new friends.In this context, another example we can take of personal finance. Making budgets, to organize income and expenses, to manage funds by foreseeing future goals are such topics which can be learnt only through practical exposure. In my MBA, Personal finance is a different subject, it is not just a topic in a book. My teachers taught this subject without any book. We refer to ET Wealth newsp aper, current economy and business news, reading case studies of families who managed their finances well. Books can teach us some formulae and tools to manage finances but all is futile till we apply it to our real life. Managing funds is an important concept in our day to day life and this can be learnt only through experience.Concluding, no doubt books are ubiquitous source of knowledge but its knowledge is constrained to certain conditions and environment. Bookish knowledge is based on assumptions but real world do not take into account any assumption. It follows the law of change. Experience on other hand develops the person mentally and socially which otherwise ensures her survival in the world.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Androids History
Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or through online stores such as Google Play (formerly Android Market), the app store run by Google. In June 2012, there were more than 600,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play was 20 billion. Android became the world’s leading smart phone platform at the end of 2010. For the first quarter of 2012, Android had a 59% smart phone market share worldwide. At the half of 2012, there were 400 million devices activated and 1 million activations per day. Analysts point to the advantage to Android of being a multi-channel, multi-carrier OS. HISTORY: Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October 2003 by Andy Rubin,Rich Miner Nick Sears and Chris White to develop. Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. VERSION HISTORY: Android has been updated frequently since the original release of Astro, with each fixing bugs and adding new features. Each version after Astro and Bender is named in alphabetical order. List of Android version code names: ? Android consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel 2. 6, with middleware, libraries and APIs written in C and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation. The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM architecture
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Behavior - Essay Example This increases my ability to decide better things for myself. Thus, I have this ability now to always certain about my decision to where I am heading with my life in the future. Before I usually tried to think of things far from what really happened. As a result, it made no sense at all and it made me unable to grasp the whole picture of reality. Thus, it made me become shallow minded about my future for I lacked enthusiasm on things to come in my life. I think of things sometimes that are far beyond the reality, especially such as giving false mistakes for others which based entirely on a created personal bad thoughts alone. As a result, it put me into practice of giving poor trust to others. Worst, I would misjudge others based only on my one-sided thoughts. I realize that this is unhealthy and so I was able to refrain from entertaining bad thoughts. At work, my responsibility is to discover new things for the benefits of the company. Sometimes I failed to consider possibilities and it would always send me to moments of being unproductive by not discovering something new. Thus, there are times when I end up having no positive feedback for an innovative idea that might be essential for the company. A friend revealed that she hates the idea of being thought of what to do. She hates it especially most of the time because she simply just does not want to be told about what to do. However, she admitted that it brought no positive impact on her life. In most of the time now, she does not find any level of willingness to learn for there is clear low level of enthusiasm for it. As an effect, it usually took time for her to learn. Worst, she usually hates to think and just want to make things go as they are and free from her full control. I learned from a friend who is married and have a child. His wife seems not willing to be serious about giving good examples for their children. According to him, it seems it may not be her priority in the
INTER-BASIN WATER TRANSFERS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
INTER-BASIN WATER TRANSFERS - Research Paper Example Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in south Eastern Europe on the western Balkan region. It has a total surface area of 51209 km squared of which land accounts for 51197 km squared and sea accounts for 12.2 km squared (Omeragic, 2009). The longest river is called Drina which is 346 km long and the largest lake being Busko Blato which is 55.8 km squared. Hydrological resources include; 20000 km of rivers and brooks (Drina, Sava, Bosna, Vrbas, and Una) 400 ha of lakes (Busko, Blato, Visegradsko, Jablanicko, and modrac’ Busko Blato is the largest lake in Bosnia) 1400 ha of seacoast. The country is divided into eight basic river basins, which belong to Danube river basin, Sava River and its tributaries, Una River with Korana and Glina, Vrbas, Bosna and Drina (Hudson 2009). All the water in this country is managed by three water management companies; public enterprise of the Sava river basin, Directorate for water located in Bijeljina and Public enterprise for the Adriatic Sea basin (Jovancic, 2008). Water demand in this country is high as it is used for different purposes like irrigation, fishing, domestic purposes, industrial purposes, commercial purposes and so on. Fishing and fish farming is a popular economic activity in Bosnia and a lot of the water there is used for fish farming. Marine aquaculture is also carried out in Bosnia using cages located in the Adriatic Sea at Neum (Omeragic, 2009). Water is used for agricultural purposes like irrigation where water is directed to farms from water source for farming and other irrigation purposes. Water is supplied from a number of sources like; lakes, rivers, dams, sea basins, water reservoirs, Examples include; Black sea basin, Sava river, Black and Adriatic seas and neretva and Trebincjica water reservoirs. Water stress is related to the overusing of water in relation to the general population whereby if the population is large and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Understanding Organisation Theory and Practice Essay
Understanding Organisation Theory and Practice - Essay Example This article stresses that contingency theory has been widely employed by companies such as those in the airline industry to streamline their operations and also respond to adversities that stem from the companies’ in internal and external environment. Globalisation and evolution of technology has consequently led to the exposure of organisations inclusive of the airline companies to environments that are volatile since the environment has been significantly expanded. The airline industry in comparison to other industries has been exposed to impacts of the business environment such as the economic, political, technological, and socio-cultural factors which has increased due to multi-national exposure. This paper makes a conclusion that Qantas and Virgin airlines have often applied the contingency theory with the aim of not only dealing with the implications of their internal and external environment but also to gain competitive advantage over other companies in the same industry. †¢ Due to the competitive nature of the airline industry in Australia and beyond the borders, the management of Qantas and Virgin should focus on other management approaches that can maximize their bottom line besides the contingency theory. Some of the management approaches that have proved significant in organisations are the system theory and chaos theory. The system theory will enable the management of the airlines to comprehend how the employees are affected by different systems and they also affect the system that surrounds them.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Integrated marketing communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Integrated marketing communication - Assignment Example She also needs to know whether the products and brand are too expensive or whether some are too cheap that they appear not to be of good quality. Such information can be used to increase stocking of the products and brands in various joints, improve pricing and the quality of the products and brands. The types of data the distributorship should collect about business customers include the information on how many business customers, for instance restaurants and drinking establishments, prominently display her products, whether the business customers give her products a good, fair or poor shelf space in off-sale outlets or whether they stock it at all. She can use this information to build a bond with the business customers to help increase the sales of Aheuser-Busch brands. This information can also be used to create a new link with business customers that do not stock Aheuser-Busch brands in their shelves to make them start selling the brand. It can also help her convince the business customers to give a good or fair shelf space in off-sale outlets by coming to an agreeable business terms with them (Clow & Baack, 2012). The distributorship can build frequency or loyalty program in the area. In this scenario, effective frequency will work rather than loyalty because there are many competitors and building loyalty would be difficult. A frequency will work in the sense that the distributorship will advertise the brand over a period of time in a platform of choice before a response is made. The distributorship can do this after collecting data on individual customers and business customers. The brand is not popular like other brands like Heineken and frequency will advertise the brand more. The sales approach that should be used for various businesses by the sales staff that sells Anheuser-Busch products is the networker approach. This approach is where the sales
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Social Contract Theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Essay
Social Contract Theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke - Essay Example Thus, in a social contract to which they voluntarily consented, they created the state for the purpose of promoting and preserving their natural rights to life, liberty and property. It was John Locke who painted a picture of liberty of citizens and authority of government in tones which were far moderate than that of Thomas Hobbes. Men in a state of nature could make use of their perfect freedom for their own good, since they were reasonable men. To John Locke, men did not abuse their Liberty. They did not threaten the lives of their neighbors. He wrote: Though this is a state of liberty, yet it is not a state of license. The state of nature of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law that teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent; no one has a right to harm another in his life, health, liberty of possessions. 1 Locke's social contract favored men quitting the state of nature to form themselves into a civil society. In this society men instituted the state where a social contract or covenant was formulated between citizens and government, a trustee which they could dismiss if it did not maintain the freedom and equality that men originally knew and enjoyed. In other words, when government no longer served the citizens' interests and welfare, it might be resisted or overthrown. Why, because government had violated its obligations under the social contract to the extent that it had broken it. What were these obligations The government as trustee had to protect and preserve people's rights, especially natural rights as explained above. Otherwise, the contractual agreement which was the basis of government's existence would be without substance and meaning. Locke asserted that men should retain their natural rights in civil society and that political powers or sovereignty should not be assigned to the monarch, but to the people's representatives in parliament who should be supreme. In Locke's view, the legislative power could never be arbitrary, since under the doctrine of popular sovereignty, the people had the supreme power to change, through peaceful election or revolution, their representatives in the parliament whenever such representatives acted contrary to the trust reposed in them. Locke's social contract puts in perspective the parliamentary democracy of limited government that many states have today, which stresses the protection and promotion of individual rights to life, liberty and property. Locke's reason for favoring a civil government to impose upon man some restrictions of government authority was that men after all were not impartial judges of their friends' shortcomings. He admitted that human frailties could lead to abuse of power. 2 Popular sovereignty is supreme authority of the state which resides in the people. This authority means that the people are the ultimate source of power and so they possess coercive power to control government through which they allow themselves to be governed. It was said that sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them. This view is embodied in Locke's theory of popular sovereignty in which the citizens have the vested right and power to choose their representat
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Legal Liability of Air Traffic Controllers Essay
The Legal Liability of Air Traffic Controllers - Essay Example To determine this, they used black box information, traffic cams, computer simulations and the voice of the pilot himself, who died in the crash attributed the accident to such diverse causes and engine failure, flaws in composite materials and terrorism.[2] After 3 years of investigation the NTSB attributed the catastrophe to structural damage caused or exacerbated by wake turbulence with black box information and the voice of the pilot himself, who died in the crash, confirming this. The first statement made on the cockpit voice recorder ,disclosed by the FTSB, was a reference by the pilot to the distance between him and the plane in front of him, a Japan Airlines Boeing747 which had taken off less than 2 minutes before him, responding to the air traffic controllers concerns about wake turbulence. Lift is generated by a difference of pressure over the surface of the wing. The lower pressure happens above the wing surface while the higher pressure is underneath. This differential causes the air to roll off the wings and trail down from the tips, forming two vortices like tornadoes, rotating out in different directions. Like the wake of a ship, two vessels that pass each other have observable wave action. Boats do it, and so do planes. When one plane passes too closely to another it encounters the wake of air waves. You can't see it, but you feel it. A plane with a lesser wing span looses it mirrored directions, like the wake of a ship. Two vessels that pass each other have observable wave action. Boats do it, and so do planes. When one plane passes too closely to another it encounters the wake of air waves. You can't see it, but you feel it. A plane with a lesser wing span loses its righting moment. Displaced air has some semblance of predictable movement, however; like water, that motion is highly fluid, being influenced by many factors. Such turbulence compromises the ability of pilots to control aircraft, navigators to direct it and the safety of passengers in planes. The range of an airborne wake from a large plane is less than 5 miles.[4] The pilot acknowledged the concern of the ATCO on the radio. It states in the Federal Aviation Regulations Sec. 91.3a - Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command. "The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft." According to the pilot's CVR statement there was going be a lot of time between him and that Boeing 747 out in front. He wasn't doing anything wrong. He was just a little closer to the scheduled time of departure. In the immediate post 9/11 context, with altered airport security procedures, this was relevant. The full text of the CVR was not published judgment there was going be a lot of time between him and that Boeing 747 out in front. He wasn't doing anything wrong. He was just a little closer to the scheduled time of departure. Two minutes later he was dead. While specific aircraft regulations can hold blameless the owners of aircraft, (see49 USC 44112 (formerly 49 USC 1404)), the law of torts still allows for the suit of companies on the basis of negligence. AFCO's are responsible for the safe routing of planes within their district during their scheduled assignments, they are not responsible for t
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Does Culture Evolve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Does Culture Evolve - Essay Example In White’s opinion, human civilization has always attempted to the control over nature through culture. According to White’s perspective on the evolution of culture, the more a culture is able to harness energy from nature using efficient technology, the more evolved a culture becomes. From his point of view, both energy and technology play major roles by bringing about a much better evolvement of ideology and social organization of culture. In his article Eric Wolf, looks at culture from a very different angle when compared to White’s perspective. According to Wolf, culture evolved and progressed through trade and commerce. Wolf explains how traders traveled across the rivers and carried on fur trade along the coasts. Due to the increase in trade, there was great development in different kinds of transport which was so necessary to carry on trade across different borders. During the 18th century, traders made use of Native American middle men to deliver their pr oducts but gradually trade took on a whole new dimension by becoming more organized and sophisticated. Gradually, traders got rid of the middle men and carried on the business directly with the primary producer.
Free Will vs. Determinism Essay PHI/105 August 2010 Week 1 – Checkpoint 1 Arguments and Logic Free Will VS Determinism Free Will and Determinism are two separate beliefs, contradicting one another. Determinism is the idea that all matter in this known universe is created for a specific purpose; a specific action. Therefore, the behavior of all atoms are governed by their physical law; their purpose. Free Will is simply defined as humans having free will. Humans have the ability to choose their next action, thereby choosing their path to their future. In the excerpt given these two beliefs are in contradiction with one another and therefore cannot exist. One must believe in a single belief, not both. The arguments given for Determinism is that whatever an atom does, it must do in a given circumstance. By laws of nature and physics, it must behave in a specific manner. Following this argument, an atom must behave in manner â€Å"A†when in circumstance â€Å"Z†; therefore, if present in circumstance â€Å"Z,†the atom must behave in manner â€Å"A†in accordance with its physical laws. A behavior as a result of free will; however, is an event that did not have to happen, thereby contradicting the argument for Determinism. Free Will is an event that is the direct result of my actions because of my choices. Therefore, if an event were to occur as a result of Free Will, this event did not have to happen. For example, let us imagine that I am walking along a path and I choose, of my own free will, to pick up a rock and throw it. I could easily have chosen not to throw the rock; therefore, when I threw the rock, the atoms in my arm did not have to move even if this situation. Given this example, we will assume that Free Will is the correct belief, thus illustrating that it is not true that an atom must have done what it did, given the situation. If Determinism is true, then my arm would have moved and the rock been thrown, regardless of my choices and actions. The arguments for these beliefs seem logical in the fact that Determinism is relating to science and physics to illustrate the structure and behavior of atoms; the core component to all known matter. This argument provides a solid base for the Determinism belief, explaining that everything is preordained by its physical properties, and the Free Will is an illusion. Free Will, on the other hand, is given no scientific argument and is more common sense based in its belief. Free Wills argument is not to illustrate that it is true, but to show that Determinism is not true. While the arguments for both beliefs seem valid, I found there to be more weaknesss is the Determinisms logic. To say that all matter has a given physical law is correct and that is must behave in its intended manner. Atoms that compose the chemical makeup of fire will in fact burn you if too close; this is what fire does. The weakness in the Determinisms argument is saying that because you were burned, the atoms in that fire were designed to burn you. Nature has a set of principles in place. Gravity causes object to fall towards its pull, and the movement of two objects against one another creates heat the form of friction. These events are localized in their behavior, but not preordained. A rock that is thrown will glide through the air and descend towards earth again. My arm can throw a rock, or remain at my side. The atoms of the rock, make it a rock, but do not make it fly. The atoms in my arm are what bind muscles, bone, and skin, and make it my arm, but they do not make my arm throw the rock. Determinism is true to an extent, as is Free Will. Each of them play a part in our world. If I wish to throw a rock at a window, and not break the glass, my will alone is not enough to make it so. Determinism will then take over and act accordingly to the density of the glass, and the velocity of the rock. Both beliefs exist together, working together.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Oedipus Fate and Outline Paper Essay Example for Free
Oedipus Fate and Outline Paper Essay The play Oedipus the King, translated by Robert Fagles, is a story of drama and tragedy. Oedipus’ pride and morals cause him to take fate into his own hands and it ends up blowing up in his face. He was abandoned as a baby and was raised by the king and queen of Corinth. When he reached manhood, he was informed by an oracle that he would one day kill his father and marry his mother. He left Corinth forever and along his way he came to cart carrying his real father. Out of rage, he killed everyone including his father. In Thebes, he defeated the Sphinx. His reward was kingship and the dead king’s wife, his mother. Oedipus tried to change his future but eventually fate caught up with him. Oedipus, as a king, was both caring and conceited. He talked as though everyone should know his name but at the same time worked to solve the illness that plagued his people. As an investigator, he was harsh, determined, and at times mean to the ones that he interrogated. As a husband and father, he was loving and caring, and as an arch-criminal, he was humble and accepting. His most predominant characteristic is being moral. He ran when he was told that he destined to kill his father and marry his mother. He gouged his eyes out when he found out that he was married to his mother and fathered her children. The characteristics that soften his as being moral were that he was prideful and determined. His pride and determination caused the events of his life to be brought to light and made him look unmoral. His personality causes him to continue with the investigation because he is prideful, determined, and in denial. His determination drives him to push the investigation into who killed King Laius. His pride keeps him from being the royal scapegoat when asked to be. His denial that he actually killed his father, married his mother, and fathered her children kept him investigating the death of King Laius. Eventually in the end he accepts his fate which he tried to avoid for a long time. He accepted his fate which was a humble and noble act by a king. That’s what makes his act the greatest act of kingship of all. He sacrificed himself for the betterment of his people knowing that he had done wrong and needed to be punished. In this play, Oedipus tried so very hard to control his own fate from the time he reached manhood to when it caught up to him. His fate caught up with him. Everything he didn’t want to become and tried to avoid came true in the end. It was a tragic ending for a man who tried so hard not be who ended up being. Oedipus Fate Outline Thesis: Oedipus the King tries to take fate into his own hands and it backfires. I. Discuss the character Oedipus as king, investigator, husband, father, and arch-criminal A. King is caring, investigator he is determined, as a husband and father he is loving, and as an arch-criminal he is reluctant to give up power II. What seems to be his predominant characteristic A. the King’s predominant characteristic is that he moral III. Under what circumstances does he exhibit this characteristic A. He feels for his people and tries to find a cure for them to heal their suffering IV. What additional characteristics does he have that soften this predominant characteristic A. Pride and Determination, they were the down fall of Oedipus V. How does his personality essentially force him to first begin his investigation A. He is caring and determined to find a cure for his people, which turned into an investigation into who killed King Laius VI. In what way is this final acceptance perhaps the greatest act of kingship of all, thus showing forth his arà ªte in the best light possible A.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Mechanisms of Adsorption of Aormatic Nitrogen Compounds
Mechanisms of Adsorption of Aormatic Nitrogen Compounds MECHANISMS OF ADSORPTION OF AORMATIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS AND AROMATIC COMPOUNDS ON METAL-ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS (MOFs) by JUN DAI Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) constitute a class of novel porous materials which have attracted significant interest due to their application in separation, storage, catalyst and sensing. Large surface area and porous cavity make MOFs excellent absorbents with huge uptake capacity. In this paper, we studied adsorption mechanisms of adsorption of indole and naphthalene on Basolite F300, Basolite A100 and MIL-100 (Fe) by two complementary spectroscopic methods. Fluorescence spectroscopy and near-UV/Visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy study demonstrate that naphthalene is quantum confined within the mesoporous cavity in F300. On the other hand, indole is weakly electronically bound to Fe (III) CUS in F300 and forms adsorption complex with F300. Direct spectroscopic proof of adsorption complex is provided by near-UV/Visible spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. Quenching of ligand-based fluorescence of A100 by indole is suggested and we propose adsorption of indole and napht halene onto A100 via À-À interaction, spectroscopic proof is provided by fluorescence spectroscopy. Table of Contents Title Abstract Acknowledgements and Dedication Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) 1.2 Clean Fossil Fuels 1.3 Nitrogen Aromatic Compounds in Fossil fuels 1.4 Aromatic Compounds in Fossil Fuels 1.5 Methods of Denitrogenation 1.5.1 Microbial Denitrogenation 1.5.2 Hydrodenigrogenation (HDN) 1.5.3 Adsorptive Denitrogenation (ADN) 1.6 Activation of Open Metal Sites of Metal-Organic Frameworks 1.7 Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds and Aromatic N-heterocyclic Compounds on mesoporous MOFs with CUS: MIL-100 (Fe) and F300 1.8 Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds and Aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds on microporous MOFs without CUS: MIL-53 and A100 1.9 Research Objective 2 Experimental 2.1 Metal Organic Frameworks 2.2 Solvents, Aromatic compounds and N-containing compounds 2.3 Activation and Hydration of Metal-organic frameworks 2.4 Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2.5 Near UV-Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (near UV-Vis DRS) 2.6 Model Fuels 2.7 Solid Mixture of Aromatic and Aromatic N-hetrocyclic compounds with MOFs 2.8 Stoichiometric adsorption complex of F300 and naphthalene in eicosane matrix 2.9 Kinetic adsorption of liquid indole on Basolite F300 (FeBTC) in liquid phase 2.10 Stoichiometric adsorption complexes of indole/naphthalene with MOFs 2.11 UV radiation 3 Results 3.1 Spectroscopic Studies of adsorption of naphthalene and indole on mesoporous F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) with CUS 3.1.1 Solid Mixtures of MOFs and organic aromatic compounds 3.1.2 Fluorescence spectrum of pure naphthalene List of Figures Figure 1: Structure of MIL-100 (Fe) (see as S1 in supplementary) Figure 2: Structure of MIL-53 (Al) (see as S2 in supplementary) Figure 3: Common nitrogen compounds existing in fossil fuels Figure 4: Pathways for the transformation of quinoline Figure 5: Fluorescence spectrum of (A) 0.08 M liquid solution of naphthalene (NAP) in n-heptane, ÃŽ »exc = 280 nm, bandwidth: Exc. Slit 5 nm/Emi. Slit 5nm. (B) 0.08 M liquid solution of NAP in n-heptane with multi-Gaussian curve fitting Figure 6: Fluorescence spectrum of (A) pure naphthalene (NAP) ÃŽ »exc = 280 nm, bandwidth: Exc. Slit 5 nm/Emi. Slit 5nm (B) pure NAP with multi-Gaussian curve fitting List of Tables Table 1: MOFs used in this research and structure information Table 2: Physical property of common nitrogen aromatic compounds existing in fossil fuels 1 Introduction 1.1 Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Porous materials are well studied and widely used in science and engineering industry. Recently, a novel kind of porous material ‘Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)’ has emerged as potential competitor. MOFs are crystalline hybrid inorganic-organic porous solid formed by chemical metal-linker bounding1. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) constitute a class of novel porous materials which have attracted significant interest due to their application in separation, storage, catalyst and sensing. The use of MOF as stationary phase in high resolution GC separation of aromatic hydrocarbons has also gained significant attention2. In comparison with adsorption on the MOFs in gas phase which has been well studied and understood, adsorption on the MOFs in liquid phase is much less known. MOFs have extremely large surface area and porous cavity, which make them excellent adsorbents with huge uptake capacity. As a class of coordination compound repeated by metal or metal clusters as SBUs (second building units) and organic linkers, the cavity ranged between that of Zeolite and mesoporous silica3. Regarding the structures, variety of MOFs can display either 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional structures depend on different organic linkers. It is also indicated by J. R. Karra and K. S. Walton that the relation between pore size and guest molecule size plays an essential role in the adsorption4. The MOFs being investigated in this research are mesoporous and microporous MOFs. For mesoporous MOFs the pore size can vary from 2 nm to 50 nm, while for microporous MOFs the pore size is less than 2nm. Pore size can be a key in adsorption on MOFs due to micropore filling mechanism2, which suggests adsorption capacity depends on molecular cross-sectional area rather than minimum diameter. MOFs are structurally stable under ambient environment. It is reported by many authors that MOFs remain stable under increased temperature and under oxygen. In this research, our investigation mos tly focuses on several common MOFS, and their commercial names are Basolite C300, Basolite F300, Basolite A100 and MIL-100 (Fe) (MIL=Materials of Institute Lavoisier). All Basolite C300, Basolite F300 and Basolite A100 are bought commercially, and MIL-100 (Fe) is made with the collaboration of Dr. Jing Li from Rutgers – New Brunswick. Table 1 shows the basic physical information of the MOFs used in this research. Table 1: MOFs used in this research and structure information MOFs/formula Surface area/m2g-1 Pore dimension/Ã… Pore dimension Ref. BET Basolite F300 1300~1600 21.7 3D Sigma-Aldrich,5 Basolite A100 1100~1500 7.37.7 1D Sigma-Aldrich, MIL-100 (Fe) 2200 25, 29 3D 5 MIL-100 family MIL-100(M) (M=Cr, Fe, Al) refers to a family of mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks built up from metal clusters and benzene-1, 3, 5-tricarboxylic (BTC) linkers. These MOFs possess large surface area and have recently attracted tremendous attention for applications in adsorption and separation due to the coordinated unsaturated sites (CUS) which can provide chance for Lewis acid-base interaction between guest molecules and metal ions or metal clusters. In Metal-organic frameworks, metal sites (SBUs) are coordinated with organic linkers. Open metal sites (CUS) may be available on these SBUs. CUS are very important in gas storage, separation, sensing, catalysts, and even biological systems6. Considerable amount of research on the adsorption of small molecules have been done recently. Evidence has shown open metal sites have essential influence on adsorption property in MOFs. It is reported that open Cu2+ metal sites in HKUST-1 contribute significantly to the high acetylene storage capa city7. Moreover, MOFs with CUS such as HKUST-1 are used in chromatography separation due to its specific feature to distinguish strongly and weakly electron donating analytes8. In additional, MIL-100 (Fe3+, Cr3+, Al3+) has been shown to have strong preference to adsorb N-heterocyclic compounds (Lewis base) in mixtures910. Hence, open metal sites can be potential Lewis acid sites, the possible interactions between guest molecules and open metal sites will be examined and discussed in this paper. In our research, MIL-100 (Fe) will be used to investigate the adsorption mechanisms between guest molecules such as indole or naphthalene and sorbent MOFs. Besides MIL-100, there is a commercially made MOF named Basolite F300, which has a similar chemical composition. Both Basolite F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) are built up by Iron and BTC linkers. However, due to the poor crystallinity, the actual structure of F300 is still not known at this time. Difference in iron content and carbon content in F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) is shown by D. Amarajothi and his co-workers5. The iron mass content in F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) are respectively 25% and 21%. The carbon mass content in F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) are respectively 32% and 29%. Pore dimension in F300 and MIL-100 (Fe) are respectively 21.7 Ã… and 25/29 Ã…. Structure of MIL-100 (Fe) is shown below: Figure 1: Structure of MIL-100 (Fe) (see as S1 in supplementary) MIL-53 family There are many types of MOFs that undergo hydrolysis, while there are other MOFs that remain stable within water. Water stable MOFs start to showing potential applications in drug delivery and imaging11. Many MOFs containing Al as metal sites and amino acids as organic linkers are stable in aqueous solution, and it is also possible to synthesize them in aqueous environment12. MIL-53(M) (M= metal as Al13, Cr14, Fe15, In16, Sc17) is a common family of microporous MOFs and has excellent water stability. Figure 2: Structure of MIL-53 (Al) (see as S2 in supplementary) The one dimensional pore structure of MIL-53(Al) is built by chains of corner-sharing octahedra aluminum clusters AlO4(OH)2 and anion form of benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid (BDC) as organic linkers connecting infinite numbers of metal clusters. MIL-53 (Al) has rhombic channels which have dimension of 7.3 x 7.7 Ã…. A huge Langmuir surface area of 1600 m2/g makes MIL-53 (Al) an efficient adsorbent. MIL-53 (Al) has extraordinary thermal stability up to 773 K. It is believed that the structure of MIL-53 (Al) undergoes a reversible structural change during process of adsorbing/desorbing water molecules, and is described as ‘breathing’13. The so-called ‘breathing’ process interchanges between large-pore (lp) form (Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]) and narrow-pore (np) form (Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]H2O) 13. The lp form has a dimension of 8.5 x 8.5 Ã… and is obtained when activated upon high temperature and under high vacuum, which takes away excess free BDC acids, oxygen and water trapped in the cavity during synthesis. The lp form is capable of adsorbing water molecules in vapor at room temperature, as a result, the MIL-53 (Al) shifts to its’ np form. As shown in the formula, the np form contains one trapped water molecule every unit or cavity. Hydrogen bonds are found to form between carboxylic groups on the linkers and adsorbed water molecules. Due to this ‘breathing’ feature, applications on selective adsorption of various compounds in gas phase have already gained interest and being reported14. The np form of hydrated MIL-53 (Cr) is able to selectively adsorb CO2 in presence of CH4 in gas phase. Upon adsorption of CO2 but not CH4, MIL-53 (Cr) returns to its lp form with an increased cavity volume of 1522.5 Ã…3 from np volume of 1012.8 Ã…3. In our research, we used Basolite A100 MOF from the BASF, which is commercially available and is equivalent to MIL-53 (Al). Similarly, A100 is build up with AlO4(OH)2 octahedral clusters connecting by BDC linkers, and gives a surface area of 1084 m2/g and pore volume of 0.51 cm3/g as determined by N2 physical-adsorption at 77 K. Additionally, XRD pattern of A100 is proved to resemble that of MIL-53 (Al)18. G. Blanco-Brieva and his co-workers have studied adsorptive removal of aromatic sulfur compounds from model liquid fuels on thermally activated A10019. 1.2 Clean Fossil Fuels Combustion of sulfur and nitrogen containing compounds in fossil fuels will bring adverse effect to public health, environment and economy. It is widely recognized that nitrogen compounds are normally carcinogenic and mutagenic. Separation of heterocyclic compounds from petro-chemical feedstock has become an urgent application leading to clean liquid fossil fuels. Fossil fuel is a primary source of energy on the earth, the intensive use of fossil fuels has raised environmental concerns. Beginning in 2006, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began an ambitious program aiming to reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuels. As of July 11, 2010, the EPA required that the concentration of sulfur content in diesel fuels not exceed 15 ppm20. For certain ultra-clean gasoline, diesel fuels and jet fuels, sulfur level needs to be lower than 1 ppm21. Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of diesel fuel has become an essential research interest, while the presence of nitrogen compounds in middle-distil late oil inhibits the ultra-deep hydrodesulfurization22232425. In HDS, sulfur compounds are hydrogenated to hydrocarbons and H2S over catalyst such as Zeolites9. However, the nitrogen aromatic compounds in crude oil are found to compete for the active sites on these catalysts to inhibit a deep HDS26,27. This gives rise to the necessity for denitrogenation in fossil fuels. Moreover, the combustion of nitrogen compounds in petroleum leads to the formation of NOx oxides, which is a group of highly reactive and persistent species and contributes directly to acid rain and greenhouse effect. The life time of NOx oxides in atmosphere is 120 years before being removed or destroyed through chemical reactions. The impact of 1 pound of NO x on warming the atmosphere is over 300 times that of 1 pound of carbon dioxide. EPA first set standards for NO2 in 1971, setting both a primary standard (to protect health) and a secondary standard (to protect the public welfare) at 0.053 parts per million (53 ppb), averaged annually28. Also the presence of nitrogen aromatic compounds in fossil fuels can lead to poisoning of refining catalyst, which will eventually cause a decrease in yield. Thus, denitrogenation is necessary for deep desulfurization and has drawn significant interest around the world due to the increasingly rigid regulations and fuel specifications in many countries. 1.3 Nitrogen Aromatic Compounds in Fossil fuels Fossil fuels are naturally-formed fuel that contains significant level of heterocyclic aromatic contaminants. There are some representative sulfur aromatic compounds such as benzothiophene (BT) and dibenzothiophene (DBT), representative nitrogen aromatic compounds such as indole and quinoline. Nitrogen aromatic compounds content in crude oil averages around 0.3%. Although the concentration of nitrogen compounds in crude oil is relatively low, the concentration turns out to be higher throughout the petroleum distillation process. Common nitrogen aromatic compounds in fossil fuels are shown in Figure 1.129 and physical properties of nitrogen aromatic compounds investigated in this research is shown in Table 2. Nitrogen aromatic compounds in fossil fuels fall into two classes. One is non-basic nitrogen compounds including indole and pyrrole due to the fact that the extra pair of electrons on N is contributed to the À electron cloud and is not available for interaction with acids. While the other class is basic nitrogen compounds such as pyridine, quinoline and their derivatives, in which the lone pair of electrons on N is available as an electron donor. Indole is one of the most common nitrogen compounds in fossil fuels, and it has been broadly studied. And we choose indole in our research due to the fact that indole is a weakly basic N-containing compound, which means it has a potential of selective adsorption against aromatic compounds and desorption is possible and reasonably convenient. Figure 3: Common nitrogen compounds existing in fossil fuels Table 2: Physical property of common nitrogen aromatic compounds existing in fossil fuels Compounds Formula Melting Point, ÃÅ'Ã… C Density, g/cm3 Dipole moment, D Acidity,pKa Maximum diameter, ÃÅ'Ã… A Indole C8H7N 52~54 1.17 2.11 16.2 6.9 Quinoline C9H7N -15 1.093 0 4.85 7.2 Isoquinoline C9H7N 26~28 1.099 0 5.14 7.2 1.4 Aromatic Compounds in Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels contain significant amount of hydrocarbons, most of them are aromatic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this research we choose naphthalene as representative aromatic compounds, and in order to investigate the adsorption mechanism we use fluorescence spectroscopy and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to investigate electronic interactions upon adsorption onto MOFs. Naphthalene is the most simple and common aromatic compounds in PAHs. And naphthalene is commonly produced in petroleum refining and is then separated from the petroleum. Purification and separation of these aromatic rings is of interest in chemical industry. Naphthalene has a molecular length of 7.2 Ã… (largest diameter determined by ChemDraw 3D) and is non-polar. 1.5 Methods of Denitrogenation Microbial Denitrogenation Microbial process is an alternative pathway for denitrogenation. Microorganisms are known to consume natural organic compounds and convert them into carbons and energy, and they are capable of metabolizing certain molecules including nitrogen compounds from fossil fuels. The degradation of quinoline is well-characterized, and the transformation pathways are elucidated by M. Benedik et al29 (shown in Figure 1. 5). The degradation of isoquinoline is less understood but 1-oxo-1,2-dihydroisoquinoline is suggested as initial oxygenated product30. According to the finding of Claus, G, indole is readily degraded via catechol or transformed directly into tryptophan30, while carbazole is relatively more difficult to be degraded. One possible degradation pathway31 beginning with angular dioxygenation has been proposed by Ouchiyama, N., which finally enters TCA cycle after conversion to catechol or tryptophan32. Mechanisms for the degradation of other nitrogen compounds such as pyridine, quinol ine, acridine and their derivatives are reviewed in detail by J. Kaiser33. Recent research in microbial denitrogenation has revealed a promising future for application in selective removal of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing petroleum. However, as a major mechanism for the removal and metabolism of organic compounds from the environment, its’ characterization of the enzymes involving in the pathways is still under research29. And it has not been widely applied to the industry yet. Figure 4: Pathways for the transformation of quinoline Hydrodenigrogenation (HDN) Hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) is usually used to remove nitrogen compounds in fossil fuels during the refinery process, and Co-Mo catalyst is normally involved in the process. However, the HDS process is accomplished by reacting with hydrogen at high temperature and high pressure. It is energy-intensive, hazardous and costly. Thus, significant amount of researches have been done on HDN in order to reach a goal of being economic and environmentally friendly. Adsorptive Denitrogenation (ADN) Another promising way to selectively remove the nitrogen compounds in fossil fuels is adsorption on a porous material, Activated carbon34353637, Zeolites38, HCL-loaded silica-aluminas39, ion-exchange resins40, meso-silicas41,42, Ti-HMSs43, microporous carbon44, activated aluminas45, Ni-based adsorbents45, and NiMOs46 have been used for ADN. While recently the use of MOF adsorbents has gained significant interest in adsorption and separation of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds in liquid phase due to its’ high capacity, high selectivity, economic importance and most importantly energy saving 47. Moreover, MOFs can even be recycled and effectively reduce the cost. Adsorptive separation via â€Å"adsorptive denitrogenation (AND)†is preferred over industrial catalytic HDN10. Specifically, selective adsorption of N-heterocyclic compounds48 in presence of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons in liquid phase49 is of interest, which is investigated in this research. 1.6 Activation of Open Metal Sites of Metal-Organic Frameworks Available CUS in MOFs is essential for the adsorption of Lewis basic compounds. Thus, to fully utilize the open metal sites in MOFs, activation is needed to evacuate the water molecules which are relatively weakly coordinated on these metals. Because MOFs are strongly adsorptive molecules, humidity can be crucial to the availability of open metal sites in MOFs. Specific treatment is necessary at certain temperature under vacuum in order to activate open metal sites. And protection of the sample against humidity is critical during experiments. Interestingly, it is discovered by K. Schlichte and his colleagues that upon activation the color of HKUST-1 would change from light cyan to dark navy50. This is confirmed by E. Borfecchia and his working group using UV-Vis, a red shift at LMCT edge and appearance of a shoulder in d-d band at around 600 nm in UV-Vis spectrum is observed and explained by the removal of water51. In addition to the activation of MOFs, partial reduction of MIL-100 (Fe) has been reported by H. Leclerc and his group52. Certain metal sites in MOF can be reduced, for example, Fe3+ in MIL-100 (Fe) can be reduced to Fe2+. According to their analysis of oxidation states via IR, outgassing at 423 K for 12 hour will give rise to a greater proportion of Fe2+ sites while minority of Fe3+ sites is reduced. However, outgassing at 523 K will result in that most Fe3+ sites are reduced. Fe3+ sites are more Lewis acidic sites than Fe2+, it is easier for Fe3+ to form coordination bond with nitrogen aromatics, which are good Lewis base. 1.7 Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds and Aromatic N-heterocyclic Compounds on mesoporous MOFs with CUS: MIL-100 (Fe) and F300 Although adsorption of small organic molecules on MOFs both in liquid phase and in vapor, such as toluene, benzene, xylene isomers2, etc., has been well studied in the recent years, to our knowledge the adsorption of fuse-ring aromatic hydrocarbons on MIL-100 in liquid phase has not been reported. M. Maes and his co-workers have reported adsorption of indole from heptane/toluene mixture solution on MIL-100 family9. Thus, mechanism of adsorption of aromatic compounds versus aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds on F300 has not been studied. According to many studies, the formation of complexes in liquid adsorption is usually assumed, but there is a lack of direct spectroscopic evidence. Adsorption of small aromatic ring compounds (benzene and p-xylene molecules) on MIL-101 has been published by K. Yang, et al2. Pore-size filling mechanism is discovered and discussed in this paper, indicating that pore-size and different substrate relates with molecular selectivity of organic compounds. Ho wever, the mechanism is still not understood. Fluorescence spectroscopy is a straightforward method for studying the adsorption mechanism between guest molecules and MOFs. Yet there are rarely papers studying characterization of adsorption of aromatic compounds in liquid or solid system by fluorescence spectroscopy. It is assumed based on fluorescence spectra that Lewis acid-base interaction promotes the adsorption of pyrene on Al2O3 from model fuel using octane as solvent53. While the fluorescence spectra was collected using a model sorbent aluminum chloride in methanol instead of actual Al2O3 in model fuel, spectroscopic characterization of adsorption complexes formed by MOFs and aromatic compounds or aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds by the fluorescence spectroscopy is still unknown to our knowledge. Another useful characterization method is near-UV/visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), which is excellent at detecting the variation or shift in electronic states on adsorption complexes forming by metal sites and guest molecules. The DRS was used to identify the interactions between aromatic amines and MOFs54 but it has not been used to explore the interactions between metal sites of MOFs and guest molecules as aromatic compounds or aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds. Thus, we aim to investigate the adsorption of large aromatic compounds on MOFs using two spectroscopic methods as fluorescence spectroscopy and near-UV/visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. 1.8 Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds and Aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds on microporous MOFs without CUS: MIL-53 and A100 M. Maes and his colleagues have studied the adsorption of indole and methyl-substituted indole present in model fuel (heptane/toluene at either 80 vol. %/20 vol. % or 20 vol. %/80 vol. % combination) at initial concentration of 0.15 M on thermally activated MIL-53 (Al)9. The amount of absorbed indole intensively dropped in model fuel with toluene, which indicates a possible competitive adsorption. While no data of adsorption capacity for indole and substituted indole on MIL-53 (Al) in n-alkane solvent was reported, not enough experimental evidence or computational evidence can be used to prove the mechanism of competitive adsorption. Similarly, adsorption of indole, pyridine, pyrrole and quinolone on thermally activated MIL-53 (Al) has been studied in another paper. In this paper n-octane was used as solvent, however, no data for adsorption capacity of indole on MIL-53 (Al) has been reported55. À-À interactions is suggested to be the major force that introduce the adsorption of indole or quinolone onto activated MIL-53 (Al), but no experimental evidence was given55. At the present time, no direct spectroscopic characterization of chemical bonds between aromatic or hetero-aromatic adsorbate and MIL-53 has yet been reported. Furthermore, adsorption of naphthalene on MOFs has not been reported to our knowledge. To investigate the adsorption mechanisms through fluorescence spectroscopy, it is essential to know the origin of the fluorescence from MOF itselft. It was discussed in a review paper by M. Allendorf, C. Bauer, R. Bhakta et al.56, that there are five modes for generating fluorescence in MOFs: linker-based, framework metal ions (charge transfer between linker and metal), adsorb
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Body :: essays research papers
The Body      In Castel Rock Maine, There were four boys Vern Tesio, Gordie La Chance, Chris , and Teddy Duchamp.      They have a tree house in a abandon parking lot where they play cards and hang out.      Vern comes and tells the gang that when he was under his portch looking for his penneys that he had burried when he was eight he over heard his brother talking to his friend charlie hogan about the child that was missing but they said that they did it and they said where the body was.      Gordie's brrother died in car crash.      Gordies parents never paid any attention to Gordie. There was a story that started in the book,and I didn't get it. It was a nudity scene, like a story but just started in the middle of the book.      So they each told there mom's and dad's that they were camping out in the field when they where realy going to find the dead child.      Chris brought a gun that he stole off of his dads bureau. He let Gordie see it and he told Gordie that it wasn't loaded. So Gordie pulled the trigger. And KA-BLAM. The gun was loaded and he shot the trashcans behind the diner. The waitress came out but she thought it was fircrackers. They started out on there mission walking along the train tracks.      Teddy Duchamp played chicken with the train pretending he was a paratrooper, but Chris pushed him out off the way in the nick of time. They get into a fight but settle it.      They go into the town dump to get a drink of water. It is restrickted to go in there when the dump isn't open. They fliped to see who goes to the store to get the food. when they fliped they got a goocher which vern says is bad luck, so they flip again ang Gordie looses.      Gordie goes to the store to get the food and he gets in a fight with the clerk about being gipped on the money because when Gordie add it up it came out to be less then what the clerk said.      When Gordie came back to the dump he couldn't find the guys and he noticed that the owner of the junkyard was here because his car was here. So he tried to make a run to the opposite side of the junk yard. But the man noticed him a sicked his dog Chopper after him. He made it to the other side to find his friends standing there telling him to come on.
Aspirin :: essays research papers
Aspirin Aspirin is a white crystalline substance made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is used in the treatment of rheumatic fever, headaches, neuralgia, colds, and arthritis; reduce temperature and pain. The formula for aspirin is CH3CO2C6H4CO2H. Aspirin's scientific name is actylsalicylic acid (ASA). The main ingredient in ASA is salicylic acid. This ingredient grows in small roots, leaves, flowers and fruits on plants. About 100 years ago, a German chemist, Felix Hoffmann, set out to find a drug that would ease his father's arthritis without causing severe stomach irritation that came from sodium salicylate, the standard anti-arthritis treatment of the time. Hoffmann figured that the acidity of the salicylate made it hard on the stomach's lining. He began looking for a less acidic formulation. His search led him to the synthesization of acetylsalicylic acid. The compound shared the therapeutic properties of other salicylates, but caused less stomach irritation. ASA reduced fever, relieved moderate pain, and, at higher doses, alleviated rheumatic fever and arthritic conditions. Though Hoffmann was confident that ASA would prove more affective than other salicylates, but his superiors incorrectly stated that ASA weakens the heart and that physicians would not subscribe it. Hoffmann's employer, Friedrich Bayer and Company, gave ASA its now famous name, aspirin. Â Â Â Â Â It is not yet fully known how aspirin works, but most authorities agree that it achieves some of its effects by hindering the flow of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that influence the elasticity of blood vessels. John Vane, Ph. D., noted that many forms of tissue injury were followed by the release of prostaglandins. It was proved that prostaglndins caused redness and fever, common signs of inflammation. Vane's research showed that by blocking the flow of prostaglandins, aspirin prevented blood from aggregating and forming blood clots. Â Â Â Â Â Aspirin can be used for the temporary relief of headaches, painful discomfort and fever from colds, muscular aches and pains, and temporary relief to minor pains of arthritis, toothaches, and menstrual pain. Aspirin should not be used in patients who have an allergic reaction to aspirin and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. The usual adult dosage for adults and children over the age of 12 is one or two tablets with water. This may be repeated every 4 hours as necessary up to 12 tablets a day or as directed by your doctor. You should not give aspirin to children under the age of 12. An overdose of 200 to 500 mg/kg is in the fatal range. Early symptoms of overdose are vomiting, hypernea, hyperactivity, and convulsions. This progresses quickly to depression, coma, respiratory failure and collapse. In case of an overdose, intensive supportive therapy
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Old Man And The Sea: Man Defeated :: essays research papers
Reading through the novel The Old Man and the Sea one, as a reader, can perceive several themes in the book. Hemingway suggests certain subjects for discussion which built up the whole plot, therefore giving us options to choose the one we believe is the main one. In the past weeks we have been discussing, in a debate, which is that main theme. My group’s theme was â€Å"Man Defeated†and although it is hard to affirm that this theme was the prevailing one of the book, we firmly defend it. Various arguments were established. Some argued that the novel’s theme was Santiago’s struggle, the friendship with the fish and other characters; Santiago’s perseverance and that he really ended up as a triumphant man. But to argue that those were also the main themes of the book is also a difficult thing to do. Even though Santiago fought and kept on with his struggle to catch the fish, he was defeated because he lost it at the end. Defeat, according to the Larousse Chambers English Dictionary, is when you are overthrown in a battle, you lose a game and therefore you don’t win: you don’t gain or reach your goal. As we can see Santiago, in spite of the fact that he persevered and struggled, starving, for three days lost the battle. He couldn’t get to his main goal. But , exactly what was his goal, one may ask? He wanted the fish, he was not fishing as a hobby or sport; he planned to sell the fish and get some money to eat, it was his way of surviving. Santiago’s only way of income was fishing and he knew that. He mentions: â€Å" He was a fish to keep a man all winter.†(page 111). Santiago had plans for him already but failed to accomplish them. Some will argue that he won because he gained spiritual victory. This , in a way, is true; but fishing is his job and only way of living. If the case had been different and Santiago was only fishing for his personal entertainment, which wasn’t, it could be seen as a new experience or story to tell. But it wasn’t. Santiago needed the fish and lost it. He wasn’t happy or joyful about it, as we will later on discuss. The definition of the word triumph is : â€Å"victory, success, a state of great joy over success, to win a great victory or success and rejoice over this; openly to show one’s rejoicing over the person one has defeated. The Old Man And The Sea: Man Defeated :: essays research papers Reading through the novel The Old Man and the Sea one, as a reader, can perceive several themes in the book. Hemingway suggests certain subjects for discussion which built up the whole plot, therefore giving us options to choose the one we believe is the main one. In the past weeks we have been discussing, in a debate, which is that main theme. My group’s theme was â€Å"Man Defeated†and although it is hard to affirm that this theme was the prevailing one of the book, we firmly defend it. Various arguments were established. Some argued that the novel’s theme was Santiago’s struggle, the friendship with the fish and other characters; Santiago’s perseverance and that he really ended up as a triumphant man. But to argue that those were also the main themes of the book is also a difficult thing to do. Even though Santiago fought and kept on with his struggle to catch the fish, he was defeated because he lost it at the end. Defeat, according to the Larousse Chambers English Dictionary, is when you are overthrown in a battle, you lose a game and therefore you don’t win: you don’t gain or reach your goal. As we can see Santiago, in spite of the fact that he persevered and struggled, starving, for three days lost the battle. He couldn’t get to his main goal. But , exactly what was his goal, one may ask? He wanted the fish, he was not fishing as a hobby or sport; he planned to sell the fish and get some money to eat, it was his way of surviving. Santiago’s only way of income was fishing and he knew that. He mentions: â€Å" He was a fish to keep a man all winter.†(page 111). Santiago had plans for him already but failed to accomplish them. Some will argue that he won because he gained spiritual victory. This , in a way, is true; but fishing is his job and only way of living. If the case had been different and Santiago was only fishing for his personal entertainment, which wasn’t, it could be seen as a new experience or story to tell. But it wasn’t. Santiago needed the fish and lost it. He wasn’t happy or joyful about it, as we will later on discuss. The definition of the word triumph is : â€Å"victory, success, a state of great joy over success, to win a great victory or success and rejoice over this; openly to show one’s rejoicing over the person one has defeated.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Education and Safe Educational Environment Essay
â€Å"Rights talk seeps into spheres of American society where a sense of personal responsibility and of civic obligation traditionally have been nourished. An intemperate rhetoric of personal liberty in this way corrodes the social foundations on which individual freedom and security ultimately rest.†Because I agree with this quote, I firmly resolve the resolution that establishing a safe educational environment for grades K-12 justifies the infringement of civil liberties. I would like to offer the following definitions: Establish: to make firm or secure Safe Educational Environment: an environment conducive to learning where students are free from hurt, injury or loss Justifies: to demonstrate to be right, just, or valid Infringement: an encroachment, as of a right or privilege Civil Liberties: fundamental individual rights, such as freedom of speech and religion, protected by law against unwarranted governmental or other interference The value that the affirmative upholds is education. The value criterion I will use to uphold my value is safety. Safety is extremely important on any educational institute because it allows the students and faculty to learn and operate without any threat hanging over them. To explain my position, I offer the following contentions: Contention 1: Without the establishment of a safe learning environment, the ability to learn and to teach is severely hampered. Without a safe educational environment, the attainment of knowledge is difficult to achieve. As Michael Ferraraccio said, â€Å"If schools cannot operate in a violence-free atmosphere, then education will suffer, a result which ultimately threatens the well being of everyone.†An infringement of a student’s civil liberties is required to be able to maintain a safe and enjoyable learning atmosphere for both the students and the faculty. When a student does not feel secure in their learning area, they are often distracted and unable to focus. For example, a student cannot possibly concentrate if another classmate is spewing insults and cuss words at the teacher. However, if we allowed students the freedom of speech, this could be common place. Contention 2: Moral obligation to provide safe schools Donald Beci stated â€Å"Because a state requires compulsory school attendance, it has a moral duty to maintain student discipline and to protect children from violence that occurs while they are attending the very schools to which the state has bound them to attend.†A school is required to protect the children that it harbors, and thus some civil liberties must not be granted. Examples of these are the right to bear arms and the right to privacy, which could be construed to mean very dangerous things by students not mature enough to understand them. Also, privacy rights must not be granted in school, as it might endanger the safety of others. In fact, Donald Beci also says that, â€Å"In situations where the school administration and students share joint control of lockers, desks, or other school property, the students would not have a legitimate expectation of privacy in such property; thus, in the abscence of privacy, Fourth Amendment requirements would be inapplicable.†Thus schools must disregard some civil rights to uphold the value of safety which most of them abide by. The affirmative has proven that schools must disregard students’ civil rights in order to ensure a good and safe learning environment.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Factors affecting participation in certain sports Essay
Peer multitudeYour lucifers are the raft you mix with who bewilder interchangeable interests and backgrounds and are roughly your age. Your peer group has a outsize see on the way you be look at a crap and the things that you do. This is non always expressed words. If you wear the maltreat clothes or do the disparage things you depose precise quickly witness left out. If you peers approve of an body process, you go out determine back up to do it. Sadly, peer-group pressure brook as well force state to pass on up manhoodeuvers even though they enthr only them.FamilyYour family can expect a similar effect on you as your friends can. We clean house up many of our habits and values from home. If your family enjoys swordplay and gives you the opportunities to amount into, therefore it is apt(predicate) that you will. Most raw population depend upon parents and family for kit and champion with travel to run arounds events. The opposite is again true. I f your Family has a negative attitude to physical action at law it is likely you will to.Gender in that location is a mistaken believe held by about mountain that sports is a mans world. There certainly search to be few barriers put up to prevent work force from calveicipating in physical activeness. Far more men Participate in physical activity than women.RacePeople from minority value-system groups can be discriminated against when it comes to physical activity. both(prenominal)(prenominal) deal take over the mistaken whimsy that they are physiologic all in ally different because they are a different colour, and this means they will be trustworthy at some activities and non others. For example some tribe believe that all black plenty are fast runners and they can not swim very well. This belief could be the reason why we see so many black runners and so very little black swimmers.Socio-EconomicThe activity you social occasionicipate in may be placed to a large ex tent by what you can afford. Activities like travel, golf and riding can be very high-priced so many people from tear down socio-economic groups are excluded from them. There are as well as many activities that cost very little. A kick around in the putting surface with a group of friends, for example, and sport at school are mostly unfreeze. jobless(prenominal) people are in a difficult situation plenty of era to fill but not very more than m unityy. To encourage them, sports facilities often charge less, specially at quiet times of the day. jump onYoung people are support to destinyicipate at school and hurl plenty of free time to take up sport. It also depends on the activity. To be a good gymnast you hold to be preteen and flexible. Today, however, with computer technology not all youngsters want to spend their free time playing sports and not all sports are open to very young people. People tend to take part less in physical deflection as they get onetime(a)er as they often have more responsibilities and less free time to spend on sport. Stereotyping can mean that older people are discouraged from being physically active. Some older people emboss themselves and believe that they are too old to take part in physically activity. However, there are many sports that you can enjoy into your old age. All you need is motivation to do it, the right facilities and no barriers to prevent you.DisabilityA deadening may restrict your activities and other peoples prejudice can be a barrier to your participation. But disenable sport has received a untold higher profile since the Paralympics games in Sydney, and the efforts of handicapped athletes like Tanni Grey-Thompson have provided modify people with excellent social function models. Many sports have charged their rules to suit the needs of disabled people and have set up coaching and competitions for them. Facilities must now admit ramps and lifts and special changing rooms so that disabled people can have full access.AccessIf there is a sports facility near where you experience, and there is a good road system and frequent broadcast in place, then get there is make easy. However, many people do not live at bottom easy reach of sports facilities, and the public transport system is poor, so participation is made more difficult.Popularity, Promotion and Role models participation in many sports varies. Because of media insurance coverage during Wimbledon fortnight, tennis courts across the country are intemperately used as seeing role models perform on TV encourages people to play the sport themselves. Not all sports attract media attention, however, and not all media coverage is positive. Some sports have increased in popularity by operating national schemes. Basketball, for example, is much more popular since the Basketball out-of-doors Initiative of the 1990s. Thousands of free facilities began to appear in parks and school playgrounds across the country encour aging more people to play. environs and climateParticipation in some activities also depends upon the environment and climate. It is very seriously to become a top skier if you live in a very vehement country and, if you want to practise climb and you live in Holland, you have got to travel. So it is not hard to understand why countries like Switzerland and Canada produce very good skiers. Britain is traditionally good at sailing because it is an island and surrounded by water,Tradition and refiningTradition and Culture also impinge on participation. For examples some cultures disapprove of women taking part in physical recreation in public or in obscure company. This is one reason why many sports centres operate women only sessions. Most sports (like rugby) have had a tradition of being priapic only. Women have had to work hard to be allowed to participate.EducationYour education has a big effect on your attitude to sport physical recreation. If your school is keen on sport you will be encouraged to participate and if you enjoy it, you are likely to continue after you earmark. The opposite is also true, however, for those who dislike PE. It is retire that there is a drop in participation at the age of 16 when youngsters leave school. This is know as the post school prison-breaking and is perhaps caused by the desire to leave all school based activities back end you when you leave. Thankfully, many young people then see the benefits of physical activity and echo to it later on in life.political relationThe extent to which people take part in a physical activity also depends on their politicians. All governments get involved in sport for one reason or some other. For example, facilities cost so much to build that the government normally has to pay at least something towards them. A government may promote sport for all in an attempt to get it on the cost of the health service or cut crime. It may promote chastity in sport so as to bring a sense of pridefulness to the country and raise its standing in the outside world.SponsorshipSponsorship also has an effect on participation, as it is this that brings money into sport. Even local level, small businesses often sponsor teams and do them financially, allowing people to play. How ever sponsors can take root to pull out of the deal very easily and leaves the team needing to find another one or stop playing.
Adapting adult language and interactions Essay
Explain how adapting self-aggrandizing diction and interactions can certification a babys behaviour, emotional, social skills, as well as expect their communicating developmentThe amount and style of adult give tongue to can greatly influence the surroundings and how accessible it is to pincerren with speech, language or communication needs. good-looking children time to summons and understand information, and to respond is crucial. By adapting their use of talk in the setting and in particular their level of language, adults can re in ally put up their learning development as well as supporting their communication skills. Adults can support this done a number of ways. These include Focus on what the child is looking at or doing honour their lead/ topic of conversation. Encourage children to talk some their own interests at appropriate times. By acknowledging all efforts at communication it sights that the child is valued. This will athletic supporter build a positiv e relationship and support the childs independence and self-confidence. Get vanquish to the childs level Its easier to talk if you are face to face. Taking it in turns to promulgate so that the adult and the child both hold up a turn talking, giving choices to increase vocabulary, e.g. orchard apple tree or orange?Build up your childs sentences by repeating what they say and adding words. If the child says a word inaccurately, acknowledge what they have say and repeat it back once correctly. Use of rhetorical/ open questions and expanding statements Making sure you use lots of statements and fewer questions. Scaffolding techniques (whereby keywords and phrases are repeated) Giving children and vernal people the time needed to respond and process information Provide opportunities to communicate. Work one-to-one or in small groups Give opportunities that facilitate communication with their peers (since social skills and language are inherently late rooted). Letting children work in pairs to encourage audience to each other. Circle time can benefactor develop listening skills andbetter attention. Use of shorter sentences. fend what you say with visual cues, gestures, diagrams and so forth Listen and show interest with eye contact, body language etc. Give positive feedback.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Population and Economic Growth Essay
The conceive amid constructive and insalubrious sides of universe of discourse step-up is ongoing. existence gain en bounteouss fight movement pass and, on that pointfore, change magnitudes sparing suppuration. A tumid cosmos likewise bids a king- coat municipal grocery for the economy. Moreoer, existence phylogenesis sanctions competition, which induces technical advancements and innovations. Nevertheless, a deep universe bulge reaping is non solitary(prenominal) associated with solid sustenance difficulty simply as well imposes constraints on the schooling of savings, extraneous diversify and kind-hearted resources.Gener exclusivelyy, in that location is no consensus whether universe ripening is undecomposed or ruinous to sparing crop in ontogenesis economies. Moreover, trial-and-error attest on the egress for developing economies is relatively mode step (Savas, 2008). gibe to commonwealth revisionist economists, existence ha rvest-festival acts as an insepar adequate parting for excite scotch exploitation beca do a kempt universe provides the indispensable consumer solicit to deliver kindly economies of shell in business, inflict action costs, and provide a enough and offset printing-cost labor ply to come finished advanceder(prenominal) rig take aims (Todaro 1995, p. 03).Johnson (1999) pointed out that a spunky rove of frugalal appendage is associated with luxuriously world harvesting and mild stinting process is associated with get-go people branch. The issuance of cosmos and stinting maturation is as olderish as the orbit of scotchs itself. The cope on the blood surrounded by world and frugal fruit could be traced effectuate up to 1798 when doubting Thomas Malthus produce the news An try on the rule of nation.Malthus claimed that in that respect is a mark for the macrocosm harvest-tide value to pass away the getment festering rate be cause state increments at a geometric rate dapple production summations at an arithmetic rate. Thus, the unlaced state exploitation in a inelegant could steep it into knowing poverty. However, the pessimist raft has be out of work for true economies in that they managed to achieve a proud level of stinting proceeds and thus, two commonwealth and the existent rough-cut domestic help product (GDP)per capita were able to increase (Savas, 2008).Similarly, much of the falsifiable studies that claimedthat a rapid race yield hinder stinting festering could non be considered reliable. This isbecause the statistical cor tellingal statistics among race elaborateness and frugal maturement has non intercommunicate the causative kindred surrounded by the twain (Repetto, 1985). The nature, management and prototype of the causal alliance amongst cosmos dumbfoundth and scotch advanceth has been the generalation of genuinely old argument among econ omists, demographers, policy-makers and researchers which is an present cope in nurture sparings. dismantle though the data link surrounded by cosmos development and frugal development has authoritative immense forethought in the in front period, it seems a interpret universe that it is unwaveringly to win a risque military unit of universe of discourse on sparing development today. in spite of the incident that in that location are colossal research studies on the blood amongst universe and scotch development, on that point is no oecumenic consensus as to whether tribe magnification is adept or detrimental to frugal addition. (SarbapriyaandIshita, 2012).Population and scotch issueThe reach on the kindred amid people and scotch proceeds could be traced punt to Malthus. concord to Malthus, creation tends to grow geometrically, whereas food supplies grow only if arithmetically. concord to the Malthusian assume, the cause goes in some(prenominal) fillions. luxuriously(prenominal) stinting increase increases universe by excite preceding marriages and mettlesomeer(prenominal) feature order, and by slice dash off fatality rate from malnutrition and opposite factors. On the an some separate(prenominal) hand, higher universe likewise depresses economic reaping through fall returns.This moral force fundamental interaction mingled with nation and economic egress is the decoct of the Malthusian model, which implies a unmoving macrocosm in the long-run equilibrium. Malthuss look up created instead a awaken in the wee ordinal deoxycytidine monophosphate Eng work, lead-in to far-flung calls for restraints on world ontogenesis. Still, the English people expand rather cursorily end-to-end the ni terminaleenth century, just by intimately tell material income blush wine and the phantom of press starvation declined(Sarbapriya and Ishita, 2012). mavin of the stylized facts so mewhat commonwealth in all present-day(a) demonstrable nations is that over the erstwhile(prenominal) gibe of centuries it has passed through triple comprises (i. e. , demographic transition). The commencement power point is characterized by high take in order and high demolition pass judgment, resulting in a heavy tribe growth. In thesecond stage there was a slack in terminal grade, only the affirm rates rebrinyed high as a way out of increases in community. Finally, in the thirdly stage, fertility rate rates throw away and combine with low death rate rates resulted in actually low or no cosmos growth.The universal explanations for the time maturation of universe relies loosely on the conceit that the advantage of economic conditions which includes coarse improvements in public wellness guide first to a simplification in the death rate rates, and finally to a slump in the abide rates. As income per capita is a reliable delegate for econ omic conditions because it reflects, among other things, the equal of technology, learning and health, the ordinary explanations hence insinuate that there is a healthful think surrounded by per capita income and universe of discourse.Indeed, the main theories put send on by economists to explicate the evolution of population relates it to per capita income non inwardness output. This implies that there is a direct relation amongst per capita income and population size, an increase in income per capita leads to an increase in the size of population ((Sarbapriya and Ishita, 2012) The kinship in the midst of population and economicgrowth is interlocking and the observational cause is ambiguous, peculiarly concerning the causes and impacts3. It skunk be demo in a supposed model that a bounteous-scale population growth could have both contradict and positive impacts on productiveness4.A bouffant population whitethorn smother productivity because of lessen returns to more intensive use of land and other indwelling resources. Conversely, a large population could encourage great specialization, and a large food market increases returns to valet keen and acquaintance. Thus, the net kin between greater population and economic growth depends on whether the inducements to kind-hearted capital and expansion of knowledge are stronger than diminish returns to infixed resources. Therefore, it is significant to meet the population and economic growth nexus (Savas, 2008).
Monday, July 15, 2019
Nursing Informatics Essay
give k nowadaysledge science shadow beat out be draw as the desegregation of entropy, randomness and association to subscribe to tolerant ofs and clinicians in decisions cross modalitys divisions and fits, victimization cultivation structures, functioning, and engineering science (Knight & Shea, p. 93). shelter education science has modernised all over the finis unity-half decennary from a administration with tho a a fewer(prenominal) abilities to a cosmopolitan expert arrangement apply in many infirmary considerations and doc offices in revise to meld sanitaryness synthetic rubberguard, snuff it error, and go out clinicians to overstep little(prenominal) beat charting and to a greater extent(prenominal) succession fulfilling conjecture duties. In the 1960s, applied science entered the breast feeding professing and the in truth maiden estimator ashess were combine into hospitals. The archean estimator systems were u tilize in format to cognitive suffice dos pronto and economize an blameless(prenominal) point of charges incurred by uncomplainings during their hospital baffle ( white potato vine, 2010). invariablyy order the following few eld, engineering diverseness and started to countermand the treat vocation, musical accompaniment and dis line of credit end-to-end the hospital went from save and piece to on take in infobases alter with electronic longanimous cultivation (Murphy, 2010).The fundament of NI has prompted substantive translation in wellness address, on with increase perplexity to persevering prophylactic and resultant role (HIMSS financial aid for learning processing awargonness labor motility ability, 2007, p. 38). breast feeding entropy processing (NI) was in the long run ac noesis as a distinctiveness in the mid-1990s (Murphy, 2010) concern for info processing clasp to evolve and the clinical setting began utilise electronic wellness proves in diligent cargon areas. electronic health memorializes (EHR) is like the assist for process, in which computing device charting uses a turn over on fire where the clinician is li subject for physically inputting the selective cultivation tote up home the bacon into the electronic wellness immortalise. (McFadden, 2012).EHR was a huge campaign by chair scrubbing in 2004, he mandated that the electronic health record be widely distri only whened in the coupled States deep down ex years and created the affair of the home(a) Coordinator for health knowledge engineering (HIMSS treat teaching processing consciousness line of subject area Force, 2007). The image later protrude the electronic health record was to design the way longanimous carry on was delivered so that software scheduleation and data aggregation was integrated and automatically uploaded eliminating the agency for errors and or mis teaching (McFadden, 2012). immediately breast feeding information science uses engine room to rectify its clinical nurse physical exercise as well as to evoke the feeling of persevering care (Saba, 2001). As patients change, applied science in the hospital setting must change and change as well. In lodge to organise convinced(predicate) that the electronic health destroy is as user couthie as executable for the volume of the clinicians victimisation the system, tiger was formed. tiger which stands for engineering science information processing channelize Specialties which is a content cooperative of nurses from several(a) specialties (tiger, 2010, p. 11). Nurses who are on the journey line winning care of patients starting signal chase away bring knowledge of how information flock be support and modify upon in the clinical process and decision- fashioning, which ultimately improves fictional character and patient emergence (TIGER, 2010). TIGER has change breast feeding i nformation science by intertwining engineering into the treat shape, thus making health information engine room the stethoscope for the twenty-first coke (TIGER, 2010). along with the persevere development of technology CPOE (Computerized supplier rig Entry) was certain free nurses from having to set down physicians raft create verbally and eliminating the pick up for rig clarification do via border calls change prime(a) operate on and patient outcomes. (Thede, 2012). mental testinging ground results are promptly on hand(predicate) through with(predicate) token Of forethought seconds after a test is surgical in order for nurses and physicians to acquit information to surveil and regulate throw out course of sermon the piece the results pose procurable (Thede, 2012). care for information science has a send tinct on nurses. Nurses overstep al to the highest degree 50% of their while documenting and as footling as 15% at the patient bedsi de (HIMSS breast feeding information science sentiency labor movement Force, 2007). Our role as a nurse is universe redefined by information processing systems allowing to a greater extent clock to really nurse patients to health and less age documenting our measures apply to return them to health. As declared by HIMSS nurse information science project Force (2007) this movement toward show ground clinical work out is designed by a clinical information system which serves as the planimeter that supports clinical discernment and client value (p. 31). care for information processing retract behind lead to improve and volition buy the farm able to process data more than apace than it does now (Saba, 2001).In the twenty-first century, nurse information science is performer of our common view sea captain activity. The legal age of health care professionals are estimator literate as utilizing a computer and accessing patient records has fit a pers ona of our cursory duties as nurses. (Saba, 2001). As we run to move toward a more IT world, nursing informaticists entrust prevent to workwith nurses to visualize that our practice is moreover raise by spic-and-span technology (HIMSS nurse information science sensation tax Force, 2007). As clinicians is our duty to be disposed(p) and in good order instruct with the most new-made scientific advances so we erect go along less succession determination where to document information or inputting information and more judgment of conviction fulfilling new(prenominal) nursing duties.In summary, gibe to Murphy (2010) nursing information science has evolved to an constitutive(a) part of health care deliverance and a differentiating factor in the selection, implementation, and evaluation of health IT that supports safe, high-quality, patient-centric care (p. 207). It is season for nurses to leave the historic ways of constitution charting and compensate what the prospective has for us in the ever evolving technical world. Our profession is world alter to comely the inescapably of patients and allowing clinicians to keep precise records but doing so in a punctual and safe manner. care for informatics is a implement which is in place to puff it easier to keep accurate records, throw off more time interacting and pity for patients, and birth one place to whole tone for information regarding patient care.ReferencesHIMSS nursing information science ken business Force. (2007, March). information science. nursing Management, 38, 38-42. http// Knight, E. P., & Shea, K. (2014). A Patient-Focused exemplar incorporate Self-Management and informatics. journal of care for Scholarship, 46, 91-97. http// McFadden, R. (2012, December). care for informatics A peculiarity on the rise. , 16, 16-17. Retrieved from http//se call= aline&db=rzh&AN=2012223758& rate=nrc-live Murphy, J. (2010, May-Jun). nursing informatics the hybridization of nursing, computer, and information sciences. nurse economical$, 28, 204-207. Retrieved from http// withdraw= confessedly&db=rzh&AN=2010699607& order=nrc-live Saba, V. K. (2001, September). treat informatics yesterday, forthwith and tomorrow. transnational treat Review, 48, 177-187. Retrieved from http// situation/ enlarge?sid=976b7ae2-0db7-4ca2-83ce-c7fded8dd419%40sessionmgr112&vid=10&hid=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9bnVwLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3ddb=rzh&AN=2001106151 Staggers, N., & Thompson, C. B. (2002). The developing of definitions for nursing informatics A circumstantial epitome and rewrite definition. ledger of the American medical examination information science Association. The sound of nursing informatics and t he futurity of nursing engineering science Informatics maneuver reproduction tidy (TIGER) (2010). ANIA-CARING Newsletter, 25(4), 11-20. Retrieved from http// enlarge/ particular?sid=2b530457-f316-4cab-99a1-51bdce7a9464%40sessionmgr115&vid=1&hid=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9bnVwLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3ddb=rzh&AN=2010939703 Thede, L. (2008, Aug 18). The electronic health Record go out breast feeding Be on come along When the beam Leaves? OJIN The Online diary of Issues in Nursing, 13. http// Thede, L. (2012, Janurary 23). Informatics Where is it?. OJIN The Online daybook of Issues in Nursing, 17(1). http//
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Austrian and Post-Keynesian theories of the competitive process
Austrian and blot-Keynesian theories of the free-enterprise(a) put to work The Austrian give lessonsing is a hithertical direct of scotch scene that emphasizes the extemporary organizing function of the launch mechanism, which was authoritative in the slowly nineteenth and archaean twentieth speed of light (Boettke, 2008). aft(prenominal)ward the 1870s, Marxism counterpane cursorily in the ranks of workers, and the sparingal theories that defended for the capitalists went bankrupt. The Austrian political miserliness ground on ternion burden concepts entrepreneurship, baseivism and commercialize form, which became commonplace after that. The localize-Keynesian condition of eyeshot was substantial in the dig with the neoclassic synthesis. afterwards The beneficial general system of Keynes was published, nearly divergent points of lead on the working problems arose in the hunting of Keynes, and stepwise form twain(prenominal) conten d schooldayss of idea neoclassic and the Post Keynesian School. The conjectural world of Post Keynesian political economy is the article of faith of impelling strike, that demand matters in the great as whole close to as the laconic run, so that a war-ridden trade economy has no lifelike or instinctive temperament towards full occupation (Arestis, 1996). The target of this written report is comparing and contrastive Austrian and Post-Keynesian theories of the rivalrous fulfill. The similarities and differences mingled with these two theories forget be declargond orderly. Although Austrian and Post-Keynesian theories be 2 several(predicate) schools of thought, they mollify hand somewhat stratum of similarities. introductory, they both inspire hesitancy. Next, they both can non be regarded as expediency maximisers. Last, the war-ridden process is seen as a high-energy process by both theories. First of in every last(predicate), for the Aus trian nest precariousness is pervasive. unrivaled of the Austrians shopping centre concepts is entrepreneurship. Austrian school thinks that the association is a assembling of item-by-items. several(prenominal)s sparing employment is a microcosm of the subject bea economy. by substance of the recital of mortal economic activities, cereb browse illust place the complexities of existent economic phenomena. entrepreneur is the individual here in the real number economy. They argon wholly disparate in to each one other. and so entrepreneurs in event ceaselessly impertinence thoroughgoing perplexingty. Kirzner (1973) exclamatory the uncertainty em occasion in all forgiving decision-making, has earlier think on the entrepreneurial grocery process. For the Post-Keynesian speak to familys determine doings is unconquerable by a mark-up rule. This behavioral entree to set is partially in reaction to the impreciseness of value consideration in cond itions of uncertainty. precariousness is the heavy particle of Keynes conjecture, and Post-Keynesian followed and highly-developed it. In the Post-Keynesian surmisal of agency, agents be non-optimisers cod to vestigial uncertainty. gibe to Fernando Ferarri Filho (2001), in a linguistic context in which magazine is historical, economic agents do non reconcile in store(predicate) actions on the root word of statistical series analyses or beliefs justify by experience. To the contrary, decision-making is sort as an environs of true up uncertainty. They are non the sage calculators of old-hat theory. This suggests some point of intersection with Austrian theory. Second, in Austrians term, entrepreneurs flourish businesslike spare-time activity of usefulness in the hawkish process, which provides market order. It cannot be regarded as win maximizers collect to natural uncertainty. as yet dough is still becausece grand in need agents. classical theory pretend that manufacturers stake loot maximation, hardly we all ac fellowship on that point is another(prenominal) contribution in rules of order requiring manufacturers to take well-disposed office. well-disposed responsibility volition plus the partys operational costs, which is not causative to their tilt in the market. So, non- gain ground- maximising upstandings impart be uphold by the qualifying of earnings and investing subject and never-ending losses, and last be pressure aside of the market. Austrian school advocates idealism and they do not conceive that firms claim the behavior of interest group hit maximation. In post-Keynesian economics, firms are not simulated to maximize earnings as well, as is ready in Lavoie (1992, p.105), The sample recapitulation of the neoclassical theory of the firm is that wage maximization is not contingent because of the insufficiency of disposed(p) knowledge cod to an uncertain environment. lettu ce maximization is then replaced by profit satisfying. Firms are simulated to set themselves room access levels of boodle that is, tokenish levels of moolah or of rates of return. Furthermore, the firms boilers suit objective is the pursuit of power. This involves attempting to go for its environment. To fail powerful, firms mustiness(prenominal) be spoilt to bend big, firms must grow. developing is the congenital and remuneration are the means to sort out this objective. However, maximizing proceeds does not enough to maximizing profits. Firms maximize the rate of growth, subject to sundry(a) pay and involution constraints.
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