Saturday, August 31, 2019
First experience to a foreign country Essay
I have an aunt who has been living in the United States since she was eighteen years old and she used to invite me to stay with her many times. One day I decided to go. Staying with her and her family was one of the greatest experiences in my life. Besides learning a new language, I made new friends and I really got into the culture of a great and beautiful country. When I arrived there, I got very excited. First, I was excited because it was my first time in a foreign country, and second because I was going to live something really new in my life. On the other hand, learning English wasn’t an easy process because my aunt used to speak just Portuguese with me; I used to take English classes just twice a week and all the students were foreign too. My experience of learning English in a regular course was limited to this little experience and a short period taking English as a Second Language at the local College. Thus, from that period until de end of the time there, I learned the language with the people from the city and the new friends I had met. Besides the experience of studying a new language, making new friends was the best aspect of living abroad. I had a girlfriend who lived in a beautiful city by the Pacific Ocean and I used to spend every weekend with her. We used to go out often and in one of these times I met my first American boyfriend. He was handsome and very kind and we had a great time together. He took me to many interesting places and showed me the authentic American way of life by introducing me to his family, his friends and his culture. Moreover, going out constantly and talking to him helped me to improve the skills with the language and mainly to be familiar with the American people and their habits and customs. Another great experience I had was working as a babysitter. Once I read in the newspaper an advertisement looking for a foreign girl to take care of two children. At first I got really scared with the big responsibility of taking care of two children, but I decided to live this new adventure. The family’s house was in a very nice place by the ocean and the children were very cute and curious about my â€Å"weird accent†. In spite of the fact that this new experience wasn’t easy due to my lack of practice at that time, everything went well and the whole situation was very meaningful to my life.
Friday, August 30, 2019
1981 Springbok Tour Focus Questions
SPRINGBOk TOUR OF NEW ZEALAND FOCUS QUESTION 1 Why did the game between the waikato rugby team and springbok? the reason why the game was cancelled because 350 protesters ivaded the rugby field after pulling down a fence using sheer force . the crowed were trowing bottles and other objects at the protesters,as a stolen lightplane was aproching the stadium the police called off the game because itwas to unsafe to play with bottles and other objects on the pitch! FOCUS QUESTION 2 Aftermath of the springbok tour!The All Blacks did not tour South Africa until after the fall of the apartheid regime (1990–1994), although after the official 1985 tour was cancelled an unofficial tour did take place in 1986 by a team which included 28 out of the 30 All Blacks players selected for the 1985 tour. These were known both inside and outside the Republic of South Africa as the New Zealand Cavaliers, but often advertised inside South Africa as the All Blacks or alternatively depicted with the Silver Fern! FOCUS QUESTION 3 Background on the springbok tour!A poster advertising a meeting of the Citizens' All Black Tour Association to protest against racially selected All Blacks teams touring South Africa. The Springboks and New Zealand's national rugby team, the All Blacks, have a long tradition of intense and friendly sporting rivalry. From the 1940s to the 1960s, the South African apartheid policies had an impact on team selection for the All Blacks: the selectors passed over Maori players for some All Black tours to South Africa. Opposition to sending race based teams to South Africa grew throughout the 1950s and 60s.Prior to the All Blacks' tour of South Africa in 1960, 150,000 New Zealanders signed a petition supporting a policy of â€Å"No Maoris, No Tour†. The tour occurred however, and in 1969 Halt All Racist Tours (HART) was formed. During the 1970s public protests and political pressure forced on the New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) the choice of either field ing a team not selected by race, or not touring the Republic. However, South African rugby authorities continued to select Springbok players by race. As a result, the Norman Kirk Labour Government prevented the Springboks from touring during 1973.In response, the NZRU protested about the involvement of â€Å"politics in sport†. In 1976 the All Blacks toured South Africa, with the blessing of the then newly-elected New Zealand Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon. Twenty-five African nations protested against this by boycotting the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal. In their view the All Black tour gave tacit support to the apartheid regime in South Africa. The All Blacks again failed to win a series in South Africa (they would not do so until 1996, after the fall of apartheid).The 1976 Tour contributed to the Gleneagles Agreement being adopted by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in 1977. info from wikipedia . http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/1981_South_Africa_rugby_union_t our_of_New_Zealand. pictures from goggle images Ic;vpx=531;vpy=352;dur=2160;hovh=184;hovw=274;tx=155;ty=115;sig=117611310865036074857;page=2;tbnh=141;tbnw=188;start=18;ndsp=24;ved=1t:429,r:14,s:18. http://www. google. co. nz/imgres? q=1981+springbok+tour+protests;hl=en;sa=X;biw=1366;bih=653;tbm=isch;tbnid=CdGqd-_vJn5rNM:;imgrefurl=http://www. stuff. co. nz/sport/rugby/gallerie.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
BP Commerce Analysis
BP Commerce Analysis â€Å"I believe strongly that we need a work environment where everyone can bring all of themselves to work every day and not feel like they have to be someone else in order to succeed.†-Tony Hayward, BP CEO /BP is one of the largest organizations in oil, gas, and alternative energy industry in the world. It employs more than 100 000 people across the world and provides essential oil, gas, and energy products for nearly 13 million customers every day in more than 100 countries. The company has a wide range of businesses including exploration and production, refining and marketing, gas & power, and alternative energy (BP, 2010). Despite the success in the market or economic downturns, organization always must care about their employees who bring this success through skills, competencies, and hard work. Therefore, company must have a diversity and inclusion policy in place in order to create perfect working environment for these employees, to motivate them, remunerate, and ret ain the best. We might ask ourselves why diversity and inclusion is so important to any large or small company. The answer is that employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and community partners place a high value on organization for being fair and meritocratic (BP, 2010). Furthermore, we need to recognize the availability of skilled employees is getting smaller in nowadays market and economic situation. Every organization tries to attract new skilled labor and to retain talented employees in the company. In order to achieve that, organizations must have reputation, operational processes and imbedded policies, working climate that not only respects differences, but expose them for competitive advantage. BP is a multinational organization and it is essential to have an up-to-date policies and procedures in place for evaluation and monitoring purposes in order to comply with equality and inclusion policies, avoid any kind of discrimination, and ensure equal opportunities for eve ryone. Different organizations have different policies and practices and in order to compare BP to others, this organizational audit will review BP’s other main competitors such as Exxon and Shell for a comparison on diversity and inclusion issues, provide investigation summary of BP’s equal opportunity and equal pay practices, and provide action plans and cost and benefit analysis in order to enhance equality and diversity practice in the organization. A Summary of Analysis The purpose of this project is to produce diversity and inclusion analysis for BP’s North Africa Strategic Performance Unit (further NA SPU) based on pay review recommendations in 2009 for employee’s to be effective on 1st of April 2010. I will be looking at Level E (senior level leaders) to Level K (administration) concentrating on equal pay issues and gender inequality (gaps) among UK employees only. The reason for this is that NA SPU has fairly big population and it is down to UK e mployees based locally in UK and in the businesses across the world. More to mention, this SPU is a perfect representation sample for other similar strategic performance units across the organization. 270 employees in North Africa Strategic Performance Unit (NA SPU) 139 UK nationals in NA SPU
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Importance of Music in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Importance of Music in Schools - Essay Example This article stresses that while music education can provide a great deal of benefits to the developing child as they make their way from kindergarten through high school, there are still some concerns as to how to make this education benefit all children. While music education of any kind has been amply proven in the literature to have significant beneficial effects upon brain development in the form of creating additional neural pathways and increasing efficiency of operation, the ways in which it does this are still not understood or fully explained to the satisfaction of all. Although several studies have indicated that children who participate in music education generally have better academic scores in a variety of fields than those students who did not benefit from any kind of music education, this, too, has not been sufficiently linked to previous music experience, or the effects of said experience, to satisfy everyone to the extent that issues such as disrupted classes and re duced core classroom time are justified. This paper makes a conclusion that while students have been observed to respond favorably to music education in terms of developing their own personal set of values and positive behaviors, even to the extent that disruptive behavior has been seen to decrease among this student population, there are also significant concerns regarding the actual effects this sort of education might have on minority groups. This is due to the inequalities of musical representation presented in these classes as well as the lack of studies conducted on the need of more well-rounded music education to be introduced.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What does the customer expect from motor vehicle carrier Essay - 1
What does the customer expect from motor vehicle carrier - Essay Example Then the results will be used in reviewing and producing improvements of the service. As much as possible, the monitoring and the survey should be done on a regular basis to make sure that all the needs and expectations are answered on time. The most important aspect is to make customers feel that they are valuable and their interests are important to the carrier. Motor vehicle carrier is extremely important in every place for this is the most accessible in all modes of transportation. This is the most dominant means of transportation in the U.S. because it has potential access in transporting goods at any point of destination over short and longer places without restrictions (â€Å"Transportation,†n.d.). Currently, the U.S. has 765 motor vehicles that include line haul vehicles for longer destinations and city straight trucks for short distances. The carrier had accounted for an increase in carrier sales of about 5% and a revenue growth of 30% (O’Reilly, 2008). The most dominant among all these vehicles are the passenger vehicles that reported a 97 sales percentage in the U.S. market particularly in local areas. The industry had encountered several changes carried by deregulation and liberalization in the economy with few exceptions that motor carriers under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (STAA) will have th eir freedom to do business at their own perspectives as long as the rates are also rightful to the passengers (U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1988, p. 55). This freedom is governed by STTA and the carriers are still obliged to follow the terms and conditions specified as to the truck routes and vehicle specifications. Customer’s expectation is one of the important features of motor vehicle carriers because this is a prerequisite of being superior (Coyle, Novack, Gibson, & Bardi, 2010, p. 169). â€Å"The customer’s service expectation acts
Monday, August 26, 2019
Numerous Disciplines Provide Different Definitions of Soil Assignment
Numerous Disciplines Provide Different Definitions of Soil - Assignment Example In this regard, soil refers to an inert and loose weathering product of the primary rock found on the surface of the earth (Bryant-Mole & Watts 25). Weathering refers to the physical and biogeochemical processes that result in disintegration and decomposition of earth materials such as rocks and sentiments (Indiana University 2). Soils comprise of air, liquids, organic matter and minerals. Soils in Indiana have different attributes, which give them distinctiveness. They differ in texture, color, chemical and biological attributes and structure. These attributes determine the amount of water and air in and to be held in the soils (Burton 2) Soil texture is determined by the comparative fractions of sand, silt and clay (Brady & Weil 53). Soil texture refers to the sizes of the particles that constitute the soil. Sand, silt and clay are used in determining the sizes of soil particles (Bryant-Mole & Watts 37). The presence of sand particles in soils makes the soil be characterized by large soil particles which are gritty. On the other hand, the presence of silt particles in a soil makes the soil particles moderate in size and smooth while the presence of clay characterizes a soil as of smaller particles and sticky. The way the soil particles are assembled determines the structure of the soils. Therefore, soil structure refers to the arrangement and aggregation of soil particles (Miller & Turk 72). Soil structure controls aeration and the amount of water in the soil. Soil particles are either conglomerated as a group of particles or as single grains of particles (Bryant-Mole & Watts 43). In sandy soils, the particles are single grained while in clay soils, the soil particles are aggregated. The single grain particles are solid while the aggregates are porous in character. Soils aggregate differently forming different soil structures. In describing the structure of soils in Indiana, soil scientists note the size, shape and development of aggregates.Â
The Forest People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Forest People - Essay Example This society viewed their world as a place with no evil as they got everything the forest without necessary clearing any forested area to cultivate and plant food. Everything was in the forest that they required. Anybody who didn’t understand the forest views it as hostile and dangerous, contrary to this BaMbuti had a different perception of the forest. Those who lived outside the village perceived the forest as fearful and evil. BaMbuti never viewed the forest as evil either did they possess any fear of living in the forest. The forest was their home, â€Å"for them it is a good world†(pg15). Forest was their cosmos and in return it supplied them with all their needs. They mastered the art of living in the forest that no outsider could comprehend how they did it while the outsiders viewed the forest as an impossible place to live in. Men and women had different roles to play in the society, and this phenomenon can be described as a division of labor. A normal day in the â€Å"pygmy village was alive with women bundling up their household possessions in the baskets they would carry on their backs. The men were busy checking their hunting nets, examining their arrow shafts and testing their bows, or sharpening the blades of their spear†. (pg53). Hunting was affair of men and for this reason they were obliged to train the young boys to hunt. Moneys and birds were hunted by men using bows and arrows. The women could travel collecting mushrooms and roots for the evening meals, this illustration indicates that the women were solely responsible for evening meals. The women were also obliged to cook for their husbands, â€Å"†¦ watching his third and youngest wife, Kamaika, cooking his breakfast.†(pg54). Thatching of huts was a role that was conferred to women â€Å"Ageronga’s wife prepares a bundle of mongongo leaves for thatching her hut.†It was also the obligation of women
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Research paper, chidren and junk food, what is the most influential Essay
Research paper, chidren and junk food, what is the most influential environment on children' love for junk food - Essay Example In this context social environment includes political and economic aspects outside the family environment. The thesis of the paper states that the family unit is better placed to deal which children food behaviors given the fact that it can regulate the impacts of social environment. Family environment is said to have the most significance impact on the choices children make especially with regard to fast foods. Mothers with a preference of junk food especially during pregnancy or breastfeeding are likely to pass the same eating choices to their children. According to a research by University of Adelaide, children can be addicted to high-sugar diet through maternal influence. The research urges that fast food is responsible for production of dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone. It remains active among the children born to mothers with high levels of the hormone. Such children will have to eat higher amounts of junk food to achieve the same stimulation. The research suggested that junk food is addictive. Some parents fall short of resisting children demands. The end result is that they give them money to purchase junk food. Fast food should be balanced with healthy food. Parents are expected to resist unhealthy demands from children especially with regard to fast foods. The internet has had a significant impact on the home environment (Whitacre 39). Parents rarely encourage healthy lifestyles for their children. In the United States, many children have television sets in their bedrooms (Whitacre 33). A rising percentage of children between 6 and 17 are said to have exposure to unhealthy food through television influence. This has led to increase energy intake through junk food. According to AAP, children should not have television sets in their bedrooms. Research indicates that a large number of children do not eat meals together with their family in most days of the week. This is encourages unchecked food behavior among children. According to studies, health y eating behaviors are said to develop when families take meals together. It is estimated that food prepared at home is more nutritious that take away or fast food. Families are better placed to regulate sugar intake and access to drinking water. This improves the food environment and minimizes the effects of fast foods. Parents are better placed to regulate the movement of children. This means they can limit access to retail venues that offer fast foods. The level of exposure and parental guidance plays a major role in the health and eating habits of a child. Parental advice can make children less susceptible to fast food campaigns (Whitacre 29). Research indicates that children tend to have parental preferences. Yet, few parents take time to discuss eating habits with their children. This has caused the social environment to overwhelm the family environment is some instances. There is a massive compaign against fast food. Some parents have rejected some schools on the basis on die t alone. Parents can influence the school diet by choosing institutions that are sensitive to children healthy diet. A compelling example is the schools that ban sodas and sugar-sweetened food. The role of social environment is expansive. Fast food bans for children would be welcome. This would mean banning some fast food restaurants that target children. It would also encourage banning fast food in school environments. The number of fast food chains has been increasing. The restaurants are available in local environments. Most of the choices
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critically assess the contribution made by the 1989 UN Convention on Essay
Critically assess the contribution made by the 1989 UN Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste and their Dis - Essay Example Greenpeace alerted all the likely ports which repeatedly turned away the ship. It is suspected that ship offloaded the remaining material in Indian Ocean. In November 1986, a Basel based pharmaceutical factory had a fire accident that resulted in an outflow of contaminated water into the Rhine River with some thirty tones of highly toxic material entering the river along with the contaminated water. This led to the Swiss based companies pushing for the Basel Convention so as to reverse the damage to the public relations caused by the contamination. In March 1987, a New York based ship carried 3,186 tons of solid waste and tried in vain to dump the waste in 6 U.S. states. By September 1987, the ship had traveled about 6,000 miles across Mexico, Belize and Bahamas and came back to its own base in New York without being able to unload the cargo of waste anywhere. By June 1987, the UNEP Governing Council in its 14th session brought out Cairo Guidelines and chalked out a programme to conv ene a global convention on the control of transboundary transport of hazardous waste. In June 1987, it was discovered by Greenpeace that traders in waste had tried to export more than 163,000,000 tons of waste by 1986. In August 1987-May 1988, Italian business firm sent eight thousand drums of hazardous chemical waste to a Nigerian port town mislabeling the drums as â€Å"relating to the building trade†and â€Å"residual and allied chemicals†. In their efforts to send the material back to Italy, the Nigerian factory workers experienced severe burns, nausea, vomiting blood and partial paralysis leading to Nigeria to recall its ambassador to Italy .and seized the ships to pressurize Italy to remove the wastes. After series of such incidents, by March 1989 Basel Convention was signed with Greenpeace denouncing it and Africa walking out. The U.S. opposed the ban to developing countries despite repeated requests of developing countries to impose the ban.1 Originally 116 pa rties signed the Convention which provides a global framework for transboundary movement of hazardous waste 2 It is equally concerned about the protection of global environment.3 The Single market in the EU introduced in 1993 regulates transboundary movement of goods including wastes.4 Three aims of the convention With the membership of 170 countries which do not include the U.S.A 5,the Convention’s three main aims are 1) reduction in hazardous waste generation, 2) reduced transboundary movements of hazardous waste and 3) hazardous waste management conducive to environment.6 Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) refers to treatment (management) of hazardous and other wastes in such a manner that human health and environment are protected from the adverse effects of the said wastes.7 In the context of Basel Convention, â€Å"wastes†refer to substances or objects that are disposed of, meant for disposal or those required to be disposed of, under national law. Managemen t in the context of ESM involves collection, transport and disposal of wastes including hazardous ones and the management also includes taking care of sites where the wastes are disposed. Disposal is referred to as actions contemplated under Annexure IV to the Convention document. Transboundary movem
Friday, August 23, 2019
Article summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Summary - Article Example Humor and laughter are closely related however these are not synonymous. One can laugh without a humorous stimulus and similarly one can experience humor without laughter. Historically humor history is perceived to be 35000 years old. Almost every culture spends appreciable time communicating in a humorous context. No single humor theory is universally accepted however, three essential themes, are repeatedly observed in the majority of humor theories: 1) humor reflects a set of incongruous conceptualizations, 2) humor involves repressed sexual or aggressive feelings, and 3) humor elevates social status by demonstrating superiority or saving face. It has been discussed that animals also show response to humorous behavior. With respect to genetics, it has been observed that women laugh 126% more than men during conversations with each other. Brain damage, particularly in the frontal lobes, causes deficits of humor appreciation. The elucidation of the neurobiology of humor has benefited from two approaches: 1) observing the effects of various brain lesions on humor perception and 2) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies, which monitor brain activity in normal subjects while perceiving humor. Despite language and cultural barriers, humor in traditional societies is generally comprehensible to visiting anthropologists. Two humor phenomena especially standout in the anthropological literature: joking relationships and clowns. There is no way to know with certainty when humor evolved relative to language although it would appear that at least sophisticated humor must have succeeded language. The credible range for the origins of language lands between a few hundred thousand years to about 2-4 million years ago. There is increasing evidence that a new level of symbolic thought was achieved around 50,000 years ago. A figurine integrating the head of a lion with the legs of a person dated around 32,000 years old is among the earliest evidence for symbolic art. Humor can perhaps be framed as an incongruent social concept â€Å"violating†the essence of a congruent social concept. Dunbar (1993) has put forward a theory that, in primates, neocortical size is proportional to group size and that language ultimately replaced grooming as the primary social bond .Humor is a fascinating cognitive function. The relative ease in how we use it belies its considerable complexity. To conclude humor appears to be a function of Homo sapiens’ augmented social abilities and as an extension of language, could perhaps be the most complex cognitive function in the animal kingdom. The origins of language, spirituality, hominid group size and animal teasing may have particular relevance to humor. A number of humankind’s higher cognitive functions could well be inextricably rooted in humor’s evolutionary history, thus making this subject worthy of further exploration. Works Cited Polimeni & P.Riess , â€Å"The First Joke: Explor ing the Evolutionary Origins of Humor†, Evolutionary Psychology – 2006. 4: P347-366, Web 23 Mar 2011, [Professor’s Name] [Writer’s Name] [Course Title] [Date] Laughter; A scientific investigation Laughter is part of universal human vocabulary, produced and recognized by all people of all cultures. Laughter is instinctive behavior programmed by our genes, not by vocal community in which we grow up. Laughter can
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Compare the Ways in Which the Roles of Women are Portrayed Essay Example for Free
Compare the Ways in Which the Roles of Women are Portrayed Essay When focusing explicitly on the topic of a woman’s seemingly ever-evolving status, one would constantly perceive it to be a working progress of the woman and the rise of her independence. So, why when analysing both, ‘The Wife of Bath’ and ‘Death of a Salesman’ do these roles of the most prominent women seem to be in reverse? The history of a woman’s autonomy branches outwards from the past, therefore enforcing the idea of a woman, living in an earlier period, to exist under high demands of fulfilling the traditional expressive position. Yet with regards to Chaucer’s tale, why is it that Alisoun is able to possess characteristics that are both a controversy for the 14th century during in which it was written, and to a certain extent, this era momentarily? On the other hand, the 1950s ‘Death of a Salesman’ harbours a heroine who remains true to her decade’s basic notion on how both a woman and a wife should persist to be, consequently presenting Linda Loman as a stock character. With a distance of 6 centuries, is there an abstruse intention to why both the female protagonists are depicted in an unusual fashion, and totally out of the ordinary when its context is taken into account, or, is this simply the writers’ approach to manifest some sort of a response, whether it be mere shock, indulgent laughter, or utter appreciation? The titles alone contain an instantaneous conception on how both women are portrayed concurrently. ‘The Wife of Bath’ obtains an immediate link to Alisoun, unlike ‘Death of a Salesman’ which simply refers to Willy Loman and includes no innuendo of his wife Linda. Alisoun’s ownership of the tale is reinforced by the noun ‘Wife’ as a direct association to her, suggesting that she is the focal point of the tale. But is she? The prologue is definitely in her possession with her martial history being the key plot; however the tale on the other hand clearly centres the knight as the protagonist, consequently endorsing the audience to make an initial judgment on Alisoun’s character as one which is strong enough to acquire her own title. Maybe Chaucer’s main purpose was to make his eponymous hero a female to either stagger the audience by the pragmatical meaning of this whereby such power and eminence is handed to a female character, or to purely ridicule a woman with any supremacy, and in effect, is symbolic since it contains the intention of formulating humour for an audience existing in a 14th century world. With this reasoning in mind, the common use of the noun ‘Wife’ would then become a more abstract version of this since, in essence, this is merely an idea of her control and alliance to the city. Perhaps the title ‘The Wife of Bath’ can be decoded then as a euphemism that solely associates with Alisoun’s, ‘Housbandes at chirche dore I have had five-‘ This has been translated as a misrepresentation of her being promiscuous which uses hyperbole to reinforce the concept and also assists in the beginning of a caricature adaptation of a woman who is unlike most others. On the contrary, since ‘Death of a Salesman’ purely refers to Willy, this would consequently support how dominating the male gender had been in the early 50s. In relation to Linda however, the absence of any insinuation of her in the title holds a vital insight of how she is portrayed through the play itself. This maintains the persistent imagery of Linda conserving her private role as a housewife, and to an extent, Willy’s constant positive conscience, Willy – ‘I suddenly couldn’t drive anymore. ’ Linda – ‘Maybe it was the steering wheel again. ’ The adverb ‘Maybe’ certainly exhibits some indecision with Linda’s response indicating that even though she may not entirely know what Willy requires, she knows it is necessary for her to provide a reasonable answer that will help ease the blame off Willy, facilitating the assumption of Linda’s loyalty to her husband, even during the worst of times. Arthur Miller’s intention of having no connotation to Linda in the title could be indeed for the purpose of supporting the idea of her selflessness compared to Willy’s egotistical behaviour. This theory of Linda’s ignored compassion is also demonstrated when Willy commits suicide. ‘I can’t understand it. ’ This simple sentence is most commonly used with the verb ‘do not/don’t’, but, semantically, Miller permits Linda to unusually phrase this with the modal auxiliary verb and the nagator ‘can’t’ to express her rejection towards comprehending his refusal of living life fully. Perhaps the importance of this approach was to portray just how vulnerable and helpless not just Linda, but the rest of the female population was in the 50s. As if to say it had nothing to do with the capacity of the female brain but the knowledge of where that woman should remain to be. The title is therefore a description of Linda’s personality and depicts just how much Linda is taken for granted. In the earliest stage directions of ‘Death of a Salesman’, the lexis used to describe Linda Loman all relate to the semantic field of household items and the act of obeying a person: ‘stirred’ ‘iron repression’ ‘admires’ ‘listening’ Semantically, theses lexicons relate to the play itself. The stative adverb ‘admire’ implies Linda may not feel worthy of Willy therefore she can only have a high regard for him and not the ability to put herself in his position. According to this then, Linda could be summarized as a character that has a low opinion of herself. The comparison to household items proves to be crucial since it could be categorized as an exposition, introducing the audience to Linda’s most prominent characteristic. A more modern audience, and in particular contemporary women, would argue that this was very demeaning since it implies this was all they are known for. Throughout the description of the Wife from the General prologue, the audience obtains a direct inkling of her character. ‘Housbandes at chirche dore she hadde five’ This sentence delivers an eye opener as to what Alisoun’s social status is. Since only the elite managed to marry inside of a church, this would then imply that from the age of 12, Alisoun has supposedly not ascended the ladder of social mobility. The syntax of this however creates some hesitancy to admit the true number of her failed marriages. Given that she leaves the actual amount ‘five’ till last reinforces the idea of her true emotions towards them. The similarity between Linda and Alisoun then would be that aside from the fact that one woman has had considerably more partners than the other: Alisoun is still in search of love, remaining to be ever willing to find her true match. This is further proven with the syntax from the quotation. As ‘Housbandes’ is the first word in the sentence, it indicates she finds pleasure in having a husband because of the urgency to articulate the concrete noun ‘Housbandes’, despite the fact that they were all failures. Linda’s crime is that she loves her only husband far too much. It is evident that in spite of her devotion to Willy, he still ignores her and takes her for granted, Linda- ‘Take an aspirin. Should I get you an aspirin? It’ll soothe you. ’ Willy- ‘I was driving along, you understand? ’ Here it is visible that Willy does overlook his wife completely by his sudden change in topicality and the flouting of the Grice’s maxim of relevance. Perhaps this is due to the way he perceives Linda, and the minimal respect he has for her. This is further evident with his tag question, ‘you understand? Unlike Robin Lakoff’s female language theory, this does not abide by her rules. In her opinion these tag questions imply a need for some support rather than a critical remark. However it is obvious that Willy does not require any backing since he is the most dominant speaker. The pragmatics of this statement show how much of a low disregard he has on Linda’s capability of understanding such a simple concep t as driving, consequently suggesting he does, in actual fact, take his loving wife for granted. Miller’s intentions here differ depending on the gender perspective. Since this is one of many occurrences where Willy insults Linda’s intelligence, this provides evidence of her complete devotion to her husband. Perhaps this mirrors the reality of the 1950s’ female audience therefore Miller’s motive in creating such a character was simply to please the existing female population at that time and nothing more. From a male point of view following the same thesis of art imitating life, Willy’s ability to have both control and authority over Linda would have also been Miller’s method in satisfying the male audience. Linda’s speech also indicates some reluctance of being abrupt towards her husband. ‘Take an aspirin. Should I get you an aspirin? ’ This reads to be an almost repaired statement, strengthening the notion of her delicacy when interacting with her husband. Depending on the stage direction as to how this is supposed to be acted out, another contention could be that Linda’s true being slipped out for a moment. The unusual abruptness of the first sentence followed by the modal verb ‘Should’ may imply how Linda must always remain to be conscious of the words she speaks even if she truthfully isn’t like that. This could possibly have been Miller’s subtle approach in exposing just how human a woman truly is. Linda’s character is one that appears to be careful in every action she undertakes, Alisoun on the other hand gives the impression of being self-sufficient in her decisions. ‘What that he mente therby, I kan nat seyn; But that I axe, why the fifthe man Was non housbonde to the Samaritan? How manye mighte she have in marriage? Yet herde I nevere tellen in myn age Upon this nombre diffinicioun. ’ In a Russian Formalist literary opinion, her attitude here in this verse would suggest she is blasphemous and very defensive of her deeds. By allowing an illiterate female commoner challenge basic Christian belief, Chaucer invites an astonishing controversial angle on reality. An audiences’ reaction to this from the 14th century would be of great annoyance towards Alisoun since she occupies no immense background to express such a powerful opinion. According to the first line ‘What that he mente therby, I kan nat seyn’ this also suggests that her judgment is based on a more personal outlook rather than facts. From my own 21st century perspective following the same Russian Formalist fundamentals, this verse stands to be an opinion and nothing more. Alisoun’s analysis may not have changed but the reaction from the audience would have instead. In actual fact, her intrusive manner would have been one that would have been valued despite of her gender. Regardless of the fact that both texts are fictional, their mediums exhibit various conclusions: since ‘The Wife of Bath’ is classed as poetry there are some limitations as to what could have been written. It would appear that Chaucer’s main objective was to entertain the listener rather than being factual. This is evident due to the consistent structure of rhyming couplets and alliteration. Somme seyde women loven best richesse, Somme seyde honour, somme seyde jolinesse,’ There is a distinctive pattern here which works throughout the rest of the tale. Seeing as though there are no breaks or clear stanzas in the poem, the use of parallelism suggests that a list is about to form without abiding by the usual formation of a list. The rhyming, alliteratio n and sibilance ‘Somme seyde’ ‘richnesse’ ‘jolinesse’, adds emphasis on the ideas explored throughout the tale in a way which amuses an audiences of any age. Death of a Salesman’ has none of these restrictions, whereby no rules or patterns are needed to be followed. Miller is able to write as he wishes, therefore could it be said that this enables him to write according to the truth? As an audience we are only ever permitted to listen and believe the character’s opinions. This limits exactly how much we should class as valid and thus acts as a confinement of plays in general. The importance of this does not only rest on how valid these texts are historically. In context to the essay question, the mediums affect the way the theme of power is portrayed. With the aid of humour, Chaucer is able to manipulate how the audience perceives the unusual occurrence of a woman who owns such authority. This comedy enables the audience to interpret the dubious topics mentioned in the prologue half -heartedly therefore suggesting that the text can’t completely be taken seriously. Conversely ‘Death of a Salesman’ does not include many entertaining scenes to conceal the control Willy has over Linda and consequently Miller sanctions the audience into producing their own take on the subjects referred to all through the play. Sometimes a woman’s basic actions can be justified by her experiences. Alisoun has the ability to convey such intense concepts because of her endless incidents in the past. Her character’s reputation appears to be licentious which consequently enables an audience to reign in on their annoyance of her. Chaucer has portrayed Alisoun in a way which can only be described as caricature. What should be taken into consideration is that perhaps Chaucer’s overall intention when creating such an exaggerated character like the wife was to humour the audience with the ridicule of a woman with such freedom. Or perhaps it was to produce a character like no other that owns the ability to question the acts of society and their standard beliefs. Out of the entire ‘Canterbury Tales’ there are only two women who possess the ability to tell their story: the Prioress and the Wife. Since the Prioress already maintains the basics of a 14th century woman graciously, Alisoun is possibly Chaucer’s technique in inventing a woman who stands for everything the ordinary woman of that time would not and as a result, portrays life on each end of the pole for all types of audiences to experience. Linda’s character owns a front which, even after the analysis, maintains the idea of an obedient wife. However, the initial idea of her abiding by this characteristic has evidently changed. Yes, she still sticks by with her husband, even after affairs and a lack of care and attention, but is she not a stronger woman in spite of all this? Alisoun has the ability to end her marriage as soon as it goes wrong as if to say she is still searching for her ‘ideal man’ and so self-sufficient that she refuses to lead a miserable life, yet Linda remains to be as courteous as ever even after the marital problems. For a 1950s audience, Miller birthed a female icon, a woman who exists in a realist play regarding the common aspiration of the attempts at conquering the ‘American Dream’. All in all, the roles which appeared to be in reverse now seem to walk side by side along the path of independence. Six centuries apart, diverse situations at hand but both individualistically vigorous women ready to undertake what life has planned for the both of them.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Scope of technology Essay Example for Free
Scope of technology Essay In this essay, I will comment on Morton Winston’s definitions of technology, then apply the six aspects in every technology to an artifact selected from Friedman’s essay â€Å"The World is Flat†. The six aspects include first the skills, techniques, human activity forms, or socio-technical practice; second, resources, tools, and materials; third, technological products or artifacts; fourth, end, intention or functions; fifth, background knowledge; and lastly, social context in which the technology is designed, developed, used, and disposed of, and the artifact that I will apply is Nike. In Children of Invention Revisited by Winston, he describes technology in three different ways in reference to the artifact I selected. First, Winston clearly defines technology as â€Å"the organization of knowledge, people, and things to accomplish specific practical goal†; second, he states that â€Å"technology consists of not only useful artifacts and the tools and processes to produce them but also the entire organization of people and materials that permits the acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to design, manufacture, distribute, use, repair, and eventually dispose of these artifacts†; lastly, Winston’s definition of technological systems states â€Å" the complex of techniques, knowledge, and resources that are employed by human beings in the creation of material and social artifacts that typically serve certain functions perceived as useful or desirable in relation to human interests in various social contexts†. Nike employs many human activity forms. To begin with, Nike uses many different skills to yield the best productivity. One skill they have is all Nike shoes are generally considered to be attractive and durable. They are innovative, introducing a number of new features designed to increase comfort and enhance an athletes performance. They use different techniques to make this happen. They import from China, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore and the United Kingdom being the top mentioned countries for Nike exportation. Also, Nike has worked to improve labor conditions in their footwear, apparel and equipment supply chains for more than 15 years. Key issues in which they have engaged include the health and safety of the workers who make their products, excessive overtime, the ability of workers to freely associate, and child labor and forced labor. In addition, Nike has created a â€Å"sustainable supply chain†, one that includes sustainability on equal footing with cost, on-time delivery and quality . As one of the pillars of their sustainable business strategy, they have developed a vision of what success looks like. The vision and steps they are taking are making them achieve this strategy of going forward and continuing to one of the leading companies in activewear. Nike employs human activity forms in almost every part of the company; starting with using ships to import, trucks and truck drivers to transport all their products to stores. Lastly, Nike uses socio-technical practices when it comes to designing their stores, deciding on their logo, and designing the layout of the store. There is just so much to speculate at because every aspect of their company relies on human-activity forms. Nike would not be able to be as powerful of a company if they did not make use of every resource, tool and material available to them. They use computers at stores, which is their most common and powerful resource used. They use computer software everywhere, from cash registers, to security cameras, to tracking their products, and to controlling production. One tool Nike uses in surplus is machinery, such as to produce their products, along with forklifts to boats. Material Nike uses range, for they manufacture and sell many different products from socks, shirts, shoes,hats, to bags. In addition, Nike sells and uses multiple technological products. They sell iPod cases, headphones, and watches. Nevertheless, Nike is stocked with technological products and artifacts for sell. As a matter of fact, Nike uses a lot of technological products themselves, from cell phones to electricity. Nike in fact is an artifact of technology. Nike is used to employ many people, to making people comfortable when being active. Nike is a large corporation that functions as a worldwide store. It provides consumers with a place to purchase to best quality and most known activewear. Nike functions as an employer to some, to make other go day by day in comfort, and a shopping option to many. Now, for Nike Inc. to have become the corporation that it is today, they need to have had an enormous background knowledge to be this successful and efficient. There are two kinds of background knowledge; knowledge-that and knowledge-how. To begin with knowledge-how, Nike had to know how to buy and find the right location to manufacture products and still make a profit. They also had to know how to expand and manage inventory accurately and precisely. Not only that, but also how to pick the locations for the stores. All this requires a lot of knowledge and ideas. For Nike to continue its everyday massive production and efficiency, knowledge- that is, is significant. Nike needed knowledge with the store layout, design, the technology that would be used, locations, and many more things. For Nike to operate efficiently, a lot of knowledge into technology and artifacts of technology was needed. Nike as a whole, is a social artifact for it is a corporation. Within this artifact, lie many divisions of labor. From managing, cashier, shoe designer, logo designer, each position requires different invisible technologies to fulfill the role. Ultimately, all these specific roles come together to create a social organization that run an artifact of technology.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Testing Registry Cleaner for Windows
Testing Registry Cleaner for Windows Abstract Registry is a collection of database that stores configuration setting in Microsoft windows operating system. Each Registry item is accessed by navigating through a designated path of keys and sub-keys. (Wang et al. 2004). As Windows operating system needs to keep track of all changes to configuration of program that run on the computer. Windows registry is the tool as database that stores all information about programs and is controlled by window operating system. The function of windows registry include as a tool to store all data from programs, store program setting include security setting, store setting for OS configuration and hardware devices. The Windows Registry can be accessed using Registry Editor Program. The registry contains two elements: keys and values. Making changes to these values or keys using editor will affect the setting of a particular value control. This paper is to test a registry cleaner to help enhance the pc performance. The test is done by testing by ins talls registry cleaner into a few pc and record the test data. We also review related journal and conduct survey in order to gather related detail. After that we summarized the data from the data we collected. Keywords Registry, Windows operating system, Registry Editor Program 1. Introduction New computer systems are always running fast, but as time increases the computer system speed will gradually become slower. When a computer becomes gradually saturated, the computer system speed becomes slower as well inconspicuously(Zhu Chen 2009). This will create trouble to the users. Nowadays there are about 1 billion of computer users in the world. In another word, nearly every of them will face the computer degradation problem. Most of the user will try a few ways to improve the efficient of pc and one of the ways is by using registry cleaner. Some of the user will also think that registry cleaner is able to remove viruses in the windows registry. The aim of this study is to study the effective of registry cleaner to help improve efficient of the pc and to test that is registry really able to remove virus in the window registry. The comment of user about registry cleaner is also been collected through the survey. 2. Material and Method This research is done by using quantitative method and qualitative method. Quantitative method, survey is been use to collect the comment and opinion of the computer user about registry cleaner. Qualitative method, experiment is done by using a few pc and installs a few registries cleaner in each pc. Then the data is collected when running the registry clean. Every data collect in the survey and experiment then is been summarized. This research uses questionnaire survey to collect users’ opinions and satisfaction levels of using registry cleaner application based on the nominal scare and 5-point Likert scales. We need to determine the awareness of respondents about the registry cleaner application, which function of registry cleaner application that bring the most benefits to respondents and what problem(s) will be encounter when using registry cleaner application. This experiment is done by using one pc for scanning and cleans the errors; three pc is use when trying use the registry cleaner to clean the virus. For scanning and clean errors, one pc is installed with a few registries cleaner then start the experiment follows the step:- Step 1: scan the registry error using the registry clean, at the same time record the time it needed to scan Step 2: After scan, backup the registry error found (record how many errors found) then clean it Step 3: Run scan again and record how many leftover error found Step 4: Recover back the entire cleaned registry and use another registry cleaner than needed to be test then start from Step 1. For the clean virus test, virus is been create and put in the window registry. Then uses the registry try to clean the virus. The result is then recorded. 3. Result and Discussion Table 1: Compare between genders with their awareness about PC degrading overtime. Noticed PC degrade overtime No noticed PC degraded overtime Gender Yes No Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Male 15 100% 0 0% Female 11 73% 4 27% Overall Total 26 87% 4 13% The above Table 1 has shown that the male and female with their awareness about the pc degrading overtime. With the table above, we compute that 87% of respondents aware that their pc are degrading overtime and only 13% of people didn’t notice that their pc are degrade overtime. With the percentage, respondents aware that their pc are degrading overtime, male (58%) are slightly higher than female (42%). With this table, we can know that male have more concern with their pc speed rather than female. Figure 1: Shown the purposes of respondents using registry cleaner application Figure 2: Shown the reasons of respondents using registry cleaner application With the table 4 shown at above, we can know that most of the respondents are using it for the purpose of increase their pc performance speed. 31% of people use registry cleaner to improve PC performance, 23% of respondents uses it to clear redundant data in registry, 23% of respondents use it to fix corrupted data in registry and 19% of respondent use it to clear viruses hide in registry. Based on table 5, reasons of respondents using registry cleaner mostly is because they need to improve their pc performance. With the percentage shown in table 5, they faced problems with their new pc is fairly new but performance already low is the main reason and the time required to start up their pc is the second reason make them want to use registry cleaner. Respondents that encounter low performance with their new PC took 33% of overall, startup time quite long took 32%, and pc crashes without reason took 23%. However low performance and startup time long took the highest percentage as overal l, we also cannot neglect that pc crashes is also a reason that respondents want to use registry cleaner. In table 4, one of the purposes is using registry cleaner to fix corrupted data. It took 23% as overall of purposes respondent to use registry cleaner. Figure 3: shown the satisfactory of respondents in using registry cleaner to improve their pc performance. With the table 6 shown above, 40% of people agree that registry cleaner able to improve the pc performance, 20% of respondents totally agree with it, and 17% of people not sure with the performance of registry cleaner and only 23% of people not satisfied with the registry cleaner application. Hence, we can conclude that most of the people believe that the registry cleaner are able to improve pc performance. Figure 4: shown the satisfaction of respondents in using registry cleaner to reduce occurrences of crashes. With the table 7 shown above, 40% of people agree that registry cleaner able to reduce the occurrences of crashes, 7% of respondents totally agree with it and 33% of people not sure with the function of registry cleaner and only 20% of people not satisfied with the registry cleaner application. Hence, we can conclude that most of the people are agree with register cleaner application able to resolve problem of crashes. Figure 5: Shown the satisfaction of respondents in using registry cleaner to fix corrupted data. With the table 8 shown above, respondents are not sure that registry cleaner application able to fix their corrupted data in their registry. It may because the output of the function cannot clearly be determined. It cannot be evaluate due to the errors occur inside the registry may not affect the pc performance sometimes. Hence, most of the respondents are not sure with it. Table 2: Experiment (effectiveness of registry cleaner) CC Cleaner Wise Cleaner JetClean Auslogic AML Scan time 9 seconds 49 seconds 32 seconds 22 seconds 2 minute 6 seconds Number of error (first) 114 489 3532 896 3205 Number of error (second) 0 12 11 2 3 Remove virus Fail to remove virus Fail to remove virus Fail to remove virus Fail to remove virus Fail to remove virus When we do the experiment, we never meet any problem occur after using the registry cleaner to clean the registry but it also more safe to backup the registry before clean it as the registry cleaner may clean up some registry and create errors. Base on Table 1, we can see that CC cleaner has the fastest speed when scanning but in only can detect very less errors in the registry. From this table we can say that JetClean is the most effective even it is slower when compare to CC Cleaner and Auslogic Registry Cleaner but it is able to detect the most errors. And from Table 1 it also tells us that registry cleaner is not able to remove the virus that already in the window registry. The reason that registry cleaners won’t clean up viruses is that although they are harmful, registry cleaning software isn’t written to be able to recognize viruses, so they can look like innocent, important software to the program. (Brimmer, 2013) From the survey and experiment, we can conclude that most registry cleaner user use register cleaner in order to improve their pc performance without knowing how register clean actually help improve their pc performance. Some of the registry cleaner like CC Cleaner may have other feature like option to enable and disable program at startup and clean some junk file in the computer that help in pc performance but sometime using registry cleaner to clean the registry may lead to error. Registry cleaners scan your registry for these outdated entries and offer to remove them. Because there are so many registry entries to go through, they’ll sometimes also remove useful registry entries, causing you problems. (Hoffman, 2012) 4. Conclusions Nowadays there are many registries cleaner in the market. Different registry cleaner may have different feature and different way of clean the registry. User can use the feature provided by the registry cleaner to improve their pc performance like control the startup program to help in the pc speed (Window startup speed). But for cleaning registry, they have to choose the right cleaner as some cleaner maybe remove some useful registry and cause problem to the user. It is better to backup the registry before running the registry clean as we do not know which program may be affected after the clean. Cleaning registry will only improve the pc significantly and it is most probably user will not see the effect after clean the registry. 5. Acknowledgements This work is support and guide by Mr. Teh Boon Chuan 6. References Brimmer, M., 2013. downloadregistrycleaner. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 3 2013]. Hoffman, C., 2012. makeuseof. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 3 2014]. Zhu, L. Chen, M., 2009. How to Deal With Speed Degradation in Computers of Today and What Causes It. Wang, Y. et al., 2004. Why PCs Are Fragile and What We Can Do About Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: A Study of Windows Registry Problems Archana Ganapathi One Microsoft Way Why PCs Are Fragile and What We Can Do About Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: A Study of Windows Registry Problems University of California. , (June).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sophocles’ Antigone Essay -- Plays Literature Ancient Greece Papers
Sophocles’ Antigone The character of Antigone in Sophocles’ play, Antigone, is one of the most controversial tragic characters in classic literature. The war in her city has torn her family apart, caused the death of both her brothers, and created a reason for her to fight against the King, her uncle. Her uncle, Creon, makes a ruling that her brother, Polynices, is not to be buried because he is a traitor, but according to her religion, her brother’s soul will not go to the afterlife until he is buried. In defense of her brother, she buries his body illegally and is subsequently sentenced to death. With her complex patterns of thought, bold actions, and the end she encounters, the character of Antigone causes debate among critics as to whether or not Antigone is in fact a tragic heroine. She can be perceived as a martyred hero, dying for love and religion, or as a fanatic woman who lacks the ability to think rationally. The way in which Antigone’s role is interpreted can further hel p to interpret Sophocles’ view of women and politics. In taking the view that she is a hero who died for her beliefs, it shows that Sophocles was aiming to prove that women deserve to be treated as equals and as citizens of Greece. Sophocles, like Antigone, was born to a privileged family in 496 B. C. in Colonus, a small town near Athens. His life was full of war stories and heroism. When he was a young boy, the Athenians defeated the Persians at Marathon. Later on, he was subjected to watching the burning of his home and the Parthenon by the Persians as well as the building of a new Parthenon. During the last years of his life, the Peloponnesian War raged on full-scale. Sophocles was a general and war hero during some of this time, but also on t... .../sophocles.htm. 10 Dec 2004. Holland, Catherine A. â€Å"After Antigone: Women, the Past, and the Future of Feminist Political Thought.†American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 42, No. 4. October 1998. JSTOR. 8 Dec 2004. Saxonhouse, Arlene W. â€Å"From Tragedy to Hierarchy and Back Again: Women in Greek Political Thought.†The American Political Science Review: Vol. 80, No. 2. June 1986. JSTOR. 8 Dec 2004. Sophocles. Antigone. Ed. George Young. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1993. Sophocles. Antigone. Ed. R. C. Jebb. 17 Dec 2004. Willner, Dorothy. â€Å"The Oeduipus Complex, Antigone, and Electra: The Woman as Hero and Victim.†American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 84, No. 1. (Mar., 1982), pp. 58-78. JSTOR. 6 Dec 2004.
The Power of the Photograph :: Personal Narrative
The Power of the Photograph On the wall of my dorm room hangs a photograph that was taken at my paternal grandmother’s house. I’m on Grandma’s lap, and my sister is on the floor. I appear to be about two or three years old. It is after supper, and Grandma is reading to me.      This photograph is interesting to me because it reflects two points that Michelle Citron makes in her book, Home Movies. First, the person taking the picture is asserting control over the interpretation of the memory. Second, there are clues within the frame that signify what has actually been left out of the frame. The item missing from this picture is my mother.      My father took the picture in order to show me wearing the moccasins my maternal grandfather had just bought for me when we visited him. My mother had remained there, while we went on to visit grandmother. She rarely came with us to visit Grandma because they did not get along. Like her own mother, my mother could be moody, distant, and bad-tempered. Grandma, on the other hand, was somewhat meddlesome, but affectionate, and over-indulgent with us kids. Consequently, they argued over how we should be treated.      Grandma is pointing to the moccasins, which signify my mother’s absence. In some ways, the photo is a conciliatory gesture; my father is acknowledging his in-laws’ contribution to my happiness and well being. In another, less obvious way, it is an act of spite. Since my mother refused to be there, my father replaced her with his own mother in this happy family scene he has created.      Her absence is also highlighted by the presence of my sister, Rhonda, who was about nine or ten. When I was a baby, Rhonda and I were always in pictures together. Usually she’s playing â€Å"mommy†and holding me on her lap. She was very protective of me and would not let me out of her sight. Taking the role of my guardian often got her in trouble, especially when my mother’s temper flared. Here, she looks silly and relaxed, more childlike than she does in other family pictures.      Citron argues that since they are selective and often taken by men, home movies and family photographs assert a balance of power within the family and strive to promote the â€Å"good†memory of family: â€Å"parents in control, men in charge, families together†(15).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Fear and Suspense in A Single Shot :: Single Shot Essays
Fear and Suspense in A Single Shot     Matthew F. Jones' novel A Single Shot is a disturbing tale of one man's unfortunate mistake and the hellish consequences it brings him. John Moon, in need of money to support his estranged wife Moira and their infant son Nolan, sets out early one morning to hunt an impressive buck he has recently spotted grazing near his mountain home. Having weighed the value of the deer meat against the thousand dollars in fines and two months in jail he can expect to serve if caught shooting the animal out of season on state land, he decides it is worth the risk. This risk, however, proves to be far greater than John anticipates. After he wounds the deer, chases it several miles through dense underbrush, has his shoulder gored, and accidentally shoots sixteen-year-old Ingrid Banes dead before finally killing the buck, John is forced to reevaluate his decision. Having made the leap from small-time poacher to second degree murderer with a single misguided gunshot, John, his life transformed into a d elusory state of confusion and guilt, reacts reprehensibly, but similarly to how most decent individuals would likely respond if placed in his dreadful situation. Choosing to hide her body in a small cavern in the quarry, "because burial has a ring of finality to it he can't yet bear" (24), John runs to an abandoned lean-to where the girl and her boyfriend Waylon have been camping, in search of material to build a torch. There, stumbling upon a large metal container full of money that he is unable to resist keeping, he realizes his troubles may have only begun. Indeed, this is true, as in the few short days that follow, he is tormented incessantly by both his own conscience and the men whose money he now possesses. Jones is able to convey this torment, as well as evoke apprehension and suspense, through his expert use of such elements as setting, atmosphere, structure, narrative voice, and, especially, characterization and dramatic action. As the story opens John is embarking on a deer hunt in the early hours of morning. It is before sunrise, still "three-quarters dark" (3), and "it's so quiet in the forest that, even on a soft bed of pine needles, John's footsteps echo in his ears" (4). There is no wind, and as the scene unfolds, birds take flight, and the crows begin to caw.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Surrogates the Movie
Surrogates: â€Å"Look at yourselves, unplug from your chairs, get up, and look in the mirror what you see is how God made you we’re not meant to experience life through a machine. †This seems to be the moral of this movie in the year 2017 and takes place in Boston, MA. Bruce Willis plays an FBI detective named Tom Greer working on a very mysterious murder of a young man who is the son of a prominent inventor. A news style montage opens the movie and provides you with the fundamental basis for the movie. The viewer learns that the technology of Surrogates took 14 years to develop into the everyday application as it would be depicted in the film. The surrogate project started as a way to help the disabled experience life in a way that would not be possible and soon was taken over by military application to use these surrogates and warriors in the battlefield to preserve human life. It was the Military application that set up mass production of surrogates and this made surrogates affordable to the average consumer. Near the end of the 14 year montage it is established that 98% of the entire world has a surrogate and is using them for their everyday life so the user can remain at home in safety and never needs to risk the danger or inconvenience of leaving home. There is a group of people however that are in strict opposition to the new surrogate way of life. This group is called the Human Coalition and they live in Dread Reservations which are located within major cities all over the world. These reservations are considered surrogate free zones and are completely sovereign. This group of people does not tolerate any type of surrogate technology and preach the experience of the human condition as the truth. This seems to be a cut and dry good vs. vil movie at first and the two sides clearly established but as the movie moves along the lines become blurred and the twists are pronounced. Tom Greer and his partner are called to the scene of a seemingly normal vehicle accident late in the evening only to discover fairly quickly that this is not just an accident scene it’s a murder. While at the scene of the accident only surrogates are present and it is assumed the operators of the surrogates remain at their homes unharmed, but after furt her investigation by Tom the operators are dead in their operator chairs. Highly unusual because there haven’t been any murders in Boston for so long the Agents do not remember the last one. And this starts the investigation into the would be conspiracy that is the plot of the movie. The inventor of surrogates is a man named Dr. Lionel Canter, who was the target of the murder but instead of killing him the murder a Human Coalition member Miles Strickland killed his son who was borrowing his father’s surrogate. Tom is convinced that the Human Coalition is responsible for the murder and takes his surrogate into the sovereign territory in Boston where his surrogate is destroyed. Tom is now forced to abandon the surrogate and continue the investigation in the flesh. This is a shocking experience for him but eventually causes him to remember the human condition and experience. No matter the difficulty he experiences as a result of the sensory overload he continues the investigation. Next Tom discovers that the military had developed the weapon that would overload many surrogates with a single shot but an accidental byproduct of this weapon was that it actually killed the operator. The Military officials ordered that all if the weapons be destroyed and somehow one slipped through the cracks and was not destroyed and fell into the hands of manufacturer of the surrogates. The manufacturer VCI is proclaimed as one of the largest companies in the world and is a very powerful corporation. It was originally founded by Dr. Canter but due to differences in philosophy he was removed as President of the company but remained a beneficiary of the profits from the sale of surrogates. The excitement builds as Tom pursues the investigation and gets closer to figuring out the conspiracy. So far he has learned that a Human Coalition member murdered the son of a Dr Canter and that the target was actually Dr Canter himself but because his son used a surrogate belonging to Dr Canter the murderer thought that he was killing him but accidentally killed his son. The military in cooperation with VCI developed a weapon that would overload surrogates and shut them down in an effort to quickly win battles without casualties. A major problem was discovered with the weapon during its initial tests and it had unintentionally killed the operators of the surrogates. The weapon was ordered to be destroyed and of the 5 that were created only 4 were actually destroyed and one remained. The military did not know who had the remaining weapon but an assumption must be made that VCI had the weapon and somehow it had fallen in to the hands of the Human Coalition who were bent on the murder of Dr Canter for creating this new society that is an abomination. Tom reveals to the military that when he was in the Human Coalitions Boston reservation he knew the weapon was there and in the hands of their leader Zaire Powell. His attempt to convince the world that the surrogates are evil seems to be failing up to now. He now has the power to shut down every single surrogate all over the world but this action would result in the death of billions of people. The Military tells Tom to stand down and that they would take over the recovery of the weapon. Tom is drawn back in when his partner is killed and her surrogate is being used to gain access to the FBI surrogate control center. He discovers that Zaire Powell is actually a surrogate being controlled by Dr. Canter. This discovery takes Tom to Dr Canters home that is protected by surrogate guards that he must take down to reach Dr Canter in time. Canter had taken control of his partners surrogate and was in the headquarters of the FBI where he can access every surrogate at one time and use the weapon to download the overload virus killing every operator connected to their surrogate. When Tom reaches Dr Canter has already begun downloading the virus. Tom confronts Dr Canter and tries to convince him that killing this many people is not the way to accomplish his goal but it’s too late and in order to prevent Tom from stopping him Dr Canter takes a cyanide pill killing himself. Tom has no choice but to take over the surrogate of his partner and try to stop the virus from taking hold and killing billions of people. With the help of the programmer at the FBI surrogate control center he is able to isolate the operators from the virus. He then has to stop the isolate the surrogates themselves from the virus but in a last minute decision decides to allow the virus to shut down all the surrogates. He had saved the lives of many people but after having experiencing the human condition again decided that everyone should have that same experience again. This movie is full of twists and changes that are hard to follow. Overall, I don’t find this movie to be a great movie. The concepts could have been developed better and the twists should have been made with more information. The twists came without warning which is good for a twist but there was no information used to explain the twists in a way that would make it believable. I have learned that this movie was first a book and it is common that the themes in a book are not completely developed when it is turned in to a movie, however the concepts could have been portrayed and explained better. I did enjoy the idea of unplugging sometimes and to experience life outside of our home and disconnect from the internet and television. There are experiences our modern technology allows us to not have and in some cases this is not always a good thing. As a child I took a vacation to Yellowstone National Park and my children have not been able to experience this yet except for on the internet. They are not excited about making this trip because they believe they have experienced this park on the internet but as many adults know it is just not the same. I am concerned that as our children develop with more access to technology they will lose touch with the human experience so any movie, book, music, or other medium that express or shows the importance of the actual physical human experience is a great thing. I would recommend this movie to anyone for this purpose and I might also suggest that in order to fully understand this movie itself that it be watched two or three times. Watch it, enjoy it but most of all experience it.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Assessment of Patient’s Perceptions Essay
Caring has been widely discussed in the health care professions, especially in nursing which is considered to be one of the caring professions (Boykin and Schoenhofer 2001). Watson (1985) describes caring as a moral ideal of nursing. According to Watson, caring preserves human dignity in cure dominated health care systems and becomes a standard by which cure is measured (Watson 1988c, p. 177). Research literature indicates that the assessment of quality of care from the patient’s perspective has been operationalised as patient satisfaction (Dufrene 2000). Nurse caring has been related to patient satisfaction in western literature (Wolf et al 2003; Wolf et al 1998; Forbes and Brown 1995; Boyle et al 1989). There are so many factors that influence patients’ perceptions of care given by the opposite sex. Some of these are: Age, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic and health status. The most consistent finding has been related to age. Older patients tend to be more satisfied with their health care. Studies that have looked at ethnicity have generally held that being a member of a minority group is associated with lower rates of satisfaction. Studies on the effect of gender show that women tend to be less satisfied and other studies show the opposite. Most studies have found that individuals of lower socio-economic status and less education tend to be less satisfied with their health care. Other studies have shown that poorer satisfaction with care is associated with experiencing worry, depression, fear or hopelessness, as is having a psychiatric diagnosis such as schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder or drug abuse. Health status can greatly influence satisfaction of an individual (Hall, 1990). It is important to examine the relationships of nurse caring to patient satisfaction in Cape Coast because of severe staff shortages, heavy workload, and low salaries in Cape Coast Hospitals. Nursing literature had long recognized importance of these perceptions as major factors militating against prompt and effective service delivery in the care environment. One of the critical roles and ethics of the nurse is to treat all patients irrespective of their gender, colour, creed, political inclination and religious affiliations. High quality nurse-client communication is the backbone of the art and science of nursing. It has a significant impact on patient well-being as well as the quality and outcome of nursing care, and is related to patients’ overall satisfaction with their care. The maintenance of high nurse patient communication also depends on the nurse and patient. The quality of care in a hospital has been shown to be influenced by several factors including: inadequate nursing staff, lack of regular water supply on wards, too much nursing documentation, too long waiting time, and lack of specialized nurses. In Ghana, there is crisis in nurse-client communication evidence from four sources. These are personal observation, anecdotes from client and their families, media reports, and official health reports. Although there is ample evidence to demonstrate that most nurses are females, one cannot discount the enormous services that male nurses provide irrespective of their gender. The ever increasing number of female nurses compared to male nurses in our wards, coupled with patient dissatisfaction toward treatment received has raised a lot of questions as to whether there is a perceived idea that male nurses offer better care or otherwise. With the introduction of Health Insurance a few years ago, more patients report to the hospital and are also consciously aware of their rights and responsibilities as patients and hence will demand for better service delivery from care givers. Recently, patient dissatisfaction has been on the ascendancy in several hospitals across Ghana including University of Cape Coast Hospital. This has raised a lot of concerns about the perceptions patients have regarding the care given by male nurses.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
From Garden City to Garbage City, Bangalore Essay
A city well reputed as the Information Technology (IT) capital of India, home to many well recognized educational and research institutes like the Indian Institute of Science (IIS), Indian Institute of Management (IIMB), Indian Institute of Fashion Designing (IIFD), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), National Institute of Medical and Health Sciences (NIMHANS), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), with Infosys and Wipro headquarters, a city fondly nicknamed the â€Å"Silicon Valley of India†is the second fastest growing and developing Indian city. Listed fourth among the top 15 cities contributing to India’s overall GDP it is the country most preferred by the entrepreneurs all over the world. Bangalore is famous as the â€Å"Garden City of India†because of its gentle climate, broad streets, greenery and the presence of public parks, such as Lal Bagh and Cubban Park. Regular flowers shows and biannual flowers shows are he ld at the Lal Bagh gardens during the week of Republic Day (26 January) and Independence Day (15 August) which attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. see more:essay about bangalore Recapturing my memory, twenty years ago, Bangalore was a small halli (village) surrounded by many small villages with rich fields which was the main reason for Bangalore’s salubrious and fantastic climate. Trees were planted on either sides of the roads which added to the pleasant and cool atmosphere. The roads were deprived of any kind of noise, motor vehicles and pollution. Bangalore was completely surrounded by green carpets. There were innumerable tanks, ponds and lakes all around. All this may sound like a story but this was how wealthy Bangalore was in terms of its greenery and beauty. One would wake up listening to the chirping of birds, feel the cool and pleasant wind blow over their face. The air was pure and rejuvenating. But today Bangalore, India’s showpiece city for its salubrious climate and beautiful gardens is struggling to keep up its label of â€Å"The Garden City Of India†. The reason behind this being the encroachment of agricultural land for industrialization, construction and development, all of which lead to unexpected, unplanned and haphazard change in the Garden City. Holocaust of trees and vegetation occurred when road widening, laying of electric and telephone lines, establishment of industries, buildings and construction of private colonies began. In less than 12 years the Garden City was converted into a globalised IT capital. All the beauty, the charm, the charisma that Bangalore once had being the Garden City of the country appears only in books and is lost in the history. But today the scenario is topsy turvy. And my sweet memories turn bitter when I look at the scenario now. Walking down the lanes the only thing that catches one’s eye sight are the tall sky scrapers, slums, barren lands with mountains of waste and vast stretches of colonies. There is rarely any patch of greenery left on the grounds of a city which was once called the Pensioners ‘Paradise’. BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike or Greater Bangalore City Corporation) is responsible for the safe disposable of the tonnes of waste generated by the city’s residents. Karnataka’s capital city generates more than 4500 tonnes of garbage everyday which is transported to the outskirts of the city to the landfills of Doddaballapur, Mandur and Mavallipura. The committees around these areas have borne the brunt of the city’s garbage, poisoning their environment and succumbing to innumerable diseases. With the unavailability of any further landfills, and the negligence by the BBMP, Bangaloreans have begun to dump the erratic garbage collection along the road sides. All this is a by- product of the ‘use and throw’ culture. Even the road dividers are not spared. The drains, the pot-holes are over- flowing with the wastes. All this is turning into a grave environmental and public hazard. Animals are dying on a large scale by consuming plastic instead of grass, there is widespread of epidemic among the flora and fauna, climatic conditions, rainfall pattern are getting disturbed. The root cause of the problem begins at household where people fail to segregate the wet(organic) and dry(inorganic) waste. This adds to the burden of spending additional money in segregation. The other culprit has been the nexus between the civil Government and the private contractors who have failed in their obligation to manage and collect the waste on time. To curtail the situation BBMP had announced mandatory dry and wet waste segregation for every household. But people’s negligence forced the BBMP to withdraw its order. A feverish hunt is on for hundreds of acres of land to accommodate the 5000 odd tonnes of garbage generated daily by the city’s eight million population. People blame the contractors and the BBMP for not giving timely service to them and the authorities blame the general public for not taking interest in waste segregation at their home. The blame game is on. It is not that the BBMP has insufficient technology or incapability to handle the waste. Both the local public and the Government should cooperate and hold hands with each other during such a crisis. Tieing up with NGOs and private firms to turn the waste into energy or manure is one such measure to help tackle this problem. Setting up of biogas plants to treat the waste into compost, regular collection and picking up of waste, educating the masses can act as the anchor for BBMP’s sinking ship. The city once called the Garden city is in knee- deep trash today. The tree population is only 17 per 100 people. 74% of the city’s lakes and 66% of the city’s vegetation has been stripped off in the last few years. The sad and bitter truth is that garbage has replaced greenery. It high time that the new Government finds a permanent solution to this garbage menace and bring back the green tag and to prevent â€Å"Brand Bangalore†from getting buried in the mounds of stinking and filthy garbage.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Explore Blake’s Chimney Sweeper poems from the Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience Essay
In this essay I am going to explore Blake’s Chimney Sweeper poems from the Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience. During this essay I will cover Blake’s life and times and the way chimney sweepers get treated around that time and what Blake attempts to do about it. Blake was born on November 28 in the year 1757. His parents where strict but understanding. Blake’s parents realised early in his life that Blake was gifted. He had an extremely active imagination and he often got visions. At only four years old he claimed he had seen God in one of these visions. Another time when he was with one of his friends he envisaged angels filling a tree. He horridly told his family what he saw but the response he got from his father was quite negative. His father threatened to whip him because he believed it was time for him to grow up. However his mother took Blake’s side and when she asked him about it he stated that the angels took the form of his thoughts. This vision was stuck with him and was extremely influential in his life. Blake obviously had a gift for seeing things with his eyes and in his imagination. He used his artwork to express his experiences. When Blake turned ten years of age his parents decided to enrol him into a drawing school. Later on in his life Blake used his talent as an artist to become a apprentice engraver. Throughout Blake’s life he had a dislike for nasty, unfair people especially towards those that had power and money like those in the government, and those that where associated with the church. Blake also could not stand power abusers and bad unfair treatment towards the poor, young and elderly. In the time of William Blake chimney sweepers went through a torrid time, it was as if they where young slaves. The age of the infants varied between five years old to the age of eight or nine if they could be fit up the chimneys. They where often bought off parents for as little a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2, in some cases however they may be purchased for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 but it is still a despicable price to pay for a young child. In the extreme cases the chimney sweepers where stole from family’s. When the sweeps had lost the use around the age of seven they get passed over to the church. Blake despised the serious health problems the sweeps got from this demanding life of threatening work. Most sweeps after only a short time of working in the chimneys end up with twisted kneecaps, ankles and even spines from crawling up the extremely cramped chimneys. There was even such a thing as â€Å"chimney sweeps cancer†which they got from the soot irritating there skin. Again we can see why Blake hates the idea of chimney sweepers and there treatment, they are forced to do inhumane things that even animals would never be told to do. The master sweeps imbedded fear into the young brains and subjected them to clean chimneys. They where made to live in the most inhabitable of conditions. They often slept on soot bags in dirty wet cellars. The sweeps where forced to clean the chimneys if they refused or could not fit up the chimneys they where punished by the fire being lit, slaps, prodding with poles and various other instruments and pricking of the bottoms of their feet. All this just so the master sweep can make an easy living from the poor misfortune of innocent children. Blake strongly disagreed with the treatment of the sweeps so much he wrote two beautiful poems about their treatment, these featured in two separate books, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. The first chimney sweeper poem is from the Songs of Innocence, Blake shows a strong message through his poems, and they sometimes come across light hearted like nursery rhymes. But often, if not all the time they have a dark sinister meaning. This is the beginning of Chimney sweeper 1 and straight away Blake invites the reader to feel sympathy for the situation the family is in. It shows how poor the family is, it gets so bad the father has to sell his child to get some money to keep the rest of the family going. This reflects on the state of working class people of that time. â€Å"When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue.†The boy is sold so young that it has not even developed the ability to speak properly; in the poem he â€Å"Could scarcely cry â€Å"weep! weep! weep! weep!†The boy could be crying in this passage or he could be trying to say the word sweep but is unable because of his age. This is clever by Blake because the passage has a double meaning; this carries on throughout the poem. The effect of the first stanza is to bring the reader into perspective of what lengths of desperation the families go to, to earn a small amount of money. In the second stanza the audience is introduced to Tom Dacre, his hair is shaved off and Tom is very upset about this. Blake feels very strongly about the dehumanisation of people and shows this in his poems. Blake compares Tom to a lamb because a lamb is innocent like the chimney sweeps and is also a form of sacrificial animal so it is showing there inability to have there own personality and independence. â€Å"There’s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curl’d like a lamb’s back, was shav’d†The final part of this stanza represents the pureness of Tom Dacre. The soot represents the master sweeps trying to make him impure but the white hair represents how innocent Tom is. The effect of this stanza is to bring across the innocents of the sweeps to the audience. â€Å"Hush, Tom! Never mind it, for when your heads bare, You know the soot cannot spoil your white hair.†The third stanza is when Tom has a dream; in his dream he has visions of thousands of dead sweeps. The coffins of black represent a enclosed environment with dead sweeps covered in black soot. Blake involves the fact that thousands of chimney sweepers died to once again show the audience what really goes on. â€Å"That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack, Were all of them lock’d up in coffins of black.†In Stanza four Tom Dacre is still in his dream and an Angel comes to set him free, this represents the chimney sweeps being liberated from their life of peril. â€Å"And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he open’d the coffins & set them all free†Then Blake goes on in the conclusion of this stanza to contrast there life when they are trapped being made to go up chimneys, to being let to run free and be there own boss. It is everything they can not do when working as a chimney sweeper. Blake mentions that they wash in the river, this symbolises that they have left that dark past behind them and are moving on. This stanza has a light hearted mood and shows everything that the chimney sweepers can not have. In the fifth stanza Blake brings his feelings about the church through. The unfairness and manipulative abilities the church is shown in this stanza. â€Å"And the Angel told Tom, if he’d be a good boy, He’d have God for his father, & never want joy.†This means basically that if you do not sin you get to go to heaven. The angel represents the heartless church who manipulate through fear. This is what Blake is strongly against. In the final stanza of the first poem the boys go back to work after Tom wakes and have to work in poor conditions. â€Å"And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark, And got with our bags & our brushes to work.†In the end of the last stanza Blake makes it seems as if it has finished on a high note, however Blake doesn’t believe in this naive belief. â€Å"So if they do all their duty, they need not fear harm.†That was the first of the two chimney sweeper poems, throughout this poem Blake says one thing but if you look deeper into it, it has a much deeper sinister meaning. The second chimney sweeper poem is from the Songs of Experience this poem has a different angle that the first poem. Stanza one, The Chimney Sweeper 2 begins like this; â€Å"A little black thing among the snow, Crying â€Å"weep! ‘weep!†in notes of woe! â€Å"Where are thy father & mother? Say††â€Å"They are both gone up to church to pray.†Blake represents the chimney sweeper in the first part, calling it â€Å"A little black thing among the snow,†To Blake the â€Å"black†represents the sweep all dirty and tainted. And calling it a â€Å"thing†dehumanizes the sweep. Blake wrote, â€Å"A little black thing among the snow†because the chimney sweeper is tainting society which is the white snow. Blake uses the same words from The Chimney Sweeper 1, in this poem for the same effect, to show the young boy upset, confused. â€Å"Crying â€Å"weep! ‘weep!††At this point in the poem the audience can not tell who is speaking. I believe it is the poor people; they are represented as chimney sweepers. The chimney sweeper is lost in society, represented by the snow. The government which is represented by the chimney sweeper’s parents is ignorant to reality. Blake has used the situation in the poem to express his feelings about politics of that time. â€Å"Because I was happy upon the heath. And smil’d among the winters snow, The boy in the second poem has had more experience chimney sweeping and has come to terms that there is nothing he can do about it. He puts on a brave face and gets on with it, when compared to Tom Dacre in Chimney Sweeper 1 he doesn’t have the naivety that Tom had. Once again I think Blake had another meaning that poor people represented as the chimney sweep are happy and they smile in society. â€Å"They cloth’d me in the clothes of death, And taught me to sing the notes of woe.†The parents of the chimney sweeper in this poem clothed there son and sentenced him to death when they decided to sell him to a master sweep. They made the boy cry when he had to leave and now he is alone and knows it. I think that Blake had another deeper meaning. I think the chimney sweeper represented poor people, they got clothed in the clothes of death by the chimney sweepers parents represented as the government. In the final stanza Blake goes on the attack at the church and the government he does this by provoking anger towards them through the unfairness of it all. â€Å"And because I am happy & dance and sing, They think they have done me no injury, In these lines Blake is how the chimney sweeper feels after his ordeal, putting on the front everything is ok when it is not. Going deeper into what Blake is trying to bring across is representation that the chimney sweep is the poor people again. The final two lines Blake attacks the church and the government, the chimney sweep is wise and is experienced and realises that the church and government exploit the poor so that they can make their own heaven out of the money from the society. And we gone to praise God & his Priest and King, Who make up a heaven of our miseryâ€
The Little Prince Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Little Prince - Essay Example Moreover, the paper aims to evaluate how this particular theme works in our lives. The Little Prince explains how material things make a difference in people’s views and attitudes. In Chapter IV of the novel, it was observed that the Turkish astronomer was ignored despite of presenting his discovery of Asteroid B 612 for the fact that he wore traditional Turkish dress. However, the same person is given a lot of importance and appraisal when he presents his discovery in the European dressing. The narrow-minded and materialistic people accepted the success only when the astronomer followed their limited approach of measuring the success i.e. by appearance, dressing and presentation. This theme of the novel really applies to our lives these days. People argue about equality, rights and equal opportunities, still they lack far behind what is required. The narrow-mindedness of many people is still a hurdle for most of the women to progress. The materialistic approach still limits people from viewing the reality behind the faces. Money-oriented people are still w elcomed and respected regardless of their deeds and wrongful acts. The novel accuses adults for being narrow-minded, materialist, cold, selfish, mean and unimaginative. The writer clearly distinguishes between the views of children and adults about the world in the 1st chapter. Author characterizes children as true, honest, innocent, lively and imaginative creatures who do not give importance to how things look and what benefits them. As the story begins, the writer starts criticizing adults for being unimaginative and materialists who ignore the beauty of life and world for the sake of money, status, power, fame etc. This indirect criticism can be observed when the writer explains how unimaginative grownups are to observe his Drawing Number One which represented a boa constrictor eating an elephant, like anything except a hat. The story goes on and the
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