Monday, September 30, 2019
Based God Life Essay
Brandon McCartney grew up in Berkeley, California, and attended high school at Albany High in Albany. He adopted the name Lil B, and began rapping at age 16 with San Francisco Bay Area based hip hop group The Pack. After two locally successful mixtapes, at the peak of the Bay Area’s hyphy movement, the group’s song â€Å"Vans†became a surprise hit. The song was ranked as the fifth best of 2006 by Rolling Stone magazine.[5] The strength of â€Å"Vans†led the group to release Skateboards 2 Scrapers, featuring a â€Å"Vans†remix with Bay Area rappers Too $hort and Mistah F.A.B.. In 2007, Lil B and The Pack released its first album, Based Boys. Solo success (2010–present) Aside from his involvement with The Pack, Lil B garnered popularity through the use of social media Web sites. He created over 155 MySpace pages in order to upload all of his music. He recorded over 1,500 tracks as of July 2010, including hits â€Å"Like A Martian,†â€Å"Wonton Soup,†â€Å"Pretty Bitch,†and â€Å"I’m God.†,[6] all of which were released for free. Lil B had apparently signed with Amalgam Digital in 2010 for a multiple album deal.[7][8] However, he appears to have only released one record through the label, and his subsequent records were released independently either through mixtape hosting website DatPiff, or iTunes. Slate columnist Jonah Weiner labeled him as one of a â€Å"growing number of weird-o emcees†, calling him a â€Å"brilliantly warped, post-Lil Wayne deconstructionist from the Bay Area†.[9] Lil B released Angels Exodus, on January 18, 2011, through Amalgam Digital, although he had previously released Rain In England on CD and Vinyl through Weird Forest Records in September 2010. On August 11, 2012, Lil B stated through his Facebook that the only official album he has released was the album Choices and Flowers under his alias â€Å"The BasedGod.†He said that all other releases by him are mixtapes and that he is currently working on his first official Lil B studio album.[10] Before the first Lil B album comes out he will release a rock album.[11] He has since stated he is working on a new album as â€Å"The BasedGod†called â€Å"Tears 4 God†, which was released on December 30 2012.[12] Controversy I’m Gay album When Lil B released his fifth album, titled I’m Gay, he received several death threats. Although he is heterosexual, he says the title is a message of support to the LGBT community. Referring to the original definition of gay, he says he is gay because he is happy.[13] Feud with Game In 2011, after hearing a verse from Lil B on the Lil Wayne mixtape Sorry 4 the Wait, Compton rapper Game referred to Lil B as the â€Å"wackest rapper of all time.†Lil B responded by calling Game â€Å"irrelevant,†to which Game then threatened Lil B.[14] Several weeks later, the two settled their differences through Twitter after which Lil B urged fans to purchase Game’s album The R.E.D. Album.[15] Feud with Joey Bada$$ Lil B took offense to rapper, and member of Pro Era, Capital Steez’s lyrics in Joey Bada$$’ song â€Å"Survival Tactics.†In this, he raps â€Å"They say hard work pays off / well tell the BasedGod don’t quit his day job.†Lil B responded with a song titled â€Å"I’m The Bada$$.†Joey Bada$$ then responded with a song titled â€Å"Don’t Quit Your Day Job!†.[16] A Lil B fan-group identifying as â€Å"Task Force†later prompted Joey Bada$$ to remove his twitter[17], which he later reactivated. Style Musical critic Willy Staley described Lil B’s work as â€Å"variegated†, because it ranges from critical parodies of the hip-hop genre to â€Å"half new age, half spoken word†. He further notes that Lil B draws from a large variety of genres, especially those not commonly used by other rappers. In an interview with Staley, Lil B agrees with this analys
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Research Methods and Modeling Techniques Essay
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are important modes through which firms undertake their domestic and international strategies. M&As research is important because these transactions have significant implications for firms’ performance (Laamanen & Keil, 2008). When a firm carries out an international M&A it gains full control over the foreign unit (Arregle, Hebert & Beamish, 2006). In addition, once established, these transactions are difficult to change, because they have long-term consequences for the firm (Capron & Pistre, 2002). Given its high relevance, numerous empirical studies have addressed the M&As research such as the overview by Noe & Rebello in 2006, as well as theoretical articles written by Chi in 2000 and Shaver in 2006. However, even after decades of research on this issue, the empirical research provides no clear consensus on the impact of these transactions on the firms’ performance. For instance, Child, Faulkner and Pitkethly (2001) found that cultural differences are likely to have a negative impact on the firms’ post-acquisition performance. According to Morosini, Shane and Singh (1998) international M&As have become major strategic tools for corporate growth of multinational corporations. M&As increase the efficiency and effectiveness of whole industries, and also affects individual companies’ competitive ability (Hitt, Ireland & Harrison, 2001). Most of the times M&As are the only way to acquire resources and knowledge that are not available in the market. A transaction is known as an acquisition when a buyer acquires all or part of the assets or businesses of a selling company. In case the target company is purchased despite its active resistance the transaction is also known as hostile takeover. A merger, in contrast, is the corporate combination of two or more independent business corporations into a single enterprise, usually the absorption of one or more firms by a dominant one. Most of transactions are considered as acquisitions. One possibility is to literally merge two companies, in which case one company automatically assumes all the assets and liabilities of the other. In this case, the merger must have the approval of at least 50 percent of the stockholders of each firm concerned. The alternative is to simply acquire the sellers stock by purchasing it on the stock market or in exchange for shares. This development usually takes place by increasing slowly, but surely revenues over time in the market the company has become part of. Knowing the clients needs products get adjusted, differentiated and new products get launched. Now it’s been a while since the acquisition and it is more than obvious that this kind of venture was a great idea from Adidas and now it is up to them to try to improve even more and pretty soon overcome Nike as global leader in department of sports equipment, and in unity with Reebok it will be much easier. The closing of the Reebok transaction on January 31, 2006 marks a new chapter in the history of the Adidas Group. By combining two of the most respected and well-known brands in the worldwide sporting goods industry, the new group will benefit from a more competitive worldwide platform, well-defined and complementary brand identities, a wider range of products, and a stronger presence across teams, athletes, events and leagues. The merged companies will maintain their individual brands yet, together, will cover a larger variety of sports and geographic regions, with Reebok’s strength in U.S. sports and Adidas’ more international presence. Their combined clout will also give them stronger bargaining power with retailers. The combination of Adidas and Reebok accelerates the Adidas Group’s strategic intent in the global athletic footwear, apparel and hardware markets. The new Group will benefit from a more competitive platform worldwide, well defined and complementary brand identities, a wider range of products, and an even stronger presence across teams, athletes, events and leagues. Adidas is a German company and has 14,217 employees with global sales of 81 million in 2004 ( Reebok was originally a British company, moved to the United States in 1979 and started production of Reebok products in 2004, global sales of 40 billion dollars. Through the merger of Reebok, Adidas will significantly increase market visibility, integrating the two companies complement each other’s consumer base and geographical advantages. This will allow them to be able to narrow Nike lead in the market share to a minimum. The main goal is to benefit from the best sides of each company and emphasize on it. In case of Adidas it is focus on producing sporting goods in all of the categories especially in area of soccer, basketball and tennis. Reebok is in charge of providing market share by emphasizing on their main feature and that is cricket and stylish products well promoted by the celebrities from the music world such as Nelly and Jay Z. PROBLEM STATEMENT Previous research offers no validation that there is a clear relationship of an improvement of KPI for companies, which participate in M&A transactions, when comparing the figures of the newly merged company, with those of the involved companies separately in case the transaction never happened. The various purposes explained before shows why companies engage in mergers or acquisitions, however, give rise to the presumption that there are positive effects companies benefit from when combining their businesses with those of another carefully selected entity. The overall goal is to get all the necessary info related to the overall situation of the company after merger and to see how the transition went and if the situation at the company is better then before the merger. So the first question is will the new company get a rise in sales and is there a chance to overcome Nike as overall leader in sports brand industry? There’s no such thing as a merger of equals: one company always brings the dominant culture. Smart companies will go out of their way to be protectionist and preserve certain parts of the smaller entity. There may be certain aspects of the culture you want to preserve and value in the firm you’re merging with. Keeping the foundation that made the other company successful must be of essential value. Management absolutely has got to empower people to have a voice in defining what the new corporate culture is going to be. The goal is to find aspects of both cultures that can work in the new combined culture. So basically the second research question would be how the new formed company is going to deal with combining different management values and complexity of joining two corporate cultures? Both Adidas and Reebok went through big financial crises in 90’s so the third and final question would be to investigate what led up to that and what can newly merged company do to avoid that situation. Issues led to big debts to each of the companies involved in this merger and it is of high relevance to research this with big attention. LITERATURE REVIEW To develop a solid answer to the research question, literature review is necessary and important. Academic literature will help in getting all necessary information to make sure that all the answers have been created properly and that will help in solving the stated problem. The area of Mergers and Acquisitions is a field of great interest to researchers. The will of companies to acquire or merge with another entity is not a new phenomenon as already clearly argued above. There are diverse reasons why a company looks for external opportunities of growth instead of concentrating on its own capabilities of growing organically. Over time, two different tracks of research have developed investigating different aspects and consequences of merger and acquisition transactions. One track is focusing on stock prizes and their fluctuations. This track usually investigates the short-term consequences of mergers and acquisitions around a certain event, which gives it its name: event study. The event can be the announcement of a transaction or the actual transaction date when the deal has not been announced publically before. After all, it does not matter which of the two events will be studied since it is actually the information, which is of importance and priced into the stock and not the event in time like announcement or the actual completion of the deal. The price of the stocks will change the moment investors do change their expectations and take respective actions like going short or long in the securities concerned. Generally, the results of these event studies are that the bidding firms stock prize does fall at the time of the announcement but then recovers shortly after. The stock price of the target firms, in contrast, usually does benefit from the takeover due to the premium, which is normally paid by the acquiring company. Jensen and Ruback (1983) investigate a dozen researches, which are examining event studies during 1956 and 1981. Their overall conclusion is that in those studies the bidding firm does loose while target firms benefit from takeovers. On average, targets do earn 20% when a merger has been announced and up to 30% in case of a tender offer ( In contrast, the companies, which are to acquire do earn just 4% on average in abnormal returns on a tender offer and nothing from merger announcements. Using the cash flow as a measure of economic performance of the investigated companies, Sharma studies the performance of the post acquisition era of the fifty largest companies in the United States between 1979 and 1984. They compare the performance after the merger of the combined new entity with the addition of performance of the companies prior to the merger. Their result is that the more related the two companies prior to the merger have been, more likely it is to have significant performance improvement. Another similar study has been performed by Christian Tuch, which also uses cash flow as determining factor. According to him both acquirers and targets on average earn a lower operating margin on sales prior to the bid (Christian Tuch, International journal of management reviews, The impact of acquisitions, 2007) The intention of the companies is to differentiate their products (Li et al. p.74) from those of their competitors in order to sharpen the brands profile. This leads to the situation that products objectively are still comparable but subjectively for the clients become more difficult to substitute one against each other since it is not just any shoe you buy. Healy and Switzer focus on M&A undertaken in USA. Tuch limits his research on transaction and their consequences to the retail sector in UK. One thing is certain and it is that results vary from case to case. However there are no patterns weather this kind of transaction pay out or not. Switzer uses a larger sample than Healy et al. did and surveys 324 transactions in the US between 1967 and 1987. The performance of the companies involved is measured by the cash flow and it is adjusted by industries average. The author finds that targets and bidders are outperforming its industry benchmarks before and after the merger respectively. METHODOLOGY To generate a research strategy, to collect credible data, the paper will use existing theory to develop hypotheses. Consequently, my research paper will be based on a deductive research approach. With this approach the theory of the research paper will be proved through collecting quantitative data and explaining the causal relationships between variables (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2009). All the literature previously mentioned in chapter two, will represent the base for this research. It will include the research of all archive with the special attention to databases of New York Public Library, such as EBSCO. Next step would be creating a survey, through which I will have the opinions of the employees at Adidas. Taking this step allows to take in consideration opinions of the employees, which will be better explained in further text. The broader literature on survey methods suggests measures for assessing these response tendencies and some corrections of them. However, these measures and corrections are either not simple, or not adequately used or tested in the context of cross-national survey research. More importantly, there is not much clarity on how, if at all, response tendencies distort survey. This questionnaire will be looking for closed answers by providing different options of answers for people to choose from. First thing that I will do is to contact one of the top management at the Adidas, and get their opinion on the questions, which will be part of the survey. By doing this they will be included in the whole process and I could get their opinion on the matter. Since enough time has passed after the merger occurred the answers I get from the employees will enable me to get better understanding of how everything operates since then. The way I will be communicating with them will be via e-mail and the goal is to get as straight- forward and honest answer as possible. The simplest techniques to reduce socially desirable responding are to assure respondent anonymity, indirect questioning (Fisher, 1993), and to keep some distance between the respondent and the researcher (through a telephone or mail survey). However, even these techniques are unable to fully control socially desirable responding. One reason might be the strength of the tendency among some respondents. Another reason might be the unintentional tendency to exaggerate the possession of socially desirable traits and behaviors among other respondents. (Chandrasekaran and Tellis, 2010) Good way to attract the attention of intended employees for survey is to before hand explain them the purpose of the research, and what I plan to make out of it. For higher number of responses this will be both on the questionnaire and in the e-mail. The number of participants should be at least 50 so I would have a proper picture of the overall situation. The whole survey will be designed based on the Likert scale, which basically consists of five possible answers. Those are: strongly agree, agree, not sure, disagree and strongly disagree. The questions I would like to ask at this stage would focus on information to the previous state, when the companies were separate entities and now whey they are merged company. Examples of the questions that would be part of the survey are if the company changed the policies related to handling their operations, how the company is performing under new management and how did the company transit from two big rivals to the teammates on the task. The whole proposed research would last for 3 months, because in my personal opinion that’s how long it takes to analyze all the aspects relevant to the matter. The first phase would be to analyze the literature that already exists on the matter so I can get a better understanding of the area. Next step would be designing a survey. This step is going to be easier because interviews stage will clarify the question that need to be answered, and this survey would consist of closed questions with few options to choose from. The whole survey will be in English. When we are talking about the resources there aren’t going to be any financial resources required and the only thing this project would demand is dedication and time. ETHICS Given that any changes that happen in an organization may be influenced by the behavior of the workforce in general, it is necessary for communication to be open open on all channels, thus ensuring that there is much confidence as sense of responsibility in each employee to the company. Having in mind that in every organization there is a supply chain that ends and begins with the client, for this reason it is imperative that any decision is made to ensure that there will be no negative impact to customers. And as it is the case in any chain if one link fails, the entire chain will fail. The client himself is not able identify which of the links failed. Therefore, if a company failed to meet any specific requirement of the customer, the whole chain fails. Eventually they may find another brand that will provide that product. However this situation is not good for any either side. (Slack, Chambers, Johnston, 2007). The company needs to have a strong culture in order to transmit to all those who in one-way, or another are involved in it: shareholders, directors, employees, suppliers and customers. Although the supply chain helps accelerate to reducing costs, when they are managed with skill, the risks increase when they become more complex. The consequences of failure of a company have an impact when that error more quickly vibrates throughout the supply chain. By integrating commercial collaborations with other firms, one of the most difficult obstacles is to manage expectations and ensure that each of the companies reached. The supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. REFERENCES Adidas Group: Yearly Report 2007: ‘MSCI World Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods’, p.39, Retrieved from (Accessed January 6th) Arregle J, Hebert L, and Beamish P (2006); Mode of international entry: The advantages of multilevel methods. Management International Review 46(5): 597-618. Capron L, Mitchell W and Swaminathan A (2001); Asset divestiture following horizontal acquisitions: A dynamic view; Strategic Management Journal 22(9), 817-844. Chambers S., Johnston R., Slack N. (2007). Operations Management. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. 121-140. Chi, T., (2000); Option to acquire or divest a joint venture; Strategic Management Journal 21(6): 665-687. Child J, Faulkner D and Pitkethly R (2001) The management of international acquisitions: Realizing their potential value. New York: Oxford University Press. Divesh S., (2002); Journal of business finance and accounting, volume 29 Healy, P., Palepu, Krishna G.; Ruback, R., (1992); _Does Corporate Performance improve after Mergers?_ Journal of Financial Economics 31 (3), Jensen, Michael C., Ruback, Richard S.,(2003). _The Market for Corporate Control: The Scientific Evidence_; Journal of Financial Economics Laamanen, T., and Keil, T., (2008) Performance of serial acquirers: Toward an acquisition program perspective. Strategic Management Journal 29(6): 663- 672. Morosini P., Shane S., Singh H., (1998). National cultural distance and cross- border acquisition performance. Journal of International studies, 29(1): P.137-158 Noe T., and Rebello M., (2006) The role of debt purchases in takeovers: A tale of two retailers. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 15(3): P.609-648 Shaver J (2006) A paradox of synergy: Contagion and capacity effects in mergers and acquisitions. Academy of Management Review, 31(4): P.962-976 Switzer, Jeannette A., (1996). _Evidence on real gains in corporate acquisitions_; Journal of Economics and Business 48 (5) Tuch C.,(2007); International journal of management reviews, The impact of acquisitions, Volume 9(2); P 141-170
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Where will Russia be in the Year 2050 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Where will Russia be in the Year 2050 - Essay Example It is interesting to foresee what economic position Russia would gain by 2050. The collapse of Soviet Union in 1991 was a major event in the history of Russian economy. Since then, Russia has been trying to develop a market economy that would ensure consistency in economic growth. In 1991, Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the first president of the Russian Federation, announced that Russia would follow a radical as well as market-oriented reform along with the elements of ‘shock therapy’ (Basic Information on Russia). However, Yeltsin’s policy resulted in the economic collapse of Russia, which pushed millions of people into poverty. The removal of soviet price controls and 1998 Russian financial crisis resulted hyperinflation in different times. During this period, corruption and crimes immensely spread across the nation and worsened the situation. The Russian economy underwent severe difficulties during its transition from a centrally planned economy to a free market system . However, Russia could effectively overcome the serious financial crisis in 1998. During 2000-01, the country met its extra debt services, made huge advance payments on IMF loans, and also built up Central Bank reserves. In 2002, large current account surpluses considerably improved the trade and industry of the nation. As a result of higher Ministry of Finance and Eurobond payments, the country’s debt rose to $19 million in 2003. The Russian government established the Stabilization fund of the Russian Federation in 2004 with intent to address oil price falls. This provision brought fruitful outcomes to the Russian economy during the past few years. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin became the president of Russia in 2000 and he continued until 7th May 2008 by winning the 2004 presidential election also. Under his period, Russia achieved tremendous economic growth. The nation’s real GDP growth for the last 10 years was 10% (2000), 5.1% (2001), 4.7% (2002), 7.3% (2003), 7.2% (2004), 6.4% (2005), 8.2% (2006), 8.5% (2007), 5.2% (2008), -7.8% (2009), and 4% (2010) (Global finance). Although the 2008-09 Russian financial crisis shook the economy, the present signs show that the country recovers faster. When many of the rich economies still struggle with 2008 global crisis, Russia’s faster recovery predicts a prosperous future for the country. The Russian economy successfully overcame the 1998 crisis. Subsequently, unemployment rate got decreased, and investment, production, and consumption got expanded. At the same time, the country has begun a series of fruitful economic reforms including enactment of fundamental tax reform and strengthening its banking system. Although, these improvements are potential enough to stabilize the future growth of Russian economy, the nation would face severe issues if it happened other way. The present trends show that the country maintains a promising GDP growth and a positive balance of payments; they would greatly contribute to the economic future of Russia. In addition, as reported in World Economic Forum, Russia keeps a potential collection of untapped energy resources, sustainability in low interest rates, strength in currency, and abundant liquidity. These economic features have the ability to raise Russia to the world’s top by 2050. The country’s inflation rate was very high (14.1%) in 2008 whereas, it fell to 11.7% and 6.9% in 2009 and 2010 respectively. The huge decrease of inflation rate from 14.1% in 2008 to 6.9% in 2010 indicates the strength of the country’s economic policies. Similarly, Russia also maintains a satisfactory employment rate over the past few years; the unemployment rate of the country was 6.4%, 8.4%, and 7.5% in 2008, 2009, and 2010
Friday, September 27, 2019
Equal Rigths Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Equal Rigths Amendment - Essay Example Gender based discrimination could also be observed in other social aspects. It was also seen screaming on the political front where women weren’t allowed to cast a vote and participate in the formulation of a democratic government. In the mid-nineteenth century, feminists(Gill)were the first to start the movement for the abolition of inequality from society. In this regard first planned meeting was arranged by the Women’s Rights Convention under the supervision of Elizabeth Candy Stanton and Lucretia Mott in Seneca Falls(Neale). This meeting was 2 days long and approximately 300 men and women participated.During the course of discussions, Alice Paul introduced the Equal Rights Amendment as(Francis): â€Å"If we keep on this way they will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the 1848 convention without being much further advanced in equal rights than we are†¦. If we had not concentrated on the Federal Amendment we should be working today for suffrage†¦. We shall not be safe until the principle of equal rights is written into the framework of our government.†The purpose of this meeting was to raise a voice against injustice suffered by women in the male oriented society, which mercilessly made them a victim of ridicule and disrespect. Congress was later informed about the meeting and a request was put forward that asked for the ratification of equal rights for both men and women, and inclusion of this clause in the constitution. This effort received strong opposition from men, as well as a few women, who were against the notion of women standing at equal footing with men. In fourteenth amendment of the constitution, congress appalled all the workers of feminist movement by paying heed to their endless requests and introducing the equality clause in the constitution. According to the amendment, all the citizens of U.S have the equal rights. The word â€Å"male†was introduced for the first time in the constitution while ta lking about the electorate rights that still granted the voting ability to only the men of the country. Susan did not accept the exemption of women from the right to vote and therefore went to cast vote in presidential elections. As a result of this act, she was fine, arrested and convicted with this apparent crime. When this case was taken to the Supreme Court, it was decided that although women were very much citizens of the country, it was not necessary for every citizen to have the right to vote. Fourteenth amendment could not suppress this effort and the campaign for human rights continued for many years thereafter. Stanton, Susan, and Sojourner also fought to abolish slavery and demanded equal rights for the slaves. Stanton and Frederick made many impassioned speeches, urging the authorities to grant females the right to cast a vote in their country. This resulted in the Amendment of suffrage which was introduced in the constitution and supported women’s right to vote. Just after three years of the ratification of suffrage amendment, National Women’s Party forwarded an equal rights amendment to the Congress, which was ratified for years in every part of the country since 1923. This document has passed through different phases and was amended a number of times and finally got placed in the national constitution in much modified form. It was incorporated officially into the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Scholarship Registration and give back to society Essay
Scholarship Registration and give back to society - Essay Example In fact by being developing my competencies, I will be furthering my goal of leaving my legacy to this world by giving my best in the tasks that I will be handling. Being a student of business management, I believe that I will be contributing most of my knowledge and skills in the business organization which I will be joining. Since my inclination is in leading and directing the organization in the attainment of its goal, I know that I will be a great catalyst who can influence not just the company but all its stakeholders. In its internal operation, I will use the skills and knowledge I'd acquire to maximize the efficiency of company and minimizing wastage of resources. Through this, the whole society will be benefited as the excess resources will be allocated to more efficient means. I will also lead in the creation of products which are more helpful to consumers through quality improvements. It is also my devotion to motivate workers, emphasize their value to the company, and ensu re the best working conditions for them.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
WorldCulture Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
WorldCulture - Research Paper Example The Middle Ages have been regarded as the time of severe punishments and intense torture for committing criminal activities. The harsh criminal justice system of the age went through several stages and was influenced by different cultures, civilizations and people. Since early medieval England had a monarchical or feudal system governing the people, law of that particular era was much rigid and brutal than the later era. The powerful kings, lords, barons and priests had the hold of all judicial matters and they resolved the matters the way which best suited their authorities1. William the Conqueror, crowned in 1066, believed in making an example of the ones who dared to disobey by maiming him for the rest of his life rather than simply executing them. He introduced three goals to make change in the crime and justice scenario. The first one was to firmly establish his power as England ruler, second was the restoration of peace and stability within the Kingdom and the third was getting support for the crown through taxes collection. He also introduced ten decrees for the welfare of the English people and established Christianity as state religion2. The people were given right to justice according to their status; slaves and poor were the ultimate victims of this system. Due to serfdom, the poor people were the most down-trodden and were harshly treated by the landlords; therefore, theft was the most common crime committed to get hold of the basic necessities of life in those times. Theft, on the other hand, was the most condemned crime of the era since honesty was regarded as the basic aspect of male honour3. The first written law for the English people was brought forward in Anglo-Saxon era which included crimes as petty as â€Å"seizing a man by the hair†to the hideous crime of murder and accordingly punishments were described for each relative crime. Though these jurisdictions were harsh but it is also a fact that they the Anglo
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Plan or review administrative systems Assignment
Plan or review administrative systems - Assignment Example Questions: What are processes and procedures? How important are they in a project. Explain the processes and procedures that are going to be used in this project. Include regulations on the use of the new system. iii. The system will be monitored weekly and a report prepared by each department. The report should indicate the usage of the database and identify the user. This report will be forwarded to the ICT department every Monday. The adoption of this system is a change process. Various considerations have to be made to ensure the success of the project. First, sensitization meetings will be held in each department to communicate the change and gather support, each employee will be required to participate. Through this, the project team will identify the expertise and training gaps in the employees. These are the ones to be addressed in the staff training process. Follow-up training needs will be done through monitoring as the system takes effect. Secondly, all the employees have to be involved in order to reduce resistance to change. Two-weekly meetings will be held to evaluate the process and address concerns. This meeting will be arranged and run by the project manager. The minutes for this meeting will have to be available to all staff by the next working day. A monthly newsletter will be prepared to show the exact nature of the progress (Brody, 2005, p. 243). Lastly, a confidential complaints and feedback system will have to be established in order to gather crucial information from the staff. This will help collect and investigate information that cannot be voiced during meetings. Since most personnel have only the basic computer literacy, the training will have to be done at all levels and inclusively. This helps to build teamwork for faster learning. The final date for tender submission will be on 6th January 2014. This
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dynamics of Hospitality Industry Management assignment
Dynamics of Hospitality Industry Management - Assignment Example The study further concludes recommending few noteworthy measures which shall be beneficial for both the organisations in obtaining adequate competencies when aiming at sustainability through effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices. Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 1.0Introduction 4 2.0 Brief Background 5 2.1 Westin Hotel Macau 5 2.2 Mission Statement 5 3.0Brief Background 6 3.1 Hilton Hotel 6 3.2 Mission Statement 6 4.0 Comparative Analysis on Environmental Aspects and Sustainable Business Practices 7 4.1 Water Wage Management 7 4.2 Food Wastage Management 8 4.3 Recycling Process as well as Initiatives 9 5.0 Identification of Gaps 10 5.1 Gap in Cultural Aspects 10 5.2 Gap in Terms of Resources 11 5.3 Gap in Mission as Well as Objective 11 5.4 Gap in Utilisation of Country Resources 12 7.0 Recommendations 13 Reference List 14 Bibliography 17 1.0 Introduction In the modern day context, the hospitality industry has emerged as a major economic dimension in the gl obal platform being directly related with the tourism and the transportation sectors. Subsequently, with the rising complexities in the various dimensions of hospitality industry, the management approach adopted in this context has also become quite challenging in the current era (Clayton W. Barrows and Tom Powers 2008 ) Among the identified challenges in this context, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be illustrated as one of the significant issues witnessed by hotel when practicing hospitality management, apart from being influences by rising environmental concerns and competitive forces. CSR can be defined as the notion focused on accomplishing mercantile success through ethical values as well as respecting the people, communities as well as natural surroundings which constitute of company stakeholders. In this particular juncture there has been no universally accepted definition, but overall it can be defined that doing business ethically imposes positive impacts on the society as well as on the environment which is the core social responsibility of any organisation (William Smith Clark 2006). Emphasising on these aspects, the discussion henceforth intends to perform a comparative analysis of two globally renowned hospitality companies, i.e. the Westin Hotel Macau and Hilton Hotels, in the context of the strategies applied by these organisations towards sustainable development of the society and to create a better world taking special concern on communities as well as environment through the effective implementation of CSR strategies. 2.0 Brief Background 2.1 Westin Hotel Macau The Westin Hotel Macau is a part of Starwood Hotels Group (SHG) which comprises a chain of 185 Westin Hotels as well as resorts globally. Westin Hotel Macau is one of the leading luxury resorts situated in Greater China since 1985. The 208 rooms comprising hotel is positioned within a picturesque site to give the visitors long lasting and memorable experiences. To differenti ate its services, the hotel has been providing a lavish variety of amenities as well as services, such as individually controlled air conditioned accommodation, satellite and cable programs, restaurants and bars, frivolous and sports facilities that includes swimming pools, ocean driving assortment, aqua aerobics, child care room and book library among others. In addition,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Falconi removals business Essay Example for Free
Falconi removals business Essay Falconi removals business I will choose for them location in my area Harehills road because is good busy place. Is good connection to big local stores as continental, electrical superstores. Falconi business is depending now much works them received from customers. I think Harehills area will give those lots local customers who moving the houses or being stuff from shop. Falconi can find unemployed people and give them job. Harrehills area is more cheap then for example city centre and they can safe more money from renting office or buy cheaper place for business in this area. The most important point to make Falconis business is not more removal company there. They will not have concurrency in business. Economies of scale- are the cost advantages that a firm obtains due to expansion. Diseconomies of scale are the opposite. Economies of scale may be utilized by any size firm expanding its scale of operation. The common ones are purchasing managerial, financial and marketing. Each of these factors reduces the long average cost (LRAC) of production by shifting the short-run average total cost curve down and to the right. The local labour force- The labor force is the number of people employed and unemployed. Participation rate is the ratio between the labor force and the overall size of their cohort. In the West during the latter half of the 20th century, the labor force participation rate increased significantly, largely due to the increasing number of women entering the workplace. Local employment levels- local unemployment rate may play a part in the decision where to locate. Uk currently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. However, unemployment is not evenly spread and some parts of the country have high levels of unemployment like Northern Ireland, parts of west Cornwell and the north-east of England. Wage and salary levels- for some firms wages account for a significant proportion of their total cost so a business may decide to locate in an area of relatively low wages, Wage in south-east of England tend to be higher then in south Wales. These areas tend also to be areas of above average unemployment as workers are keen to find work and are prepared to accept lower wages. Nearness to customers- There are a limit to how far customers will travel to buy fish and chips even if they are excellent quality. Fish and chip shops will need to be situated in area where plenty of local customers are. Debenhams will only consider locating a new store in an area of relatively high population. Nearness to suppliers- for some businesses near suppliers of key raw materials and components may be the main factory where to locate. Over the years a wide range of suppliers have grown up in area such as companies supplying electrical fittings and other important components. Up until 1979 the uk imported all of its crude oil. Historical reasons for location- In an area a business may be reluctant to reluctant to relocate, with all the expense and upheaval that this involves. During the 18th and 19th centuries a large number of pottery and earthenware business set up in the area because of the availability of suitable fireclay. Demographic change- Over the thirty years some parts of the country have experienced increases in population as people move into the area in search of work. These demographic changes will have a significant impact on local the business.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Phenomenon Of Grandparent Becoming Parent Essay Example for Free
Phenomenon Of Grandparent Becoming Parent Essay FIGURE FOR GRANDCHILDREN            Since 1980, there have been dramatic increases in children living with and being cared for by their grandparents. In 1980, 2.3 million children were living in with their grandparents. By 1997, there were 3.9 million children living in that situation. The 2000 U. S. Census has reported 4.5 million children living in grandparent-headed homes. The 2000 Census also counted, for the first time, 2.4 million grandparents who are responsible for the basic needs of their grandchildren who are living with them. REASONS WHY GRANDPARENTS ARE RAISING THEIR GRANDCHILDREN            Given the statistics above, it can be assumed that more and more grandparents have to play parenting roles for their grandchildren. There are a number of reasons why the statistics continue to rise: The American Association of Retired Persons’ (AARP) Grandparent Information Center states that the most common reason is substance abuse. Drug and alcohol problems are causing parents to be unable to raise their children. Teenage pregnancy is also one reason why grandparents come to raise their grandchildren. Parents who marry and give child at a very young age are often not yet emotionally prepared to take care of their children Illnesses – parents have mental illness or have contacted some other diseases like HIV/Aids. Incarceration-parents are imprisoned or are under detention Child abuse or neglect-the child have been physically abused or are totally neglected by their parents Domestic violence-the parents are often hurling verbal or physical abuse against each other and the child suffers from trauma Death of one or both parents Military deployment- grandparents are called to step in when one or both parents are deployed in military service and are unable to care for their kids Poverty or joblessness    EMOTIONAL BENEFITS            A majority of grandparents who raise their grandchildren report experiencing a great purpose for living. Providing care for grandchildren helped them to feel young and inactive. Other rewards include A chance to raise a child differently A chance to nurture family relationships. Family ties and values are preserved. They are able to receive love, affection, and companionship from their grandchildren. Children raised by grandparents tend to be less rebellious and are more understanding and appreciative. To many of the grandparents raising their grandchildren, their sacrifices are more than worth it. It is clear that despite the problems, most grandparents derive satisfaction from acting as parents to their grandchildren. Caring for their grandchildren can be positive and rewarding. Grandparent bring the benefit of experiences and perspective. They can also provide important stability, predictability.  And they can be a healthy role model for their grandchildren. OTHER PROBABLE BENEFITS            Grandparents can ask for legal arrangements so that they can have full custody, temporary custody, or they can obtain the status of being a foster parent. When custody is established by the law, they will have a measure of legal security and can gain rights and benefits for them and their grandchildren. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Each state has a CHIP which pays for doctor visits, hospital stays, shots, and medicine. Financial Aids A child may be legible to get money from the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program. These families may qualify for food stamps. The child may qualify for Child Tax Credit and the grandparent may qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Both programs can give them extra cash at tax time. Grandparents can ask the school guidance about applying for free hot meals for their grandchildren. REFERENCES Bryson, K. Casper, L.M. (1998). â€Å"Co-resident \Grandparents and their Grandchildren. Census Bureau Current Population Reports.†P23-198. Accessed 6 February 2008 Doucette-Pudman, D. Lacerre, J.R. (1996). Raising Our Children’s Children. Minneapolis, MN.: Fairview Press. Mullen, F. (1995). A tangled web: Public benefits, grandparents and grandchildren. Washington D.C.: American Association of Retired Persons.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Training Scenario In Indian Industry Management Essay
Training Scenario In Indian Industry Management Essay Training is an educational process. People can learn new information, re-learn and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, and most importantly have time to think and consider what new options can help them improve their effectiveness at work. Effective trainings convey relevant and useful information that inform participants and develop skills and behaviors that can be transferred back to the workplace. The goal of training is to create an impact that lasts beyond the end time of the training itself. The focus is on creating specific action steps and commitments that focus peoples attention on incorporating their new skills and ideas back at work. Training can be offered as skill development for individuals and groups. In general, trainings involve presentation and learning of content as a means for enhancing skill development and improving workplace behaviors. Organizational Development is a process that strives to build the capacity to achieve and sustain a new desired state that benefits the organization or community and the world around them. (from the Organizational Development Network website) OD work implies creating and sustaining change. An OD perspective examines the current environment, the present state, and helps people on a team, in a department and as part of an institution identify effective strategies for improving performance. In some situations, there may not be anything wrong at the present time; the group or manager may simply be seeking ways to continue to develop and enhance existing relationships and performance. In other situations, there may be an identifiable issue or problem that needs to be addressed; the OD process aims to find ideas and solutions that can effectively return the group to a state of high performance. These two processes, Training and Organizational Development, are often closely connected. Training can be used as a proactive means for developing skills and expertise to prevent problems from arising and can also be an effective tool in addressing any skills or performance gaps among staff. Organizational Development can be used to create solutions to workplace issues, before they become a concern or after they become identifiable problem. ROLE OF TRAINING TRAINING SCENARIO IN INDIAN INDUSTRY TRAINING PROGRAMS IN RETAIL/FMCG SECTOR Some of the training programs that are given in the retail sector are: Sales Training On-the-Job Training Seminars/Workshops Customer Relationship Management Online Course Group Study Computer-Based Training TRAINING IN BANKING AND INSURANCE SECTOR Favourable economic climate and number of other factors such as growing urbanization, increasing consumerism, increase in financial services for people living in rural areas etc, has increased demand for wide range of financial products that has led to mutually beneficial growth to the banking sector and economic growth process. In the insurance sector also, rapid expansion has created about 5 lakh job opportunities approximately in the past five years. These openings are mainly in the field of insurance advisors or marketing agents. The eligibility criteria for this job is graduation with some experience in marketing or become insurance agents after completing school but this needs some relvant training. Earlier there were no training programs as such for insurance agents but on-the-job training only that was given once the new agent was appointed. But now the scenario has been changed, with the coming up of big players like ICICI Life Insurance, ICICI Lombard, HDFC Life Insurance, Tata AIG General Insurance, etc in this sector, people whove had some formal training are preferred while recruitment because it can be helpful in the insurance field. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN IT/SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY With the growing investment by IT companies in the development of their employees many companies have now started their own learning centers. As an example, Sun has its own training department. Accenture has Internet based tool by the name of My Learning that offers access to its vast learning resources to its employees. Companies are investing in both the technical training, which has always been an essential part in IT industry, as well as in managerial skills development. Companies now kept aside 3-5% of revenue for training programs. As an example, some of the major players like Tata Elexi and Accenture are allocating 7% and 3% respectively of the companys overall revenue. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN HOSPITALITY SECTOR Programs are available for the following areas: Food Production Food and Beverage Service Front Office Housekeeping TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN KPO SECTOR With the expected increase in number of employees, training has become the core of KPO industry as well. No matter how much qualified the person is he needs to be trained on processes. As the name itself implies, knowledge, this sector requires high level of functional know-how as well as domain know-how. There is a constant need of well-planned training programs as the work profile requires understanding of market research objectives and methodologies. This sector requires behavioral training as well as training to handle stress because of odd working hours. If a person is committed to deliver quality, and is willing to learn with positive attitude then definitely KPO is the right place to work for him. EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING FOR AN EMPLOYEE IN AN ORGANISATION Companies invest quite a bit on the training and development of their employees. On the other hand, there are companies which refrain from investing in training. This is partly because they doubt whether such investments would pay back anything to the organization. However, today, most managers in companies appreciate the importance of training and want to invest in their employees training and development. Human Resources (HR) departments in companies could play an important role in capitalizing this opportunity and put in place systems and processes to make training more effective. Here are a few actions that HR could take: LINK TRAINING TO OTHER SYSTEMS: Training is part of the development process. However, development would mean understanding the capabilities of individual employees, identifying gaps and focusing on the right training for the right person. We can see that this leads to linkage of training with recruitment and performance appraisals. Recruitment, i.e., the entry point of an employee in the company, is the best starting point for tracking capabilities of employees. Capturing the profile of an employees capabilities at this stage helps the company build on his strengths and develop them further. Similarly, performance appraisals which are a periodic exercise, give adequate opportunity for organizations to take stock of the capabilities of employees and identify the gaps or the desired capabilities that need to be developed, and which emerge either from the career aspirations of the individual or business plans of the company. MAKE TRAINING A SYSTEMATIC ACTIVITY: An employee receives a call from a Manager out of the blue one day, who asks her to attend a training program on communication to be held two days later. The employee is unprepared. There are other priorities lined up for the week. Suddenly, the employee is having to do her bit to either re-prioritize, or re-schedule activities, or, worse still, stretch herself for the next two days to complete some of the high priority assignments in a hurry so that she can attend the training program. All this only leads to the employee going to the training program in a totally unprepared frame of mind. A positive and receptive mood, that is necessary for learning, is absent. The time and the money spent on the program turns out to be a waste. This is a common scenario in many companies treating training programs as one off events to which employees need to be sent. HR can do a lot to take control and make training a lot more of a systematic activity. Planning for programs adequately beforehand, preparing the employee with reading material or exercises, sending alerts and other communication related to the training at different stages before the program-all these would help. In all, planning well in advance, preparing the employee, laying the foundation for an eagerness to optimise the benefit derived from the program-all these will help. TRACKING OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES: Many companies have metrices such as number of man days of training. Some track them periodically, but most do not. It is necessary to compare the tracking of training to that for compensation. Compensation is tracked meticulously, analysed in depth across departments, levels, functions and so on. The same level of meticulousness, however, is missing in the case of training. Metrices, however, need to be carefully analysed and presented to the stakeholders periodically, to help them focus their efforts and plan for the training in a systematic manner. FEEDBACK LOOP: Measuring training effectiveness has always been a challenge, given the fact that the direct correlation between the training effort and results on the job cannot be clearly established. However, no one can deny that training contributes in a very significant manner to both improvement in the knowledge, skills and performance of a companys employees, as well as the overall business performance of the company.. Such training- performance correlation has been well established, and thus, the best employers worldwide invest significantly and systematically in training their personnel. Notwithstanding the fact that the direct correlation between a training program and improvement in the performance of an employee who has undergone such a training program, is by now indisputable, collecting feedback on the impact will help in fine tuning the efforts made towards training. In this context, there exist three stages of process for collecting feedback on training. Timing is very important here. The first stage is immediately after the completion of the program. The main objective of this feedback is to get to know how well the trainer delivered the program, the usefulness of the content and effectiveness of the methodology. The second stage would be the collection of feedback thirty days from the completion of the program. The objective here would be effectiveness in retention, and the question to be asked is this: are the learnings from the program still retained by the employee? BLEND OF METHODOLOGIES: Learning styles differ from one individual to another. To elaborate, the manner of teaching and learning different subjects can vary. What works for a training program on a technical subject may not necessarily work well for a behavioral area, and vice versa. With the leveraging of technology and proliferation of the net learning culture, learning is no longer confined to the traditional manner of training. Each of the methodologies have their respective advantages and disadvantages. A particular methodology may work well in a specific context and not so well in another. The cost would also vary from one methodology to another. It becomes the responsibility of the training personnel to choose the most appropriate methodology for the appropriate organizational context, for a particular subject and for the appropriate audience. Instead of trying to choose what works best, one may choose to provide two or three options with the same objectives, i.e., learning and improvement in the capa bilities of the employees. What would help in effective implementation of all the factors mentioned above: A good and comprehensive training management system. Such a system covers all the areas mentioned above and involves all the stakeholders, employees, managers, HR/training function and the leadership. Trained and dedicated personnel to manage the training. It is desirable to have a dedicated team to oversee the training process in a company. However, given the size of companies today, some small ones may not be able to dedicate full time personnel. In such cases, the responsibilities need to be clearly built into that of the HR system of these companies.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Anaylsis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Essay -- To His Coy
This poem has been written in the form of a request to the poet's coy (or shy) mistress, the grant his desire for them to make love. He argues that for to delay makes no sense because 'at my back I always hear/time's winged chariot hurrying along near'. Much of his argument is made through a series of hyperbole (h-p rb-l) A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton. Here he is describing how slow they could move to consummate their love if there were no pressure of time. As all Cavalier poets, he supports the statement of "carpe diem", or "seize the day", that is an extension to the Renaissance code of chivalry. Today, the speaker's speech may seem sexist in its attitude toward women and irresponsible in its attitude toward the coy mistress (the speaker doesn't explain how he would seize the day if the woman became pregnant, for example). The mistress would like to postpone sex (theoretically until she and the speaker are married). The speaker wants to consummate their physical relationship now. The poem's speaker is attempting to persuade "His Coy Mistress" to have sex with him. The speaker seems frustrated, impatient, and to feel a sense of urgency in pursuing this goal. Although the rhyme scheme of the poem follows a simple couplet pattern (AA, BB, and so on), two couplets use slant or irregular rhyme, not simply to vary the monotonous pattern but to reinforce the poem's theme. Lines 23 and 24 use the approximate rhyme "lie/eternity"; lines 27 and 28 repeat this irregularity: try/virginity." The poet uses pauses and enjambment (running one line into the next without a pause) to break up the neat pattern that the couplet rhyme scheme ... ...ense of urgency and dread if the man does not get what he wants. Form: couplets 5. Ganges (gnjz) A river of northern India and Bangladesh rising in the Himalayan Mountains 7. Humber: Hull, where Marvell lived as a boy, and which he represented as an M.P. for nearly twenty years from 1659, is on the river Humber. 10. The conversion of the Jews was to take place just before the end of the world. 11. vegetable love: that of his "vegetable'' soul. 29. quaint: elegant, artificial. 34. dew. The original reading is "glew,'' which has been justified as meaning "glow.'' 36. instant: immediate and urgent. 38. amorous (mr-s) 1.Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love. 2.Indicative of love or sexual desire: an amorous glance. 3.Of or associated with love: an amorous poem 40. slow-chapp'd: i.e., with slow-devouring jaws.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Alcohol Viewed Through the Eyes of Raymond Carver Essays -- Drinking A
Alcohol Viewed Through the Eyes of Raymond Carver      Some people feel that alcohol is a substance that can be used to escape reality and live in a world where there are no dilemmas or problems that must be solved. Whether the alcohol is abused or just used in moderation, many people are drawn to the several aspects it has to offer. One example of someone who follows these characteristics is the very famous and talented writer, Raymond Carver. Raymond’s use of alcohol is clearly displayed not only through his writings, but in his daily lifestyle. It is a general understanding that in many writers’ works, a small portion of how they live their lives are influenced and portrayed through their stories. Having stated this, two very distinct stories of Raymond Carver eloquently display how alcohol has had an impact on his life.      The first story that allows the reader to have an inside look at the effects of alcohol on Carver is â€Å"What We Talked About When We Talked About Love.†In the beginning of the story, it seems as if all the characters are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their casual drinking assists them in their conversations, as they appear to be completely sober and in control of their actions. As their discussion grows deeper and more complex, their consumption of alcohol increases at an even faster rate. Carver intends to show his readers the difference in the way the characters act when they are sober, compared to the way they act when they are intoxicated... Alcohol Viewed Through the Eyes of Raymond Carver Essays -- Drinking A Alcohol Viewed Through the Eyes of Raymond Carver      Some people feel that alcohol is a substance that can be used to escape reality and live in a world where there are no dilemmas or problems that must be solved. Whether the alcohol is abused or just used in moderation, many people are drawn to the several aspects it has to offer. One example of someone who follows these characteristics is the very famous and talented writer, Raymond Carver. Raymond’s use of alcohol is clearly displayed not only through his writings, but in his daily lifestyle. It is a general understanding that in many writers’ works, a small portion of how they live their lives are influenced and portrayed through their stories. Having stated this, two very distinct stories of Raymond Carver eloquently display how alcohol has had an impact on his life.      The first story that allows the reader to have an inside look at the effects of alcohol on Carver is â€Å"What We Talked About When We Talked About Love.†In the beginning of the story, it seems as if all the characters are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their casual drinking assists them in their conversations, as they appear to be completely sober and in control of their actions. As their discussion grows deeper and more complex, their consumption of alcohol increases at an even faster rate. Carver intends to show his readers the difference in the way the characters act when they are sober, compared to the way they act when they are intoxicated...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Life cycle assessment of spring mattress Essay
Hendrickson, et al (2006) posits that: â€Å"LCA requires careful energy and materials balances for all the stages of the life cycle†. The life cycle of a spring mattress is made up of many processes. The life cycle or â€Å"cradle to grave’ of a spring mattress can be said to consist of the following five stages: a) extraction of raw materials (cradle), b) production of materials, c) production of spring mattress, d) use of the spring mattress, e) disposal of the spring mattress (grave). The function of the product system is to evaluate the extraction of the raw materials, the processing of the raw materials, the manufacturing and fabrication of the product, the distribution of the product, and the use of the product by the consumer and the disposal of the product when it is no longer useful. The functional unit. A spring mattress has a clear cut primary function: providing a resting or sleeping surface, but there are also other types of mattresses that serve the same purpose. Life cycle assessments usually serve to compare different products that have the same function. The functional unit is a quantitative description of the function of the product. The functional unit is a key element of LCA which has to be clearly defined. It should be based on the standard use of the product and is the main reason for which the product is bought. The functional unit is the measure of the function of the studied product and it provides a reference to which the inputs and outputs can be related. This makes it possible to compare two different products that serve the same purpose. The functional unit of a spring mattress may be defined as the length of time it stays fit for use. The system boundaries. According to ISO 14041 standards,†the system boundaries define the unit process to be included in the system to be modeled†. The system boundaries determine which unit Life cycle assessment of spring mattress. processes to be included in the LCA study. Subjective choice is partly used to define system boundaries. For system boundaries of a spring mattress, the following can be considered: 1) Boundaries between the technological system and nature. The life cycle normally begins at the point of extraction of the raw materials (used to manufacture the product) and energy carriers from nature. 2) System boundaries should cover the same reality in all scenarios. 3) Usually, the choice of geographical boundaries is not relevant because system boundaries are related to a function and not a region. 4) Only processes with relevant extractions or emissions will be considered. A screening approach is used to focus only on main contributions. Contributions from the production of capital goods (like trucks, machines); personal related processes (like factory canteens, commuting) and production of materials representing less than 5% of the product mass are not taken into consideration. Impact assessment methodology and interpretation. The aim of impact assessment is to evaluate the significance of potential environmental impacts using the results from the LCI phase. Environmental impacts are quantified as far as possible in an LCA. For this quantification, the classification and characterization methodologies are used. Classification is the assignment of individual inventory parameters to impact categories, e. g. , acidification or green house effect. Characterization is the conversion of LCI units into common units within each impact category with the aid of equivalence factors. In the LCA for a spring mattress, the following environmental impact categories should be considered: abiotic recourse depletion (exhaust), greenhouse effect (global warming), human toxicity, acidification, ozone depletion, landscape depletion, nuisance and solid waste. In the interpretation phase, conclusions are Life cycle assessment of spring mattress. Reached and recommendations are made in accordance with the defined goal and scope of the study. Ciambrone (1997) posits that: â€Å"The environmental lifecycle analysis methodology has three basic components. These components overlap and build on each other to develop a life cycle analysis. The three components are: a) Inventory analysis. b) Impact analysis. c) Improvement analysis†. References. Ciambrone, D. 1997. Environmental Life Cycle Analysis. Hendrickson, C et al, 2006. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Goods and Services, An Input-Output Approach. ISO 14041 Standards.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Drinking & congenital birth defects: alcohol awareness in the northern rivers region
Alcohol consumption has been identified as one of the leading aspect of social life in Australia. The purpose of this article as to develop guidelines in order to minimize risks associated with excess consumption of alcohol in Australia by changing the cultural attitudes and promoting the health of the Australian population.This study, which was carried out in the semi-rural Northern Rivers in New South Wales, was conducted to enquire about the attitudes towards maternal drinking and awareness of the birth defects which are closely related to alcohol consumption of alcohol among women.In the results, the study found out that 69.8% of the participants responded acknowledged that women should drink during pregnancy with increased trend favoring 4-8 glasses of beer ever week during pregnancy.The study also found that education was negatively related to the recommended quantity of alcohol consumption but positively related to the respondent knowledge on alcohol-related birth defects. The study asserted that education was an important tool in bringing about an effective change in attitude and therefore it should be used to raise social awareness on maternal drinking issues.Three main pointsThere are important points in this article. First, it is clear the alcohol consumption is one aspect of Australian culture. Alcohol consumption is an accepted social culture in Australia. However there are no cultural barriers that have been created to cushion negative effect of alcohol consumptionIn my opinion, alcohol consumption is not only an acceptable culture in Australia but it is a major problem in the country. Alcohol consumption forms one of the most important social leisure activities of Australian and therefore any negative consequence are likely to affect the people in a great way.Second, there is low understanding of the effect of alcohol on the population. With 69.8% acknowledging the use of alcohol during pregnancy, it is clear that there is low level of awaren ess in the public on the effects of alcohol consumption. Increased birth defects in the country can therefore be attributed to alcohol consumption during pregnancy.I feel that alcohol may have more negative effect on the Australians than many studies have projected. This is because these studies have focused on only one negative aspect of alcohol leaving out several other negative effects. There is a very low level of understanding on the effects of alcohol among the population which may have led to many negative health effects.Third, changing cultural attitude on consumption of alcohol can play a pivotal role in changing the pattern of alcohol consumption in the country. This means the education can be used to increase public awareness on the effects of alcohol and change their attitude.In my opinion, I feel that education can play an important role in changing the culture perception and attitude of the population about the effects of alcohol. It is very difficult to change cultura l attitude since it is a part of life of these people. However education can increase the awareness of the population on negative effects of alcoholThere is no bias in the article. The article fairly looks into the issue and carries out am alcohol survey with informed consent and assurance of confidential in the research process with voluntary participation. In the selection process both males and female were selected according to demographic of the area.The writerThis article was published following as study carried out by Tony Yeigh who holds a bachelor of psychology and post graduate diploma in education, and Brian Kean who is a Ph.D. holder, both from Brigham Young University in the department of Heath science. I believe with what these authors say on the low level of awareness of the effects of alcohol on the Australian population. This is because the same result have been found in other studies by the National Alcohol Strategy 2001-2003 and also by NSW Alcohol Summit 2003
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Jem and Scout’s Transformation
Gem and Scout's Transformation Throughout To Kill A Mockingbird America, while being the greatest nation, has had its fair share of problems. Governmental Issues, commerce, making money, and also civil rights. The Issue of the treatment of African Americans is one of the larger, spanning almost two hundred and fifty years of American history. In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, this issue is one of the main topics. In the novel, Gem and Scout learn lessons in morality, being quick to judge, but also keeping strong fundamental values.Our main characters experience events causing them to shift their views on morality. In the beginning of the book, Scout gets Into fights and Is always quick to retaliate. By the end of the book however she learns that sometimes you must hold your head up high and walk away, This Is shown best by Tactics who even when he gets spitted on in public, still walks away without fighting. This is also shown when Gem breaks down and vandalizes Mrs.. Double's f ront yard after her comments about them.He learns that all actions have consequences and that if you would not have done them in the first place, you would eve been able to avoid them all together. The biggest moral lessons they learn is the sinfulness of killing a mockingbird. Mockingbirds do nothing but create sweet music, they don't harm anyone, and It would be a sin to kill one. This relates to Tom Robinson because he is a mockingbird in the sense that he didn't do anything wrong but he is still being punished. Miss Maude says, â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy†¦ Sing their hearts out for us.That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird†(119). This quote helps explain totes and Scout the importance of accepting others and not hurting those who have done nothing wrong, some of the key themes of the book. These events shape how Gem and Scout perceive the world and alter their opinions about people and Macomb. Gem and Scout learn other important lessons, too. The Finch kids learn from Tactics that you can't be quick to judge others. As children, they hear rumors and make up things about Boo Raddled. Some of these include eating kittens and squirrels.One night, Gem, Scout, and Dill try ND communicate with him by looking through his window but when they try and escape quickly, they get shot at and Gem looses his pants on the fence. When Gem returns retrieve his ripped pants he finds them gently folded and sewed. Events Like this shape how they see the Reader's as not as evil but possibly they just like to be secluded. At then end of the book the children see Arthur, or Boo Raddled, as their protector when he saves them from Bob Lowell. Tactics says, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view †¦ Until you limb into his skin and walk around in it†(39). This quote by Tactics really drives in Tactics' morality and how his teachings and overall behavior Influe nce not only his children, but the others In the town like the African American community. It helps the kids really realize that everybody is different and to understand people, you must consider all things from their prospective. Gem and Scout still have stayed the same in some ways. Although the kids have gone through many transformations and have matured rapidly, they have still stayed the same in some regards.Gem is still the example of this is when Scout finds gum in the tree and Gem yells at her to spit it out immediately. Scout says, â€Å"Gem had acquired an alien set of values†¦ Several times he went as far as to tell me what to do†(153). This quote shows how as Gem grows up, he still remains protective of his little sister. He only wants what's best for her NAS sometimes she takes it harshly, when really he is Just trying to keep her safe. Scout is still the innocent little girl who likes to play games and role play.Overall, they haven't hanged in a sense of t heir childlike behavior but instead their look on the world has changed drastically. Gem and Scout have gone through many changes learning empathy and understanding others and have also remained normal kids. They managed to grasp very adult ideas as young children, ideas some adults cannot grasp. Would it be better to have morally strong children who grow not only physically, but also mature mentally, and know the right things to do or would it be better to have children who never grow mentally and live their lives buying into immature and irrational prejudices?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl When I had heard that New York Times’ Crime Columnist, Marilyn Stasio, had written about former Entertainment Weekly critic, Gillian Flynn’s newest thriller, the best-selling crime novel of the summer, Gone Girl, I was compelled to see what she had written. Stasio begins by setting Flynn’s newest piece on a pedestal of literary genius. Her use of the English language made it as tempting as bait to a fish: â€Å"Gillian Flynn’s latest novel of psychological suspense will confound anyone trying to keep up with her quicksilver mind and diabolical rules of play. She goes on later in the article to comment of her fearless ability to strip dense pretenses from her characters and lay them bare across the pages of the novel for all her readers to see. I was sold at â€Å"psychological. †The article commends the author on her clever usage of a double narration technique. This, ties in with Flynn’s supposed unique abi lity which allows us, the readers, to closely view the elaborate maze of a book that she has created. If you don’t pay attention to where everything is headed, you’ll be lost before you can flip the page.The specific uses of the two narrators (who are also the main characters) are one of the only things that I agree upon with Stasio. One of the narrators gives us his confused perspective of the main plot which only leads us to a red herring. We are fed a selective amount and quality of information that creates a neon sign in our head that says, â€Å"HE KILLED HER. †The other narrator, just as useful, gives us disturbing accounts of events that, as Stasio says, are â€Å"instances of marital discord [that] might flare into a homicidal rage. If nothing else reeled me in, the words â€Å"homicidal†and â€Å"rage†definitely led me to believe the story would inevitably lead to a climactic ending that mirrored something that could only be found in a Saw movie. I was left as a man is left disappointed at an altar. I felt as if I had wasted a good portion of my life on something that didn’t deserve to scrape dirt off the bottom of my shoes. The story turned out to be one of those classic rich girl abductions where she is returned unharmed as if nothing ever happened.And as an added twist, she turns out to be an attention craving psychopath with problems that stem from her perfect parents who are successful writers. The subject of every one of their stories is based off their daughter. Anything she does wrong, the subject of their book does correctly. This is one of many things that should have led to a gut-wrenching finish, but instead led to one homicide and a cliff hanger that could mean absolutely anything: â€Å"I really truly wish he hadn’t said that.I keep thinking about it. I can’t stop. / I don’t have anything else to add I just wanted to make sure I had the last word. I think I’ve ear ned that†(Gone Girl 430). After finishing the first chapter of the novel, I realized that Stasio had summarized all of it in the second paragraph of her article. This epiphany was followed by another brutal five chapters of pre-examined reading. Stasio might not realize it but, she has taken away the only pleasure one could have from reading this novel.The beginning is so innocently written that you would think that our main character could never kill his wife, no matter all the evidence that piled up. It would be possible to ignore the smile he gives the press when they told them about his wife. It would be possible to ignore him increasing his wife’s life insurance before she disappears. It would be possible to ignore his young and pretty girlfriend. But you simply cannot ignore Stasio’s plot spoiling review. â€Å"Diabolical†¦underhanded†¦trickery†¦devilish way†are all words Stasio uses to describe Flynn’s new novel.The only word I can come up with to describe Stasio’s article is â€Å"hypocrite! †Stasio’s perspective on the novel seems filled with excitement and satisfaction, but the truth is upon closer inspection, you can tell that she really couldn’t find anything kind to say, (not that I blame her). My problem with it was how she led me to believe the book would be worth spending valuable time reading. Truth be told, I would rather jump off a bridge. It would definitely be more thrilling than Gone Girl. Maybe Stasio could lead them to believe someone pushed me.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
a. Round 1 = In this round I removed lichens from the ecosystems. This would have a huge effect on the ecosystem because they play a role in the creation of soil where plants obtain nutrients. If they are taken out it can affect trees and flowers which affect bees, because they depend on them. This also effect humans that depend on the bees for honey and the fruit that the bees help pollinate. b. Round 2 = In this round humans was removed. By removing humans there was a little effect on the ecosystem. We are the top of the food chain and, but our actions do more damage then good for the environment. c. Round 3 = In this round bees was removed. This is a huge problem in today’s environment and effects the pollination of plants. Because of the removal of bees it really affects the ability of plants to produce fruits, which allow humans food. d. Round 4 = In this round flowers was removed. This was an affects to the ecosystem because flowers deliver food for bees. Bees provide honey and pollinate plants. Because of the removal of flowers it eventually removes bees which effect humans and the food chain. 2. Provide one action we as humans engage in that leads to the extinction of each of these components. Action affecting Lichens = Humans affect lichens with air pollution, industrialization and the introduction of sulphur dioxide can kill lichens. (Air Quality and Lichens, 2014) Action affecting Trees = Humans cut down trees to use for lumber, and to expand. This deforestation is the largest way for humans to affect trees. Action affecting Flowers = The way humans are affecting the flowers is by over population and polluting the air with automobiles that can produce acid rain. Action affecting Bees = The actions that humans take to affect bees is by destroying habitats, 3. Provide three specific actions that humans can take to minimize our impact on the ecosystem and ensure the survival of lichens, trees, flowers, and bees. Action 1 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollution that produced by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 2 = Humans can reduce the amount of pollutants the produce by using more efficient automobiles and public transportation. Action 3 = The other action they can do to minimize the impact on the ecosystem is to recycle this will save the need to destroy habitats for more resources. Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants Table 2: Number of Each Plant Species Present in Pot 1 and Pot 2 Species Observed Number in Pot 1(sunlight) Number in Pot 2(shade) Zinnia 2 1 Marigold 2 2 Morning Glory 3 1 Cosmos 8 4 Ryegrass 3 2 Total Number of Species in Pot: 18 10 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop a hypothesis on which pot you believe will contain the highest biodiversity. Hypothesis = I believe that the plants that are in the sun will develop the highest biodiversity. 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Accept/Reject = I accept my hypothesis because the flowers that I grew in the planter that I placed in the sun made the most flowers and different types. 3. If each pot was a sample you found in a group of wildflowers, would you determine based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy? Why or why not. Answer = I was so impressed with the amount of flowers that grew in both environments. In my determination based on the diversity of flowers that the ecosystem is healthy. There was actually a lot of plants in both of the environment but of course the ones in the sunlight had a healthier ecosystem. 4. How does biodiversity contribute to the overall health of an ecosystem? Provide specific examples and utilize at least one scholarly resource to back your answer. Answer = Biodiversity is very important to the health of an ecosystem. The greater species diversity is it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. It provides natural services such as soil protection, water resources, pollution breakdown, food, medical resources, and future resources, according to Shah (2014). She states â€Å"Each species depends on the services provided by other species to ensure survival. It is a type of cooperation based on mutual survival and is often what a â€Å"balanced ecosystem†refers to†(2014). Crops are used to feed cattle, then the cattle waste nourishes the crops. Crops, as well as yielding grain also yield straw , the straw provides organic matter and fodder, crops are therefore food sources for humans and animals then the soil and organisms such as bacteria and algae serve as nitrogen fixers. Rodents, then aerate the soil and improve its water-holding capacity Spiders, centipedes and insects grind organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings. This large biodiversity is accentual to maintaining health crops and animals for the food supply.
History 101 Constitution Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History 101 Constitution Assignment - Essay Example Before the approval and implementation of the new US Constitution, the existing 13 member colonies used the Articles of Confederation established and ratified in 1787, by Second Continental Congress as a guide in governing the union (Bederman 89). The national government that operated under the Articles of Confederation proved too weak and therefore could not effectively handle and regulate the numerous conflicts emerging between the states. Therefore, some of the leaders proposed for a new instrument of government to replace the weak one. Due to the emergent weaknesses, the purpose of the Philadelphia Convention was to rectify the weaknesses witnessed in the Articles that had existed even before the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War. Even though the aim of the Convention was to rectify the Articles, some of the leaders in attendance, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, coming from New York and Virginia respectively, intended to create a new government rather than rectify the existing one (Whittington 119). The two leaders came together and vigorously campaigned for the new Constitution. According to them, improved stability of the Union government was necessary in order to protect commerce and property. Being federalist, they vigorously campaigned for a very powerful central government with a large republic to control factions. According to Hamilton, the common people are ignorant and thus, incapable of rul ing themselves (Education Portal 1). Therefore, he asserted that the only people to rule should be the elites. Consequently, since the common people cannot rule, Hamilton proposed of unequal voting qualifications between the elites and common people. Thus, elites need to be accorded higher voting qualifications compared to the common people. However, Thomason Jefferson championed for states? rights as well as the trueness of democratic principles. Unlike Hamilton and his group, Jefferson believed in the capacity of the common man to rule or self-govern (Education Portal 1). Due to this, he supported lowering of voting qualifications of the elite in order to march those of the elite in society. It is therefore true that some leaders wanted a new system of government in order to address several issues related to governing. 2.Using citations from the Constitution, identify and explain the structure and function of the three Branches of government. Is this more in line with â€Å"Hamil tonian†or â€Å"Jeffersonian†political philosophy? The American Constitution is considered the oldest constitution in the world, and which exists in the contemporary world. Since its adoption and inception on September 17, 1787, it has guided and created governmental institutions within America as well as contributed to the political stability, economic freedom, social progress, and individual freedom in USA for over 200 years (Amar 70). It forms the main instrument of the U.S government as well as the supreme law within America. Its simplicity and flexibility has made it a model for other constitutions in the world. Constitution was established in the 18 century to guide 4 million people. However, after undergoing 27 amendments, the constitution currently serves over 260 million people in 50 different states within the U.S. Since the U.S Constitution forms the central instrument of the government, it provides direction on how the country is governed. It outlines the structure and functions of the three branches of the U.S Government; The Executive Branch; The Judicial
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Why is it very important that this world see Jesus as Lord Essay
Why is it very important that this world see Jesus as Lord - Essay Example The scriptures encourage the believers not only to build a personal relationship with Lord Jesus, but also to love him as Lord, with all of one’s heart. In that context, it is really poignant to delve on some scriptural references that prophesied Jesus to be Lord. (Isaiah 7:14) â€Å"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The Virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (God with us).†These are the words of prophet Isaiah. These words were written in the period 739-680 B.C. At this time God drove out of Judah, the Assyrian armies that had earlier taken Israel as captive. Here, prophet Isaiah intended to warn the people of Judah against the wrath of God and makes to them a promise that eventually God will comfort his people and will make them strong again. In that context, prophet Isaiah makes many prophesies about Jesus and the coming of the Lord and Savior. It specifically needs to be mentioned here that the word ‘ Immanuel’ used by prophet Isaiah to refer to Jesus means â€Å"God is with us†and hence prophet clearly prophesied that not only will Jesus come to Erath, but that Jesus is truly the Lord. Prophet Isaiah goes on to refer to the coming of Jesus as the Lord and savior of the people. (Isaiah 9:6) â€Å"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.†Here again prophet Isaiah goes on to prophesy that Jesus is the Lord and Savior. Prophesies about Jesus being Lord is continued on in the New Testament. The Gospels many a time mention Jesus as Lord and declare Jesus to be Lord. (John 1:1) â€Å"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.†These are the word from the Gospel of John, written by John, one of the disciples of Jesus. In this Gospel John writes about the period A.D. 26-30, when Jesus taught and performed miracles. The Gospel of John clearly shows to the people that Jesus is Lord. Believing the scriptural evidence that confirms Jesus as Lord, it is the duty of people to totally surrender to Jesus, as one surrenders before one’s Lord. Going by the fact that Jesus is Lord, it is the duty of the believers to live for Him. 2. There exist ample scriptural references that testify beyond doubt that Jesus was the Messiah. For instance, when around 627 B.C., when people of Judah mocked and hated prophet Jeremiah, he prophesied the mercy of God, and the restoration of the people of God, through the coming of Messiah by saying that: (Jeremiah 23:5-6) â€Å"The days are coming, declares the Lord when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The L ORD our Righteousness.†Yet history has stood witness to the fact that time and again people have failed to comprehend Jesus being the Messiah. Jesus himself predicted that He will be rejected by people as a Messiah. In Mark 12 Jesus clearly testifies to this fact. For one, Jesus was rejected by people of Israel because Jesus was quite contrary to what the expected the Messiah to be. They held that the Messiah will uproot the enemies of Israel and not crucified. Many of the people of Israel believed that to be hanged on a tree meant to be cursed by God. (Deuteronomy 21:23) â€Å"You must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Economic Environment of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Economic Environment of China - Essay Example This issue is one of the most sought after topics for the researchers because in the recent years a lot of flexibility has been allowed in the economic system of China. There are several sectors where the private players are being allowed to exist in the market. The stringent restrictions on the property rights of the country have also been relaxed. The paper also analyses the economic systems that the other developed and developing countries have adopted. The comparison of the economic systems provides an insight into the various pros and cons of the set ups that are existent across the world. The fundamental premise for the contention is that the economic structure and the systems of a particular economy are a major determinant of the growth and prosperity of the economy. The world has witnessed the set up of different kinds of economic systems over different eras. There are various countries that have adopted different theories and have tried to implement them into their economies . The economic set up that China, Russia or Poland have followed the socialist structure while that of the US or German Economy have adopted the capitalist set up. In this paper comparison of China has been done with the other countries that work on a different economic model. A variety of economic systems around the world can be observed. In the Capitalist economic system which is alternatively called the market economy, the forces of demand and supply are allowed to operate. The prices and quantities to be sold are determined in the free market and there is no restriction put by the government on the determination of the prices that are sold in the market. Thus the profit or surplus that is earned by the owners of the means of production remains on their hands and the employees or the workers are eligible for salaries or wages (Gardner 27). The economic structure of the United States is of the capitalist type because this ideology has been applied in the economic system of the Uni ted States. In an alternative system that is the Socialist structure of the economy, the entire ownership of the means of the production lies with the government of the country. In this kind of a socialist system the surplus that is derived out of the production of goods and services after the payment of the wages are equitably distributed among the people that constitute the residents of the entire nation. Even the disabled people who directly cannot contribute to the production get an equal share of the surplus as the wage earners are entitled to. The main proponents of the theory of socialism were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They believed in the theory of class struggle and the theory of surplus value. A third kind of economic system that has the quality of both the capitalist structure and the socialist structure is the mixed economy. In this kind of an economic structure, the public and the private sector institutions coexist (Conklin 37). The government of such mixed econo mies does not interfere into the activities of the private sector directly but they do have certain restrictions imposed on them in the form of legal and constitutional regulations. The economy of India is an example of mixed economy where there is the coexistence of the private and the government players in the markets. Literature review The
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Skill Plan - Management Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Skill Plan - Management Skills - Assignment Example Nonetheless, I have understanding that these goals are highly achievable, though not without required level of skills and competencies. Moreover, in order to facilitate achievement of these objectives there is need to develop a plan that can facilitate acquisition of complementary skills. Therefore, this paper will focus on discussing an outline of five-year skills development plan that can assist in fulfillment of my vision for my career or professional life. 2. Skills and Competencies Required to Fulfill this Vision Some of the skills and competencies that are required in order to fulfill this vision are determined through realization and identification of objectives involved Furthermore, I should focus on creasing self-awareness, which will serve as a pertinent element in good management and leadership in the future. In this case, I have to spend significant amount of time in acquiring experience in the field of business and fashion design. Most significant way of acquiring requir ed competence concern developing of substantial foundation of knowledge by understanding of basics from my degree program. Therefore, this competence will facilitate increase of ability to cope with rapidly changing business environment. Conversely, I will consider increased need for integration of business and advanced technology in order to increase efficiency in decision-making. Apparently, I find it necessary to have increased competence in application of technology in order to form a basis of developing competitive advantage in my future business. On the other hand, in order to achieve set objectives, there is need to develop significant understanding of required interpersonal skills (Johnson, 1999). In this case, interpersonal skills will assist in with dealing business associates and employees in order to facilitate successes. In fact, I have understanding that interpersonal skills that I will require as a manager include effective communication, listening, non-verbal skills (Eunson, 2008). Besides, these skills have a significant contribution to management of business in order to facilitate its success. I will also seek to develop other interpersonal skills that will enable formation and management of teams and groups that can facilitate effective implementation of business strategies (Honey, 2001). Moreover, some of the other relevant skills that will require for succeed include; time management, setting of objectives, decision-making, conflict management and effective negotiating (Thompson, 2001). For instance, after acquiring these interpersonal skills, I will have ability to resolve conflicts that would occur within the organization or with other business partners (Bolton, 1998). In addition, negotiation skills can also assist sealing significant deal with business associated that will improve performance of my business (Thompson, 2001). 3. Evaluation of Proficiency in these other skills and competences at the present time, and summary of progress made on your nominated skill this semester My interpersonal skills and individual’s awareness are the starting points required for management and leadership in a team. In order to realize the effort made towards achievement of set objectives, there is need for an evaluation of proficiency concerning the skills and competencies now, thereby giving summary of progress. Now, I have realized the significance of ensuring that I am up to date with relevant information regarding my field of study. I have been
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